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Tuesday February 27th


Hoffnung Music Festivals 1956,58,61
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Ronald Finch (1920-1992): A biographical outline by Averil Davies

The Mahler Symphonies An update to the synoptic survey by Tony Duggan Symphony No 1

An Inexplicable Inspiration? by Arthur Butterworth

Martinů in Paris: A Synthesis of Musical Styles and Symbols By Erik Anthony Entwistle (200 pages)

MusicWeb Reviewer’s Log: February 2006 Reviewer: Patrick C Waller

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Birgit Nilsson: (1918-2005)

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Domenico SCARLATTI (1685-1757) The Complete Keyboard Sonatas (Kk Nos 1-555) Scott Ross (harpsichord) Recorded at various locations in France, 1984-1985 DDD WARNER CLASSICS 2564 62092-2 [34 CDs - approx. 34 hours, 36 minutes] [PCW] Review updated 23rd February 2006

This set is a pinnacle in the history of recorded music … see Ongoing Review





RECORDING OF THE MONTH Malcolm ARNOLD (b. 1921) The Return of Odysseus op. 119 (1976) [28:20] Darius MILHAUD (1892-1974) Suite Française (1944) [15:57] Ralph VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (1872-1958) Toward the Unknown Region (1907) [13:17] Anne Taylor (sop) (Arnold) The City of Glasgow Chorus The Orchestra of Scottish Opera/Graham Taylor rec. Scottish Opera Centre, Glasgow, 21-22 October 2005. DDD DIVINE ART 25035 [57:54] [RB]

An essential purchase for Arnoldists and Milhaud fans ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Anton BRUCKNER (1824–1896) Symphony No. 9 in D minor Franz SCHUBERT (1797–1828) Symphony No. 8 in B minor Unfinished NDR Sinfonieorchester/Günter Wand rec. live, Musik-und-Kongressehalle, Lübeck, 8 July 2001 DVD. DTS Stereo. LPCM Stereo TDK DV-COWAND4 [100:00] [JPh]

A superb DVD ... a wonderful reminder of conductor’s art and a fine performance in its own right. ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Francisco GUERRERO (1528-1599) Missa Surge propera [31:12] Usquequo, Domine [5:24] Ave Maria [4:15] Hei mihi, Domine [4:21] Surge propera [7:21] Beata Dei genitrix [6:22] Ave virgo sanctissima [3:57] Regina caeli laetare [4:25] The Tallis Scholars/Peter Phillips rec. September 2004, Temple Church, London. DDD GIMELL CDGIM 040 [66:57][ABi]

A substantial and welcome contribution to the Guerrero discography – a fantastic marriage of choir and repertoire. ... see Full Review

 RECORDING OF THE MONTH Gustav MAHLER (1860-1911) Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen('Songs of a Wayfaring Lad')  Symphony No. 1 in D Major, 'Titan'  Christopher Maltman (baritone)  Philharmonia Orchestra/Benjamin Zander  including discussion disc  rec. Studio One, EMI Abbey Road (Songs), 11 July 2004; Watford Coliseum (Sym) 12-14 July 2004.  Symphony playable in DSD Surround and DSD Stereo on an SACD player. TELARC 2SACD-80628 [68.32 + 79.06] [JPr]

Mahler would have expected it to sound quite awful' - so why was it played so well on the recording?...see Full Review


RECORDING OF THE MONTH Gustav MAHLER (1860-1911) Symphony No 4 (arranged by Erwin Stein) Christiane Oelze (soprano) Thomas Christian Ensemble rec. Schloß Esterhazy, Eisenstadt, Austria, 28-30 May 2004. DDD MUSIKPRODUKTION DABRINGHAUS UND GRIMM MDG 603 1320-2 [55’23] [AO]

The one version that comes closest to capturing the logic of the transcription and the gloriousness of the original symphony. Real understanding, conviction and panache. … see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Otto OLSSON (1879–1964) Requiem Op. 13 (1901–1903) Sylvia Lindenstrand (soprano); Inger Blom (alto); Björn Haugan (tenor); Olle Sköld (bass) Gustaf Vasa Oratorio Choir Royal Opera Orchestra/Anders Ohlson rec. 16 May 1993, Gustaf Vasa Church, Stockholm PROPRIUS PRSACD 9086 [67:44][GF]

Music of a young man with a positive view of life ... mirrored by the lightness and melodious quality of much of this Requiem. ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Sergey PROKOFIEV (1891–1953) The Love for Three Oranges, Opera in four acts and a prologue (1921)
Libretto by the composer, for Vsevolod Meyerhold’s adaptation of L’amore delle tre melarance by Carlo Gozzi. English version by Tom Stoppard. see review for cast Opera Australia Chorus, Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra/Richard Hickox A production by Opera Australia recorded live at the Sydney Opera House in February 2005 CHANDOS CHAN 10347 (2) [49:34 + 49:52] [GF]

Two of the most amusing hours I have had for a very long time – and I am not leading a particularly dull life. Great entertainment presented with the highest possible production values. ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Johann STRAUSS I (1804-1849) Strauss Edition, Vol. 7: Mittel gegen den Schlaf, Walzer op.65 (1833) [06:52] Jugendfeuer-Galopp (1836) [02:31] Emlék Pestre (Erinnerung an Pesth) Walzer op.66 (1834) [07:26] Cachucha-Galopp op.97 (1837) [02:07] Gabrielen-Walzer op.68 (1834) [07:36] Boulogner-Galopp, op.104 (1839) [01:58] Pfennig-Walzer op.70 (1834) [06:52] Der Carneval in Paris, Galopp op.100 (1838) [02:39] Iris-Walzer op.75 (1834) [06:25] Original-Parade-Marsch op.73 (1832) [01:56] Erinnerungen an Berlin, Walzer op.78 (1834) [07:59] Slovak Sinfonietta Žilina/Ernst Märzendorfer rec. 1-6 May 2004, Fatra Concert Hall, Žilina, Slovakia MARCO POLO 8.225283 [54:22][CH]

The series reaches a new level of excellence. ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Richard Wetz (1875-1935) Requiem Op. 50 in B minor (c. 1920) [60:06] (Requiem and Kyrie [12:04]; Dies Irae [13:31]; Domine Jesu [8:15]; Sanctus and Benedictus [13:14]; Agnus Die [13:02]) Marietta Zumbült (sop); Mario Hoff (bar) Dombergchor Erfurt/Silvius von Kessel Philharmonischer Chor Weimar/Andreas Korn Thüringisches Kammerorchester Weimar/George Alexander Albrecht rec. live, St. Severi, Erfurt, 27 September 2003. DDD CPO 777 152-2 [60:06] [JF]

One of the great unsung requiems in the liturgical literature. ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Birgit Nilsson - Swedish Radio Concerts Giacomo PUCCINI (1858 – 1924) Tosca: Vissi d’arte; Turandot: In questa reggia; Carl Maria von WEBER (1786 – 1826) Oberon: Ozean, du Ungeheuer; Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770 – 1827) Fidelio: Abscheulicher, wo eilst du hin; Giuseppe VERDI (1813 – 1901) Aida: O patria mia; La forza del destino: Pace, pace, mio Dio; Richard WAGNER (1813 – 1883) Tannhäuser: Dich, teure Halle, grüss’ ich wieder; Rolf LIEBERMANN (1910 – 1999) Penelope: Penelope’s aria; Franz BERWALD (1796 – 1868) Estrella de Soria: Estrella’s aria Birgit Nilsson (soprano), Swedish Radio Orchestra/Nils Grevillius (1, 4, 6), Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra/Nils Grevillius (2, 3, 5, 7), Royal Orchestra, Stockholm/Sixten Ehrling (8), Stockholm Radio Orchestra/Sten Frykberg (9) rec. Circus, Stockholm, January 15, 1961 (1, 4, 6), Concert Hall, Stockholm, August 18-19, 1961 (2, 3, 5), March 5, 1959 (7), Royal Academy of Music, Stockholm, April 18, 1955 (8), April 13, 1947 (9) BLUEBELL ABCD 055 [65:28][GF]

There are not many discs around with soprano singing that challenges this and none that surpasses it! ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH The Ramallah Concert - West Eastern Divan Orchestra - Daniel Barenboim DVD 1: Knowledge is the beginning - a film produced and directed by Paul Smaczny [94:00] DVD 2: The Ramallah Concert - West-Eastern Divan Orchestra/Daniel Barenboim [112:00] Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Sinfonia Concertante in E flat major for Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon and Horn, KAnh.9 (297b) Mohamed Saleh (oboe); Kinan Azmeh (clarinet); Mor Biron (bassoon); Sharon Polyak (horn) Speeches by Nabeel Hath and Mustafa Barghouti. Ludwig Van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Symphony No. 5 in C minor Op. 67 Speeches by Miriam Said and Daniel Barenboim. Encore Edward ELGAR (1857-1934) Nimrod from Enigma Variations Op. 36 West Eastern Divan Orchestra - Daniel Barenboim Recorded "live" at the Cultural Palace, Ramallah, 21 August 2005 and includes an 18 minute documentary directed by Ayellet Hallerr. Concert produced by Paul Smaczny Concert Director: Michael Beyer Documentary Director: Ayellet Heller Principal Photography: Nyika Jansco Picture format: NTSC/Colour/16.9 Sound formats: PCM Stereo. DTS 5.1 surround. DOLBY digital 5.1 Region 2-5 encoding. PAL Menu language English, German, French, Spanish and Arabic (for Knowledge Is The Beginning) WARNER VISION DVD VIDEO 2564 62792-2 [94:00 + 112:00] [DD]

Quite simply the best music DVD I’ve ever seen; it’s so much more than just music. ... see Full Review







BARGAIN OF THE MONTH William ALWYN (1905-1985) Symphony No. 4 (1959) [32:13] Sinfonietta for Strings (1970) [22:51] Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra/David Lloyd-Jones rec. Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool, 2-4 Aug 2004, 4 Jan 2005. DDD NAXOS 8.557649 [55:04] [RB]

Spirited and well-recorded performances that will win new friends for Alwyn. ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Dietrich BUXTEHUDE (c.1637-1707) Seven Trio Sonatas, Op. 2: Sonata No.1 in B flat major, BuxWV 259 [8:33] Sonata No.2 in D major, BuxWV 260 [9:06] Sonata No.3 in G minor, BuxWV 261 [10:54] Sonata No.4 in C minor, BuxWV 262 [8:32] Sonata No.5 in A major, BuxWV 263 [9:15] Sonata No.6 in F major, BuxWX 265 [8:15] John Holloway (violin), Jaap ter Linden (viola da gamba), Lars Ulrik Mortensen (harpsichord) rec. 9-10 February, 20-21 September 1994, Kastelskirken, Copenhagen. NAXOS 8.557249 [63:13][GPu]

Surely some of the greatest chamber music of the baroque period, very well performed. A remarkable bargain ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Edward ELGAR (1857-1934) Cockaigne (In London Town) – Concert Overture, Op. 40 (1900-01)* Rec. 11 April 1933, EMI Abbey Road Studio No. 1, London Variations on an Original Theme (‘Enigma’), Op. 36 (1898-99)** Rec. 28 April, 30 August 1926, Queen’s Hall, London Pomp and Circumstance Marches Op. 39 No. 1 in D major (1901)** Rec. 27 April 1926, Queen’s Hall, London No. 2 in A minor (1901)** Rec. 27 April 1926, Queen’s Hall, London No. 3 in C minor (1904)*** Rec. 15 July 1927, Queen’s Hall, London No. 4 in G major (1907)*** Rec. 15 July 1927, Queen’s Hall, London No. 5 in C major (1930) *** Rec. 18 September 1930, Kingsway Hall, London Side 3 of the Cockaigne Overture in "Accidental Stereo" Rec. 11 April 1933, EMI Abbey Road Studio No. 1, London Royal Albert Hall Orchestra ** London Symphony Orchestra *** BBC Symphony Orchestra * Edward Elgar (conductor) NAXOS 8.111022 [67:35] [DC]

There can be no doubting the historical value of this Naxos CD ... priceless! ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Emil Gilels Edition
Fryderyk CHOPIN (1810-1849)
Nocturne in C minor Op. 48 No. 1,
Piano Sonata No. 2 in B flat minor Op. 35 , Polonaise in A flat major Op. 53 "Heroic", Impromptu No. 2 in F sharp major Op. 36, Piano Sonata No. 3 in B minor Op. 58 Franz LISZT (1811-1886) Piano Sonata in B minor , Hungarian Rhapsody No. 15 "Rákoczy March",Piano Sonata in B minor ,Hungarian Rhapsody No. 9 "Peszter Carnaval" , Valse oubliée No. 1,Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Piano Sonata No. 1 in F sharp minor Op. 11 , Arabesque in C major Op. 18 ,Piano Sonata No. 2 in G minor Op. 22 (with original finale) , Carnaval, Op. 9 Sergei PROKOFIEV (1891-1953) Piano Sonata No. 2 in D minor Op. 14, Piano Sonata No. 3 in A minor Op. 28, Piano Sonata No. 8 in B flat major Op. 84,Visions fugitives (selection) Op.22 , Toccata Op. 11, March from "Love for Three Oranges" Alexander SCRIABIN (1872-1916) Piano Sonata No. 3 in F sharp minor Op. 23, Piano Sonata No. 4 in F sharp minor Op. 30,Préludes Op. 74 Nicolai MEDTNER (1880-1951) Sonata in G minor Op. 22 Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918) Suite Pour le Piano, Images, book I Maurice RAVEL (1875-1937) Prélude, Forlane, Toccata, from Le Tombeau de Couperin, Pavane pour une infante défunte ,Jeux d'eau Pyotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) 6 Morceaux, Op. 19 Alexander GLAZUNOV (1865-1936) Piano Sonata No. 2 in E minor Op. 75 Sergei RACHMANINOFF (1873-1943) Daisies Op. 38 No. 3, Vocalise Op. 34 No. 14. Prelude in C sharp minor Op. 3 No. 2, Prelude in B flat major Op. 23 No. 2, Prelude in G flat major Op. 23 No. 10, Prelude in B major Op. 32 No. 11, Prelude in G minor Op. 23 No. 5, Etude-tableau in E flat minor Op. 39 No. 5, Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Four Ballades Op. 10 , Fantasien Op. 116 Carl Maria von WEBER (1786-1826) Piano Sonata in A flat major Op. 39 Sergei RACHMANINOV (1873-1943) Piano Concerto No. 3 in D minor Op. 30 Pyotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor Op. 23 Franz LISZT (1811-1886) Piano Concerto No. 1 in E flat major Fryderyk CHOPIN (1810-1849) Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor Op. 11, Andante Spianato et grande polonaise Brillante in E flat major Op. 22 Emil Gilels (piano) USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Kyrill Kondrashin, Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Kyrill Kondrashin Recording: 1-1949 (1), 10-1962 (2-4), 6-1952 (5/6) BRILLIANT CLASSICS 92615 [10 CDs: 68.50 + 73.57 + 78.38 + 70.21 + 50.54 + 66.08 + 78.37 + 72.18 + 71.27 + 72.12] [JW]

Only the most sanguine of Gilels admirers can afford to be without it. The sound can be problematic, the provenance not yet fully established but the performances are, for the most part, magnificent. ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Christoph Willibald GLUCK (1714-1787) Opera Arias: Armide: Le perfide Renaud me fuit [07:55]; Iphigénie en Aulide: Vous essayez en vain – Par la crainte [03:39]; Iphigénie en Tauride: Non, cet affreux devoir [04:25]; Iphigénie en Aulide: Adieu, conservez dans votre âme [03:28]; Alceste: Divinités du Styx [05:20]; La Rencontre Imprévue: Bel inconnu [01:59]; Je cherche à vous faire [02:51]; Paride ed Elena: Spiagge amate [02:00]; Oh, del mio dolce ardor [03:12]; Le belle immagini [03:36]; Di te scordarmi [04:46]; Orfeo ed Euridice: Che puro ciel [05:39]; Che farò senza Euridice [03:46] Dame Janet Baker (mezzo) English Chamber Orchestra/Raymond Leppard. rec. April 1975, London PHILIPS ELOQUENCE 476 2617 [52:36] [CH]

In general a thrillingly sung recital of music which, apart the two famous arias, is not particularly well-known. ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Bo LINDE (1933-1970) Violin Concerto Op. 18 (1958) [26:15] Cello Concerto Op. 29 (1965) [30:03] Karen Gomyo (violin) Maria Kliegel (cello) Gävle Symphony Orchestra/Petter Sundkvist rec. 5-7 March 2003; 26-28 April 2004, Gevaliasalen, Gävle, Sweden first issued on Swedish Society Discofil, 2005 NAXOS 8.557855 [56:18] [RB]

Two romantic-dramatic concertos full of explosive action and searing sunny lyricism. I don’t buy the suggestion that Linde is a neo-classicist. Not to be missed ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Mstislav Rostropovich Edition Sergei PROKOFIEV (1891-1953) Symphony-Concerto for Cello and Orchestra in E minor Op. 125: Andante [10:00]; Allegro giusto [16:16]; Andante con moto [9:50] Nicolai MIASKOVSKY (1882-1950) Cello Concerto in C minor Op. 66: Lento ma non troppo [10:02]; Allegro vivace [17:13] Mstislav Rostropovich, cello; Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Kyrill Kondrashin; Recording: 27-12-1972 Antonín DVOŘÁK (1841-1904) Cello Concerto in B minor Op. 104: Allegro [14:48]; Adagio ma non troppo [11:45]; Allegro moderato [12:39] Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Cello Concerto in A minor Op. 129: Nicht zu schnell [10:43]; Langsam [3:33]; Sehr lebhaft [8:27] Mstislav Rostropovich, cello; USSR State Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra, Boris Khaikin (Dvořák); USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Gennady Rozhdestvensky (Schumann); Recording: 23-6-1957 (Dvorak); 30-11-1960 (Schumann) Camille SAINT-SAËNS (1835-1921) Cello Concerto in A minor Op. 33: Allegro non troppo [6:00]; Allegretto con moto [3:50]; Molto allegro [7:59] Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809) Cello Concerto No. 1 in C major: Moderato [7:10]; Adagio [7:09]; Allegro molto [6:12] Cello Concerto No. 2 in D major: Allegro moderato [13:32]; Adagio [4:40]; Allegro [4:25] Mstislav Rostropovich, cello; USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Victor Dubrovsky (Saint-Saens); Moscow Chamber Orchestra, Rudolf Barshai (Haydn); Recording: 14-2-1964 (Saint-Saens), 15-9-1963 (Haydn) Pyotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) Variations on a Rococo Theme Op. 33 [17:36]; Pezzo Capriccioso in B minor Op. 62 [6:56] Alexander GLAZUNOV (1865-1936) Minstrel Song for Cello and Orchestra Op. 71 [4:31]; Melody [7:38] Aram KHACHATURIAN (1903-1978) Concerto Rhapsody for Cello and Orchestra – cello and piano reduction [22:03] Mstislav Rostropovich, cello; Unnamed pianist; USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Gennady Rozhdestvensky (Tchaikovsky); National Symphony Orchestra of the USSR, Nianonov (Glazunov); [Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Yevgeny Svetlanov (Khatchaturian) – claimed in documentation but actually a cello and piano reduction with unnamed pianist]; Recording: 30-11-1960 (1), 13-5-1964 (2), 22-9-1949 (3,4), 17-10-1965 (5) Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH (1906-1975) Cello Concerto No. 1 Op. 107: Allegretto [5:55]; Moderato [10:20]; Cadenza [4:57]; Allegro con moto [4:29] Boris TISHCHENKO (b.1939) Concerto for cello and 17 wind instruments and percussion [22:49] Victor VLASOV Cello Concerto: Movement 1 [11:00]; Movement 2 [3:05]; Movement 3 [9:46] Mstislav Rostropovich, cello; USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Gennady Rozhdestvensky (Shostakovich); Symphony Orchestra, Yevgeny Svetlanov (Tishchenko); USSR State Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra, Gennady Rozhdestvensky (Vlasov); Recording: 10-2-1961 (Shostakovich), 28-11-1968 (Tishchenko), 13-5-1964 (Vlasov) Sergei PROKOFIEV (1891-1953) Cello Sonata in C major Op. 119: Andante grave [10:08]; Moderato [4:06]; Allegro ma non troppo [7:02] Aram KHACHATURIAN (1903-1978) Cello Sonata: Movement 1 [7:28]; Movement 2 [10:24] Igor STRAVINSKY (1882-1971) Russian Song [4:04] Eduard MIRZOYAN Cello Sonata [17:54] Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH Humoresque Op. 5 [2:08] Mstislav Rostropovich, cello; Alexander Dedukhin, piano (1-3, 6-8); Aram Khatchaturian, piano (4-5); Recording: 10-1-1967 (1-3,4); 11-11-1968 (6-8) Sergei PROKOFIEV (1891-1953) Concertino for Cello and Orchestra in G minor Op. 132: Andante mosso [7:28]; Andante [5:43]; Allegretto [4:10] Mieczslaw VAINBERG (1919-1996) Cello Concerto in D minor Op. 43; Movement 1 [12:45]; Movement 2 [16:54] Lev KNIPPER (1898-1974) Concerto-Monologue [15:56] Mstislav Rostropovich, cello; USSR State Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra, Gennady Rozhdestvensky (Prokofiev); USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Gennady Rozhdestvensky (Vainberg, Knipper); Recording: 13-5-1964 (Prokofiev), 25-2-1964 (Vainberg, Knipper) Edouard LALO (1823-1892) Cello Concerto in D minor: Prélude (Lento-allegro maestoso) [12:27]; Intermezzo [5:40]; Andante-allegro Vivace [6:25] Arthur HONEGGER (1892-1955) Cello Concerto: Andante-allegro [3:37]; Lento [6:31]; Allegro marcato [5:17] Henri SAUGUET (1901-1989) Melodie Concertante [Cello Concerto in D major] [22:15] Mstislav Rostropovich, cello; USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Victor Dubrovsky; Recording: 14-2-1964 Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Cello Sonata in C major Op. 102 No. 1: Andante-allegro Vivace [7:41]; Adagio-allegro vivace (track 2 and 3) [6:56] Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Cello Sonata No 1 in E minor Op.38: Allegro non troppo [11:44]; Allegretto quasi minuetto [5:27]; Allegro [5:24] Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Fünf Stücke im Volkston Op. 102: Mit Humor [3:07]; Langsam [3:07]; Nicht schnell, mit viel Ton zu spielen [1:10]; Nicht zu rasch [3:44]; Stark und markiert [2:19] Gabriel FAURÉ (1845-1924) Apres un rêve [3:18] Igor STRAVINSKY (1882-1971) Two Movements from The Firebird [3:09] Manuel de FALLA (1876-1946) Ritual Fire Dance [3:04] D. MELE Brazilian Dance – Tijuka [2:35] Mstislav Rostropovich, cello; Alexander Dedukhin, piano; Recording: 7-11-1961 (1-3), 11-12-1960 (4-6), 15-12-1960 (7-15) Benjamin BRITTEN (1913-1976) Suite for cello solo No. 2 Op. 80: Declamatio (largo) [3:26]; Fuga (andante) [3:57]; Scherzo (allegro molto) [1:42]; Andante lento [4:37]; Ciaconna [6:07] Frank BRIDGE (1879-1941) Cello Sonata H 125: Allegro ben moderato [8:59]; Adagio ma non troppo [4:52]; Molto allegro agitato [7:22] George Frideric HANDEL (1685-1759) Aria [3:44] Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Suite for Cello solo No. 5 in C minor BWV 1011: Prelude [6:59]; Allemande [3:11]; Courante [1:32]; Sarabande [3:55]; Gavotte, attacca: Gigue [4:58] Mstislav Rostropovich, cello; Alexander Dedukhin, piano; Recording: 11-11-1968 (1-9), 15-12-1960 (10-14) under exclusive licence from Gostelradiofund, Russian Federation BRILLIANT CLASSICS 92771 [10 CDs: 63.41 + 62.14 + 61.06 + 58.59 + 72.41 + 63.28 + 63.15 + 62.23 + 63.24 + 66.00][JW]

Concerns over provenance swept away by the riches to be found in these ten excellently filled discs ... see Full Review




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