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Peter CABUS (1923–2000) Concerto classico for guitar see SWERTS

John CARBON (b. 1951) Endangered Species see GIANNINI

Philippe CHAMOUARD (b. 1952) Symphonie 1, Symphonie Mystique Olsztyn State PO/Piotr Borkowski rec. 1995 ORPHEE PRODUCTION OP1102 [49:31]
Symphony 3, Les Figures de l'Invisible Anna Sikorszak-Olek (celtic harp) Lublin PO/Piotr Wijatkowski rec. 2000 ORPHEE PRODUCTION OA1104 [66:58]

Symphony 2, Halabja, Les Voiles du Silences Doris Lamprecht (mezzo) Régional O de Bayonne-Côte Basque/Robert Delcroix rec. 1995 SKARBO 3954 [64:19] [RB]

Fascinating music for devotees of the modern spiritual mystics ... see Full Review

Jacques CHARPENTIER (b. 1933) Etudes Karnatiques Anne Gaels (piano) rec. 1995 3D CLASSICS 3D8018-4 [4 CDs: 208:20] [RB]

A major work of the 20th century - something rich and strange ... see Full Review

Frédéric CHOPIN (1810-1849) Chopin for Piano Duo Anthony Goldstone and Caroline Clemmow (pianos) rec. 2008 DIVINE ART DDA25070 [72:19] [PPLL]

Just right ... see Full Review

Carl CZERNY (1791-1857) Symphony No. 2; Concerto for Four-Handed Piano and Orchestra Liu Xiao Ming and Horst Gobel (pianos); Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester Frankfurt/Nikos Athinaos rec. 1996 CHRISTOPHORUS CHE01402 [72:20][MC]

Czerny - a composer who can entertain and often delight ... see Full Review

Claude DEBUSSY (1862–1918) Pelléas et Mélisande Symphonie; Clair de lune; Nocturnes; Berceuse héroďque; Trois Études Orchestre National de Lyon/Jun Märkl rec. 2007-8 NAXOS 8.570993 [74:09][BBr] 

Should be heard by all lovers of this endlessly fascinating composer ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918) La Demoiselle élue see MASSENET

Petrus de Domarto (fl.1450-1450) Missa Spiritus almus see BUSNOIS

John DOWLAND (1563-1626) In Darkness Let Me Dwell: The Seven Shades of Melancholy Sirius Viols rec. 2007 Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 88697225022 [66:30][BW]

Well worth considering, but competition is strong ... see Full Review

Maurice DURUFLÉ (1902–1986) Requiem see BRUCKNER

Antonín DVOŘÁK (1841–1904) Symphony 9 Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Konzertstück for Four Horns and Orchestra David Guerrier; Antoine Dreyfuss; Emmanuel Padieu; Bernard Schirrer (horns) La Chambre Philharmonique/Emmanuel Krivine rec. 2008 NAĎVE V5132 [60:00] [CC]

A tremendous disc ... see Full Review

Antonín DVOŘÁK (1841-1904) Cello concerto Victor HERBERT (1859-1924) Cello concerto 2 Gautier Capuçon (cello) Frankfurt RSO/Paavo Järvi rec. 2008 VIRGIN CLASSICS 5190352 [61:04] [JW]

I don’t doubt the commitment, just the result ... see Full Review

Antonín DVOŘÁK (1841-1904) Biblical Songs, Gypsy Songs Piotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) Songs Yoram Chaiter (bass); Irena Zelikson (piano) rec. 2007 ROMEO RECORDS 7262 [62:22] [CH]

I can’t get up more than moderate enthusiasm for this. ... see Full Review

Antonín  DVOŘÁK (1841-1904) Piano Trio 2 see TCHAIKOVSKY

Antonín DVOŘÁK (1841-1904) Cypresses see JANAČÉK

Antonín DVOŘÁK (1841-1904) Piano Trio Dumky see SCHUBERT

Antonín DVOŘÁK (1841-1904) Piano Music Radoslav Kvapil – played on Dvořák’s own Bösendorfer 1879 piano, rec. 1998 ALTO ALC1044 [71:53][JW]

A burnished recital ... see Full Review

Rolande FALCINELLI (1920-2006) Azan for flute and organ (1977) [14:56]; Cor Jesu Sacratissimum (1958) [8:31]; Salve Regina (1968) [4:33]; Krishna-Gopala for flute (1985) [12 :15]; Cortčge Funčbre (1965) [4:25]; Initiation ŕ l’orgue (1969-70) [6:46]; Triptyque «Litanies, Rondel et Fugue» (1941) [15:31] Elise Battais (flute); Philippe Brandeis (organ) rec. 20-23 August 2007, Cathedral of Saint-Louis des Invalides, Paris and Church of Cergy-Villages, Val d’Oise. DDD HORTUS 059 [66:39] [CR]

Music - often with an Eastern flavour - influenced by Messiaen and Dupré ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Gabriel FAURÉ (1845–1924) L’Horizon Chimérique, Poęme d’un jour, Mirages Francis POULENC (1899–1963) Tel jour telle nuit, Chansons villageoises, La Fraicheur et le Feu Thomas Oliemans (baritone); Malcolm Martineau (piano) rec. 2008 ETCETERA KTC1366 [62:04] [GF]

The natural heir to Gerard Souzay ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH John FIELD (1782-1837) The Piano Concertos Miceal O'Rourke (piano) London Mozart Players/Matthias Bamert rec. 1994-96 CHANDOS CHAN10468(4)X [4 CDs: 249:13] [EM]

A glorious sense of joy … lively and exciting ... see Full Review

Friedrich GERNSHEIM (1839-1916) Piano Trios 1 & 2 Arensky Trio rec. 2006 ANTES EDITION BM-CD 31.9229 [64:15] [JW]

Engaging performances … imaginative trio writing ... see Full Review

George GERSHWIN (1898-1937) An American in Paris see BEETHOVEN

George GERSHWIN (1898-1937) Piano Concerto in F see BEETHOVEN

Vittorio GIANNINI (1903-1966) Piano Concerto; Symphony No.4 Gabriela Imreh (piano); Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra/Daniel Spalding rec. 2007 NAXOS 8.559352 [64:34][JW]

Deserves a real hearing ... see Full Review

Vittorio GIANNINI (1903-1966) Piano Concerto, Symphony 4 Gabriela Imreh (piano) Bournemouth SO/Daniel Spalding rec. 2007  NAXOS 8.559352 [64:34]
Dedication Overture, Fantasia, Praeludium and Allegro, Symphony 3, 8 Variations and Fugue University of Houston Wind Ensemble/Tom Bennett rec. 2004 NAXOS 8.570130 [59:43]

Psalm 130 John CARBON (b. 1951) Endangered Species William Thomas McKINLEY (b.1934) Passacaglia: Theme, Variations and Finale Richard Fredrickson (double-bass) Slovak Radio O/Kirk Trevor MMC RECORDINGS MMC2138 [46:55] [RB]

Major exciting new Giannini recordings from Naxos but don’t forget the MMC disc ... see Full Review

Alexander GLAZUNOV (1865-1936) The Seasons, Concert Waltzes, Stenka Razin, Carnaval (arr. Glazunov) Mikhail GLINKA (1804-1857) Overtures: Ruslan and Ludmilla, A Life for the Tsar, Kamarinskaya, Valse-Fantasie, Jota argonesa Anatoly LIADOV (1855-1914) Baba-Yaga, Kikimora, Chants Populairs Russes Suisse Romande O/Ernest Ansermet rec. 1954-66 DECCA ELOQUENCE 480 0038 [79:31 + 76:52] [BW]

Seasons still competitive, attractively coupled and keenly priced ... see Full Review

Mikhail GLINKA (1804-1857) Overtures: Ruslan and Ludmilla, A Life for the Tsar, Kamarinskaya, Valse-Fantasie, Jota argonesa see GLAZUNOV

Heiner GOEBBELS (b. 1952) Landscape With Distant Relatives David Bennent (voice); Georg Nigl (baritone) Ensemble Modern and Deutscher Kammerchor/Franck Ollu rec. live, 2004 ECM NEW SERIES 1811 (476 5838) [79:57] [AW]

An experience not to be missed ... see Full Review

Henryk Mikolaj GÓRECKI (b.1933) Life Journey Chamber Domaine/Thomas Kemp rec. 2008 LANDOR RECORDS LAN287 [70:02][DC]

Introduces us to Górecki’s powerfully serious early development ... see Full Review

Sir Eugene GOOSSENS (1893-1962) Phantasy Concerto for piano and orchestra Op. 60 (1942) [25:24] Symphony No. 1 Op.58 (1938-1940) [39:05] Howard Shelley (piano) Melbourne Symphony Orchestra/Richard Hickox rec. Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. 21-24 April 2008. DDD Orchestral Works Vol. 1 CHANDOS CHSA 5068 [64:40] [JF][RB]

Beautiful, occasionally humorous, often disturbing ... see Full Review

Percy GRAINGER (1882-1961) Lincolnshire Posy - Music for Band The Arts District Chorale Dallas Wind Symphony/Jerry Junkin rec. 2008  REFERENCE RECORDINGS RR-117 [73:43] [JW]

Gusto, delicacy of spirit and rip-roaring vitality. ... see Full Review

Enrique GRANADOS (1867-1916) Goyescas Ana-Maria Vera (piano) rec. 2006 SIGNUM SIGCD146 [54.00][MM-B]

Possibly one of the best and most pleasing of interpretations ... see Full Review

Jake HEGGIE (b. 1961) Three Decembers Frederica von Stade (mezzo); Instrumental Ensemble drawn from Houston Grand Opera Orchestra/Patrick Summers rec. 2008 ALBANY TROY1073/74 [38.55 + 49.12][RH]

Tuneful and accessible but would have benefited from a little more grit ... see Full Review

Piers HELLAWELL (b. 1956) Dogs and Wolves Various artists rec. 2005-7 METRONOME METCD1076 [64:28][HC]

Splendid … does this very distinguished composer’s music full justice ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH George Frideric HANDEL (1685-1759) Twelve Concerti grossi, Op. 6 Il Giardino Armonico/Giovanni Antonini rec. 2008 L’OISEAU LYRE 4780319 [3 CDs: 64:00 + 59:29 + 45:00][MG]

Handel outside the comfort zone. Tremendously stimulating … see Full Review

Soprano Cantatas George Frideric HANDEL (1685–1759) Silete Venti Johann Adolf HASSE (1699–1783) La Gelosia Johann Sebastian BACH (1685–1750) Non sa che sia dolore Emma Kirkby, Sophie Boulin, Isabelle Poulenard (sopranos) Cappella Coloniensis/Hans-Martin Linde, Ferdinand Leitner rec. 1985/7 PHOENIX EDITION 171 [65.52] [RH]

A delightful programme ... see Full Review

George Frideric HANDEL (1685–1759) Acis und Galatea (arr. Mendelssohn) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, NDR Ch, FestpielO Göttingen/Nicholas McGegan rec. 2008 CARUS 83.420 [72.48] [RH]

A convincing and charming case for Mendelssohn’s delightful reworking ... see Full Review

Johann Adolf HASSE (1699-1783) Cleofide Emma Kirkby, Agnes Mellon, Derek Lee Ragin, Rheinische Kantorei Capella Coloniensis/William Christie rec. 1986 PHOENIX EDITION 178 [77.36] [RH]

An attractive and finely sung disc ... see Full Review

Johann Adolf HASSE (1699–1783) La Gelosia see HANDEL

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809) The Complete Symphonies - MP3 Edition Austro-Hungarian Haydn Orchestra/Adam Fischer rec.1989-2001 NIMBUS NI 1722 [8 CDs: approx. 37:00:00] DC

A very worthwhile experiment and a truly excellent set: meet Mr. Haydn! ... see Full Review

Franz Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809) The Complete Concertos Cologne Chamber Orchestra/Helmut Müller-Brühl rec. 2000-7 NAXOS 8.506019 [6 CDs: 438:48] [JS] 

Once you have finished each disc you want to repeat the experience ... see Full Review

Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809) The London Symphonies Symphonies 93-104 O Della Svizzera Italiana/Howard Shelley rec. 2007/8 HYPERION CDS44371-4 [4 CDs: 307:40] [TH]

Stylish, fluent and polished … Hyperion deserve to do well with this ... see Full Review

Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809) Piano Trios Vol. 1 Florestan Trio rec. 2008 HYPERION CDA67719 [64:28] [TH]

Recorded sound is superb … self-recommending ... see Full Review

Victor HERBERT (1859-1924) Cello concerto 2 see DVOŘÁK

Paul HINDEMITH (1895-1963) Symphony Mathis der Maler, Symphonia Serena, Concert Music for Strings and Brass, Der Schwanendreher, Symphonic Metamorphoses on Themes by Carl Maria von Weber, Nobilissima Visione Berlin PO/Herbert von Karajan, Philharmonia O/Paul Hindemith, Philadelphia O/Eugene Ormandy, Tabea Zimmermann (viola) Bavarian RSO/David Shallon, Philadelphia O/Wolfgang Sawallisch rec. 1956-1994 EMI CLASSICS 2068632 [78:23 + 70:37] [SV]

In part a good mid-price acquisition ... see Full Review

Johann /Giovanni (H.A.) HOFFMAN (1770-1842) Divertimento a Mandolino, Violono e BassoGiovanni Francesco GIULIANI (1760-1818) Quartetto per Mandolino, Violino e Cello o Viola e Liuto Ensemble Baschenis rec. 2007 CONCERTO CD 2036 [66:41] [GPu]

Chamber music which rinses the senses into freshness, beautifully played and recorded … see Full Review

Charles IVES (1874-1954) Songs Vol. 1 & 2 rec. 2005 NAXOS 8.559269 & 8.559270 [74:52 & 67:37] [GH]

The first two volumes of a growing series ...see Full Review

Charles IVES (1874–1954) Songs - Vol. 6 Various artists rec. 2005 NAXOS 8.559274 [65:48][BBr] 

An interesting collection of much less well known Ives songs ... see Full Review

Charles IVES (1874–1954) The Light That is Felt: Songs of Charles Ives Susan Narucki (soprano); Donald Berman (piano) rec. 2008 NEW WORLD RECORDS 806802 [57:02][BBr] 

A satisfying addition to any collection ... see Full Review

Leoš JANAČÉK (1854-1928) String Quartets Nos. 1 & 2 Antonín DVOŘÁK (1841-1904) Cypresses Leipziger Streichquartett rec. 2007 MUSIKPRODUKTION DABRINGHAUS UND GRIMM MDG30714722 [81:05][ST] 

Marvellous playing, fantastic sound, full value for money ... see Full Review

Leoš JANÁČEK (1854-1938) Sur un sentier recouvert, Sonate 1.X., Dans les brumes Hélčne Couvert (piano) rec. 2006 ZIG-ZAG TERRITOIRES ZZT080902 [68:25] [DC]

Beautiful, but lacking in emotional edge ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Kara KARAYEV (1918-1982) Symphony No. 3; Leyla and Mejnun; Don Quixote (Symphonic Engravings) Russian Philharmonic Orchestra/Dmitri Yablonsky. rec. 2008 NAXOS 8.570720 [58:10][CC]

A disc that gives hope in this recession-torn world ... see Full Review

Mieczyslav KARŁOWICZ (1876-1909) Symphonic Poems Silesian Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra/Jerzy Salwarowski rec. 1981-3 DUX 0132/0133 [61:57 + 68:29][WK] 

First-ever complete Karłowicz tone poems, fine idiomatic performances and improved sound ... see Full Review

Anatoly LIADOV (1855-1914) Baba-Yaga, Kikimora, Chants Populairs Russes see GLAZUNOV

Franz LISZT (1811-1886) An Evening with Franz Liszt Miserere du Trovatore, Réminiscences de Boccanegra, Ave Maria, Hungarian Rhapsody 12, Piano Sonata Gábor Farkas (piano) rec. 2008 WARNER CLASSICS 2564 692847 [65:42] [MC]

Farkas earns his colours with performances of considerable stature ... see Full Review

Pietro Antonio LOCATELLI (1695-1764) Concerti grossi op. 1, Vol. 1 La Follia Barocca rec. 2006 VELUT LUNA RECORDS CVLD169 [59:34][JV]

Thoroughly enjoyable, outstanding performances, quality and sheer beauty ... see Full Review

Jozef van LOOY (1927–2001) Guitar Concerto see SWERTS


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