CD: Crotchet
Igor STRAVINSKY (1882-1971)
The Rite of Spring (1913, rev.1947) [34:54]
Petrushka (1911, rev.1947) [35:05]
The Firebird (1910) [47:25]
Apollo (rev.1947) [30:07]
City of Birmingham
Symphony Orchestra/Simon Rattle
rec. 19-21 December 1987 (Rite), 3-4 October 1986 (Petrushka), 16-17 October
1987 (Firebird), 30 April-1 May 1988 (Apollo), Arts Centre, University of Warwick,
EMI CLASSICS 9677112 [70:12 + 77:46] 
To have Sir Simon Rattle’s versions of the four major
Stravinsky ballets at budget price is almost a self-recommending
until recently, his highly-rated CD of Apollo and The
Rite of Spring was still on offer at full price and, thus,
more expensive than the whole of this 2-CD set, one of twenty
such sets of ballet music recently reissued by EMI Classics.
Actually, though, this is not a unique bargain. This is as a
result of the irritating habit which EMI and others have of reshuffling
and repeating reissues. As recently as the summer of 2008 they
issued the selfsame coupling of these four ballets as part of
their 20th-Century Classics line 2 06876 2, recommended
here on MusicWeb International by Simon Thompson, who thought
it ‘the best way I can think of to survey Stravinsky’s
remarkable achievements in the world of ballet, with top-class
playing and impeccable recorded sound’ (see review).
I may part company with ST on some details, but I can confidently
echo that recommendation. The matrix numbers indicate that the
discs have been re-cut for the latest reissue, but otherwise
honours must perforce remain even with the earlier reissue, which
seems to remain available.
If you’re looking for just The Firebird and Petrushka,
there is yet another budget-price permutation on the Gemini label,
where the couplings are two versions of Scherzo à la
Russe, Four Studies and the Symphony in Three Movements (5
85538 2). Michael Cookson recommended this set, though with the
reservation that ‘for each of the major three works there
are preferred alternatives available in the catalogues all of
which have that additional touch of rhythmic drive so essential
in Stravinsky’ (see review).
Both of these remain available, for around the same very reasonable
price as the newcomer. To complicate matters still further, there
is also a 4-CD set containing the four ballets and other works
and costing slightly more than twice as much as any of the 2-CD
sets (Simon Rattle Edition - Stravinsky, 2 42754 2).
My personal preferences remain with the composer himself and
the Columbia Symphony Orchestra in The Rite of Spring.
This is mercifully shorn of his halting English account of the
work’s composition and première with which it originally
came coupled on Philips and later on CBS. It’s now generously
combined with an almost equally authoritative performance of The
Firebird (Sony Theta SMK89875 at lower-mid-price) or with Petrushka on
a CBS download from Amazon.
The recording may be 50 years old, but it still sounds well -
there’s no need for Sony to be coy about the date, or even
to imply a later date than is the case by omitting those magic
letters ADD and stating ‘original sound recording made
by Sony Music Entertainments’. It was, in fact, made by
American Columbia even before they became CBS, let alone before
the Sony take-over. I also very much prefer having The Firebird before The
Rite of Spring, as on the Sony recording.
Alternatively, Antal Doráti’s Mercury/Minneapolis
Symphony Orchestra account of The Rite has a special place
in my affection; inexplicably, it seems to be deleted except
as part of a 5-CD set Antal Doráti Conducts (475
6856). His later Detroit version is also available only as part
of a 5-CD or 6-CD set; the Minneapolis version is preferable.
Rattle takes the opening section of The Rite of Spring at
a slower tempo than Stravinsky. There are fewer tracks on the
EMI recording than the Sony, which makes exact comparison difficult,
but Rattle’s 8:07 for track 1 compares with 7:17 for the
equivalent four tracks (trs.23-25) on Sony. Rattle is only one
second faster than Bernard Haitink, whose LPO recording is sometimes
thought too laid-back, despite its rosette in the Penguin Guide.
(Philips Duo 438 350 2, with Apollo, Firebird and Petrushka,
or on recently deleted Eloquence 468 186-2 with Petrushka).
Speed alone is never the sole criterion - Doráti (Detroit)
is actually a few seconds slower than Rattle in this section
- but Rattle and Haitink just miss the sheer ferocity unleashed
by Stravinsky and Doráti. Doráti’s timings
on his early Minneapolis recording are slightly faster even than
Stravinsky’s; will someone please restore this to the catalogue
in a single-CD format?
In the rest of Part One, the Adoration of the Earth, and
throughout Part Two, the Sacrifice, Rattle and Haitink
are consistently slower than Stravinsky; it’s a matter
of swings and roundabouts between the composer and Doráti
(Detroit), but the latter is often as forceful as the former
even in those sections where he is a little slower. Where it
really counts, as in the concluding Sacrificial Dance,
where both take 4:34, Stravinsky and Doráti are very close,
as also are Rattle and Haitink (5:00 and 4:55 respectively in
that final section). Even Sir Colin Davis’s admired recording
(Philips 2 CDs, 464 744 2) lacks the last degree of savagery
here, though his timing of 4:47 falls exactly between Stravinsky
and Rattle. I’m surprised to find that the Davis recording
is apparently deleted; it’s still available as a download
from passionato.
Simon Thompson rightly points to the benefits obtained from Rattle’s
close attention to detail and his refusal to push the tempo;
I know what he means, but I still prefer Stravinsky and Doráti
in the very sections to which ST points as strengths in Rattle’s
version. I admire Rattle and Haitink but I thrill to Doráti/Minneapolis
and Stravinsky - perhaps simply because those were the first
two recordings, along with Monteux on RCA, through which I got
to know the music.
Petrushka is, inevitably, an anti-climax after The
Rite; I’d prefer them to be placed the other way round.
There’s nowhere worth going after that final Sacrificial
Dance. Otherwise I’m entirely in agreement with ST in admiring
the detail of Rattle’s performance. BBC Radio 3 seems to
play this work in one version or another almost every week, but
I never tire of hearing it and it seems to lend itself to a range
of interpretations. Haitink chooses the 1911 version, Rattle
the 1947, so I can’t directly compare the two, nor do I
any longer have either of the classic Monteux recordings of this
work for comparison, but I don’t think there is any better
version on the market than Rattle’s.
If Rattle is a little restrained in The Rite of Spring,
his Firebird has seemed too forthright to some. For my
money, however, I agree with Simon
Thompson that this is an attractively colourful performance
and I rank it with the best, but not in preference to Stravinsky
himself, whose recording, once again, benefits from slightly
faster tempi. Compare the two versions of the concluding section,
where Kaschchei’s spells are broken - 2:45 from Stravinsky,
still very powerful from Rattle but, at 3:10, a shade more deliberate.
Other recommendations for The Firebird include the LSO/Doráti
Mercury recording - sadly, also currently unavailable, except
as a download - and Ansermet. An inexpensive 2-CD Double Decca
set (443 467 2) is worth buying for Ansermet’s version
of The Firebird alone, though the other ballets come off
less well. Otherwise, wait in hope of The Firebird appearing
in Australian Eloquence’s unfurling Ansermet Edition. Michael
Cookson preferred Haitink on Philips Duo 438 350-2, but that
includes his performance of The Rite of Spring which I
think inferior to Rattle among the more restrained versions.
The concluding work on CD2, Apollo, is cast in a very
different, neo-classical style. Once again, I agree with ST that
this is one of the best performances, worthy to rank with Karajan,
unfortunately coupled with his lacklustre Rite of Spring,
Marriner and Craft, and preferable to Janiczek’s recent
version on Linn. Please refer to my October 2009 Download
Roundup for the Linn. See also reviews of Craft’s performances
of Apollo, Agon and Orpheus, on Naxos 8.557502,
by Jonathan
Woolf, John
Philips and Tony
Haywood. You may prefer the logic of having the three Greek
ballets together on a well-filled CD; otherwise, Rattle will
do fine, especially as Marriner’s version of Apollo is
not currently available. Why are so many good Stravinsky recordings
I’ve mentioned the multi-availability of Rattle’s
Stravinsky. There is yet another inexpensive EMI 2-CD set which
merits consideration, containing Rite of Spring, Petrushka, Pulcinella, Suites 1
and 2 and Danses Concertantes, conducted by Ricardo Muti
and Neville Marriner. Featuring brisk accounts of The Rite
of Spring and Petrushka and an idiomatic performance
of the complete Pulcinella, this was formerly available
on EMI Classics Double Forte (5743052) and will, presumably,
be reissued on Gemini in due course.
For all my reservations about Sir Simon Rattle’s performances
here, there are enough advantages for me to want to keep his
set alongside the Sony/Stravinsky and to pension off Haitink’s
restrained account of The Rite of Spring in favour of
Rattle’s similar, better executed, interpretation. The
EMI recordings are good throughout and the presentation good,
with informative notes, rather fuller than usual with EMI Classics’ 2-CD
budget sets.
Brian Wilson
see also review by Simon
Thompson (different reissue - EMI 2078762)
Masterwork Review Index: Stravinsky's ballets