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Nikolay RIMSKY-KORSAKOV (1844-1908)
Capriccio espagnol, op.34 (1887) [16:20]
Overture to May night (1879) [8:26]
Overture to The tsar’s bride (1898) [6:12]
Overture on Russian themes (1866/1880) [11:34]
Overture to The maid of Pskov (1872/1877/1992) [5:25]
Dubinushka, op.62 (1905) [3:49]
Russian Easter overture, op.36 (1888) [15:16]
Seattle Symphony/Gerard Schwarz
rec. Benaroya Hall, Seattle, Washington, USA; 4 June and 16 June
2010 (Dubinushka); 4 June, 16 June and 20 October 2010 (op.34);
16 June and 20 October 2010 (op.36); 20 October 2010 (The tsar’s
bride); 20 October 2010 and 24 February 2011 (The maid of
Pskov); 24 February 2011 (op.28); 9 March 2011 (May night)
NAXOS 8.572788 [67:05] 
Any budding young composer will presumably have one burning
question about Rimsky-Korsakov in the years 1887-1888: what
exactly was he on?
After all, to produce a consecutive trio of full-scale orchestral
showstoppers like Capriccio Espagnol (op.34), Scheherazade
(op.35) and the Russian Easter Festival overture (op.36)
in such quick succession is so utterly remarkable as to make
one wonder whether the oriental stimuli that are so apparent
in much of his output may have included the odd ounce or two
of hashish.
We have already been treated to this same team’s recording of
Scheherazade, welcomed on these pages with immense enthusiasm
by my colleague Brian Reinhart (“... spectacular... world class...
nothing short of spectacular” – see
here). And now comes this follow-up disc, completing the
trio of orchestral showpieces and throwing in quite a bit more.
Anyone who rushed out to buy the Seattle Symphony’s Scheherazade
CD on the basis of Brian’s recommendation will know its
undeniable and considerable virtues by now. They will therefore,
I imagine, need little extra prompting to buy this new disc,
on which work began less than a month after its predecessor
was taped. The recordings on both discs were, in fact, all set
down during Gerard Schwarz’s farewell 2010-2011 season after
26 years as the orchestra’s music director and are a fine testament
to the extremely high technical and artistic standards he had
achieved there.
Capriccio espagnol and Russian Easter overture may
not be compositions of great depth but are both, without question,
superbly crafted and highly effective musical evocations that
offer a wide range of opportunities for displays of orchestral
virtuosity. Rimsky himself famously recalled how rehearsals
for the first performance were frequently interrupted by rounds
of excited applause from the members of the orchestra. And although
even musically sub-standard bands can usually whip up enough
superficial colour and excitement to send an audience home happy,
here we have performances on a markedly higher plane.
Capriccio gets off to an exciting start, with Schwarz’s
opening foot-stamping alborada making even Evgeny Svetlanov
(in the five-CD vol.30 of Warner Classics’s Édition officielle,
2564 69899-4 – not reviewed here but overlapping this
set) seem rather prosaic in comparison. This new account
may not lay the orchestral glitter on with a trowel as Eugene
Ormandy, for one, does (in a finely played and recorded 1965
analogue account that appeared on Sony
Essential Classics SBK 46537) but let’s keep in mind that
the Iberian sun generates warmth, as well as light, and it is
there that Schwarz and the Seattle Symphony (who seem to regard
the word “orchestra” as redundant) score. Brian Reinhart picked
out the wind soloists as the heroes of the Scheherazade recording
and that’s once again true here, although their peers in other
departments are in no way found wanting.
The three conductors whose accounts are in front of me show
demonstrate fewer obvious differences in the Russian Easter
(Festival) overture, though Schwarz, at 15:16, is the most
deliberately paced, with Ormandy celebrating the resurrection
in 14:20 and Svetlanov dashing off the rites in a terrifically
exciting 14:13 (the inexcusably badly proof-read notes, sadly
typical of the Warner Édition officielle, suggest that
he brings it in at just 11:53!)
Largely thanks to Valery Gergiev’s programming and recording
at the Mariinsky, Rimsky’s operas are seeing something of a
ressurection in popularity and it is good to have three of the
overtures appearing on a bargain priced CD. All are played with
considerable aplomb and do a fine job of whetting one’s appetite
for the full scores. There is little that Schwarz can do to
enliven the rather more prosaic Overture on Russian themes,
but he offers an attractive account of the composer’s orchestration
of the radical student song Dubinushka. It may not supplant
the old favourite Ansermet recording where thrilling thwacks
on the bass drum from the Suisse Romande’s timpanist urge the
radical young protesters along, but it certainly benefits from
Naxos’s state of the art recording.
The label’s indefatigable Keith Anderson contributes typically
useful booklet notes.
As Brian Reinhart pointed out, these Seattle Symphony recordings
of Russian virtuoso showpieces are an excellent illustration
of the amazingly high standards being achieved by other previously
unheralded orchestras all over the globe. So what I want to
know now about Schwarz and his musicians is what exactly
are they on?
Rob Maynard
see also review by James
L. Zychowicz