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Raphaël Arié Gioacchino ROSSINI (1792-1868) Il Barbiere die Siviglia: La calunia è un venticello [3.38] Vincenzo BELLINI (1801-1835) La Sonnambula: Vi ravviso, o luoghi ameni [3.40] Giuseppe VERDI (1813-1901)  Ernani: Infelice e tuo credivi [3.24] Simon Boccanegra: Il lacerato spirito [4.16] Don Carlo: Ella giammai m'amò [8.22] Charles GOUNOD (1818-1893) Faust: Mais ce Dieu que peut-il pour moi [10.12] Mikhail GLINKA (1804-1857)   A Life for the Tsar: They guess the truth [5.56] Modest MUSSORGSKY  (1839-1881) Boris Godunov: In the town of Kazan [2.05] Boris Godunov: I have attained the highest power [6.06] Boris Godunov: Farwell, my so [8.42] Anton RUBINSTEIN (1829-1894) The Demon: I am he whom you called [3.44] Pyotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893)  Eugene Onegin: Everyone knows love on earth [5.52] Alexander BORODIN  (1833-1887) Prince Igor: I hate a dreary life [3.33] Nicolai RIMSKY-KORSAKOV (1844-1908) Sadko: Against the cruel rocks [2.59] Giacomo PUCCINI  (1858-1924) La Bohème: Vecchia zimarra, senti [2.43] Raphaël Arié (bass) L’Orchestre de la Suisse Romande/Alberto Erede and Isidor Karr LSO/Josef Krips L’Orchestre de la Sociéte des Concerts du Conservatoire de Paris/Alberto Erede PREISER 89610 [75.20][JW]

Elegance and precision habitually displayed ... triumphs in the lyricism of Anton Rubinstein or in the full warmth he brings to Onegin. There, one feels, he is intimately at home. ... see Full Review

Twentieth Century Bassoon Concertos Heitor VILLA-LOBOS (1887-1959) Ciranda des sete notas (1933) [11.30] Paul HINDEMITH (1895-1963) Concerto for trumpet, bassoon and string orchestra (1949-52) [16.24] André JOLIVET (1905-1974) Concerto for bassoon, string orchestra, harp and piano (1954) [14.11] Sofia GUBAIDULINA (b.1931) Concerto for bassoon and low strings (1975) [27.29] Sergio Azzolini (bassoon) Matthias Höfs (trumpet) Vida Izadi (harp) Tomoko Takahashi (piano) Kammerakademie Potsdam/Maurice Bourgue Recorded in the Funkhaus, Berlin, Studio 10, August-November 2001 CAPRICCIO 67.139 [69.36][JW]

A contrasting quartet of Twentieth Century bassoon concertos, loyally and persuasively performed, and well presented ... see Full Review

Bay Mir Bistu Sheyn. Great Songs of the Yiddish Stage - Volume 2 Sholom SECUNDA (1894-1974)
Bay Mir Bistu Sheyn [2.49] Dos yidische lid [9.53] Mayn yidishe meydle [2.51] Skrip klezmerl, skripe [4.03] Alexander OLSHANETSKY (1892-1946) Ikh hob dikh tsufil lib [5.12] Eyn kuk af dir [3.51] Glik [2.35] A gute heym [3.41] Nu, zog mir shoyn ven [4.11] Unter beymer [3.09] Ikh bin farlibt [4.13] Louis GILROD (1879-1930) A malke af peysekh [2.50] Arnold PERLMUTTER (1859-1953) and Herman WOHL (1877-1936) Lebn zol kolumbus [1.56] Ilia TRILLING (1895-1947) Mit dir in eynem [3.25] Herman WOHL (1877-1936) Slutsk [3.36] Samet un zayd [6.37] UNKNOWN Hundl mitn shtrudl [2.55] Simon Spiro (tenor) Amy Goldstein (soprano) Bruce Adler (tenor) Robert Abelson (baritone) Joanne Borts (mezzo) Robert Bloch (tenor) Benzion Miller (tenor) David Krakauer (clarinet) Vienna Chamber Orchestra/Elli Jaffe Barcelona Symphony/National Orchestra of Catalonia Recorded 2000-01 NAXOS MILKEN ARCHIVE 8.559432 [68.45]

Whether exuberant and yearning, uplifting or mournful these songs captivated their listeners – and reach out beyond the confines of Jewish theatre. ... see Full Review

Bel Canto: Great Tenors of the 78 Era, Part I Enrico Caruso [28:00] Beniamino Gigli [28:11] Tito Schipa [27:59] Richard Tauber [27:50] Leo Slezak [28:04] Joseph Schmidt [28:58] A series by Jan Schmidt-Garre. EUROARTS 2050207 [170:00][KS]

Except for the annoying Mr. Zucker, these are priceless archives, highly recommended to all lovers of great singing. ... see Full Review

Rafal Blechacz - Piano Recital Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Piano Sonata in G minor, Op. 22 (1833-38) [16'04]. Franz LISZT (1811-1886) Three Concert Studies: Waldesrauchen, S145 (1859) [4'08]; La Leggierezza, S144 (1844) [4'48]; Gnomenreigen, S145 (1844) [3'02]. Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918) Suite bergamasque (1905) [17'24]. Karol SZYMANOWSKI (1882-1937) Variations in B flat minor, Op. 3 (1901-3) [12'01]. Frédéric CHOPIN (1810-1849) Polonaise in A flat, Op. 53 (1843) [6'58]. Rafal Blechacz (piano) Rec. Pomeranian Philharmonic Concert Hall, Bydgoszcz, 2-5 April 2005. DDD CD ACCORD ACD136-2 [66'04] [CC]

Rafal Blechacz was born as recently as 1985 yet he plays with a maturity beyond his years. I look forward to hearing more from this young man. ... see Full Review

A Tribute to Nadia Boulanger Claudio MONTEVERDI (1567-1643) Madrigals Hor che’l Ciel e la Terra (1638) [5.56] Lasciatemi morire (1614) [2.55] Zefiro torna (1634) [8.04] Ardo (1638) [4.18] Ohime, dov’e il mio ben? (1619) [1.43] Chiomo d’oro (1619) [2.32] Iol ballo dell’ingrate (1618) [9.06] Amoir (lamente della ninfa) [4.13] Ecco mormorar l’onde (1590) [3.15] Petit Concert Consilium [1.01] ANONYMOUS A pri ai qu’en chantant plour [1.29] Le lay des amants [1.12] S’on me regarde [0.58] Gabriel FAURÉ (1845-1924) Madrigal Op.35 (1883) [3.44] Guillaume COSTELEY Las je n’irais plus jouer au bois [2.21] Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918) Dieu qu’il la fait bon regarder (1898) [2.09] Lili BOULANGER (1893-1918) Pie Jesu (1918) [4.28] Leo PREGER Cantique de St Jean de la Croix [3.04] François COUPERIN Epitaphe du paresseux [1.38] Musette [1.12] Marcelle de MANZIARLY L’Ouseau blessé [2.02] Claudin de SERMISY Amours partez [0.50] Jean-Baptiste LULLY Trio d’Amadis [0.48] Nicolas de la GROTTE Quand ce beau Printemps (1572) [1.02] Jean FRANÇAIX (1912-1997) Trios épigrammes (1938) [5.35] Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Liebesliederswalzer Op.52 [21.46] Der Gang zum Liebchen Op.31/3 [2.54] Die Schwestern Op 60/1 [1.20] Klänge Op.66/2 [2.02] Die Meere Op.22/3 [2.17] Valses Op.39 – Nos 6, 15. 2, 1/14,10, 5, 6 in that order [8.24] Franz SCHUBERT (1797-1828) Mondenschein D875 [6,13] Jean FRANÇAIX (1912-1997) Concerto for piano and orchestra (1936) [16.28] Lili BOULANGER (1893-1918) Introduction et Cortège (1914) [3.02] Nocturne (1911) [3.26] Vocal and Instrumental Ensemble (Monteverdi) recorded 1937 Vocal Quartet (Petit Concert) recorded 1949 Vocal Quartet, Nadia Boulanger and Dinu Lipatti (pianos) (Liebesliederswalzer Op.52) recorded 1937-38 Nadia Boulanger and Dinu Lipatti (pianos) (Brahms Valses) recorded 1937 Quartet/vocal ensemble (Brahms vocal) recorded 1938 Jean Françaix (piano) Paris Philharmonic Orchestra/Nadia Boulanger, recorded 1930 Yvonne Astruc (violin) Nadia Boulanger (piano) (Lili Boulanger) recorded 1930 Nadia Boulanger (director and pianist) as noted above CASCAVELLE VEL 3081 [75.39 + 67.56] [JW]

The warmth, energy, commitment and zeal are still audible to this day. ... see Full Review

Classical Music for Flutes Franz Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809) Trios for two transverse flutes and cello: No. 1 in C (H IV,1) [09:10]; No. 4 in G (H IV,4) [05:25]; No. 2 in G (H IV,2) [06:50]; No. 3 in G (H IV,3) [13:19] Carl Philipp STAMITZ (1745-1801) Duetto for two transverse flutes No 1 in D [09:14] Trio for two transverse flutes and cello No 6 in G [14:53] Lesley Holliday, Peter Harrison, transverse flute; Rachel Gray, cello Recorded May 2003 at All Saints' Church, Ingleby Arncliff, North Yorkshire, UK DDD DIVERSIONS RECORDS 24117 [58:56] [JV]

Music written for the many amateur flute players in the second half of the 18th century - an entertaining disc ... see Full Review

A tribute to Hugues Cuenod François COUPERIN (1668-1733) Première Leçon de Ténèbres pour le Mecredy Saint [21.22] Instrumental ensemble/Daniel Pinkham, recorded Boston, 1950 Trois chansons pour ténor et clavecin [8.40] Instrumental ensemble/Daniel Pinkham, recorded Boston, 1950 Motet; Audite omnes et expanescite (c.1700) [9.34] Instrumental ensemble/Daniel Pinkham, recorded Boston, 1950 Troisième Leçon de Ténèbres pour le Mecredy Saint (17140 [17.01] Paul Derenne/Yvonne Gouverné Choir/Instrumental ensemble/Jane Evrard, recorded Paris, 1936 Igor STRAVINSKY (1882-1971) Cantate (1952) [25.56] New York Concert Choir directed by Margaret Hillis/Instrumental ensemble/Igor Stravinsky, recorded New York, 1952 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Musique maçonnique – Eine Kleine Freimaurerkantate K623 [49.46] Gerard Souzay, Jean Giraudeau, Hélène Salomé (piano) Choir of the Oratory of Mulhouse/Orchestre Pro Musica/Joseph-Victor Meyer, recorded Paris, 1950 Marcel DELANNOY (1898-1962) Philippine – Opérette – Complainte de l’homme-serpent (1937) [3.06] Orchestra/Maurice Jaubert, recorded Paris, 1937 Hugues Cuenod (tenor) with accompanists as above CASCAVELLE VEL 3080 [65.21 + 69.52] [JW]

In the main these are trusty transfers, the odd hit and miss side join apart; Cuenod will give lasting pleasure and reward, as he always did ... see Full Review

Elfenreigen – fairy round dance Robert Nicolas Charles BOCHSA (1789-1856) Nocturne Concertant in G minor Op.71/3 (c.1818) [10.26] Marcel TOURNIER (1879-1951) Deux Preludes Romantiques Op.17 (1909) [3.37] Willy HESS (1906-1997) Elfenreigen Op.79 (1972-73) [4.14] Johann Baptist KRUMPHOLTZ (1747-1790) Sonata in F major Op.8 No.5 (c.1780) [13.35] Gabriel PIERNÉ (1863-1937) Impromptu-Caprice in A flat major Op.9 for harp (1887) [5.25] Louis SPOHR (1784-1859) Sonata in C minor WoO23 [16.03] Carl Philipp Emanuel BACH (1714-1788) Hamburg Sonata in G major Wq No.133 [9.47] Bruno HILSE (19th/20th century) Suite Op.6 [15.11] Henner Eppel (flute) Christian Topp (harp) Recorded House of Audio Studios, Karlsdorf, October 2003 GUILD GMCD 7294 [79.23] [JW]

There’s little here that is intellectually taxing but a lot that is dextrous and ear titillating. ... see Full Review

Beniamino Gigli: The Gigli Edition, Vol. 9 Ernesto De CURTIS (1875 – 1937) Soltanto tu, Maria Alois MELICHAR (1896 – 1976) Anima mia Johann Sebastian BACH (1685 – 1750)/Charles GOUNOD (1818 – 1893) Ave Maria Georges BIZET (1838 – 1875) Agnus Dei César FRANCK (1822 – 1890) Panis Angelicus Robert SCHUMANN (1810 – 1856) Il fior di loto (Die Lotosblume) Edvard GRIEG (1843 – 1907) Un rêve (En dröm) Francesco CILEA (1866 – 1950) L’arlesiana È la solita storia BECCE Tu sei la vita mia CURCI Notte a Venezia BLANC Giovinezza Giacomo PUCCINI (1858 – 1924) Inno a Roma Giuseppe VERDI (1813 – 1901) Aida Se quel guerrier io fossi … Celeste Aida Giacomo PUCCINI La bohème O soave fanciulla Cesare A. BIXIO (20th Century) Ninna nanna della vita Paolo TOSTI (1846 – 1916) La serenata CINQUE Mattinata veneziana De CURTIS Ti voglio tanto bene Paolo TOSTI L’ultima canzone Paolo TOSTI Marechiare Luigi DENZA (1846 – 1922) Occhi di fata Gioacchino ROSSINI (1792 – 1868) La danza Beniamino Gigli (tenor), Maria Caniglia (soprano) (track 14), Berlin State Opera Orchestra/Alois Melichar (tr 1-3), Bruno Seidler-Winkler (tr 4-10), La Scala Orchestra and Chorus/Giuseppe Antonicelli (tr 11-12), Orchestra/Walter Goehr (tr 13-14, 19-22), Orchestra/Dino Olivieri (tr 15-18) Recorded 24th May 1936 in Electrola Studio A, Berlin(tr 1-4); 2nd June 1936 in Electrola Studio A, Berlin (tr 5-10), 8th March 1937 at the Teatro della Cannobiana, Milan (tr 11-12), 28th May 1937 in Studio 1, Abbey Road, London (tr 13-14), 24th February 1938 at the Pro Salute Studios, Milan (tr 15-18), 4th June 1938 in Studio 1A, Abbey Road, London (tr 19-22) NAXOS 8.110270 [73 29][JW]

The most purely Gigli-esque things here, the ones that capture voice and vocal gesture in the most intimate and rewarding way, are the things one would expect ... see Full Review

Gregorian Feast In Festo Sanctissimi Corporis et Sanguinis Christi (Feast of Corpus Christi) Introit: Cibavit eos Gradual: Ocui Omnium Offertory: Sacerdotes Domini Communion: Quotiescumque Manducat In Navitate Domini, Ad Missam in Die (Nativity of Our Lord, Mass during the day) Introit: Puer Natus est nobis Gradual: Viderunt omnes Offertory: Tui sunt caeli Communion: Viderunt omnes In Epiphany Domini (Feast of the Epiphany) Introit: Ecce Advenit dominator Gradual: Omnes de Saba Offertory: Reges Tharsis Communion: Vidimus stellam Dies Irae (1) In Assumptionis B. Mariae Virginis, Ad Missam in Die (Feast of the Assumption, Mass during the day) Introit Gaudeamus omnes Gradual: Propter venitatem Offertory: Assumpta est Maria Communion: Optimam partem S. Andrea Apostoli (Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle) Introit: Mihi autem nimis Gradual: Constitues eos Offertory: Mihi autem nimis Communion: Venite post me Commune Unius Martyrir non Pontificis (Propers for the feast of a non Episcopal martyr) Introit: Invirtute tuam Gradual: Beatus Vir Offertory: Gloria et honore Communion: Qui vult venire post me Pro Cantione Antiqua (James Griffett, Ian Partridge, Gordon Jones, Brian Etheridge, Michael George, Adrian Peacock) Stephen Roberts (cantor) (1) rec. October 1991, St. Jude’s Church, Hampstead; February 1990, All Hallows Church, Gospel Oak; November 1992, St. Jude’s Church, Hampstead REGIS RECORDS RRC 1217 [65.13][RH]

Highly recommendable for good straightforward chant singing. Always mellifluous, always shapely. I feel churlish for wanting more. ... see Full Review

Zino Francescatti Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Violin Sonata No.2 in A BWV 1015 [12.39] Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Violin Sonata in E flat K481 [21.42] Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Violin Sonata No.3 in E flat Op.12 No.3 [14.45] Violin Sonata No. 4 in A minor Op.23 [17.22] Zino Francescatti (violin) Robert Casadesus (piano) Recorded 1950-54 BIDDULPH 80214-2 [70.12][JW]

Biddulph keeps up its perceptive retrieval of hard-to-trace Francescatti-Casadesus recordings. ... see Full Review

Genesis Suite (1945) Arnold SCHOENBERG (1874-1951)
Prelude [5.53] Nathaniel SHILKRET (1889-1982) Creation [11.07] Alexandre TANSMAN (1897-1986) Adam and Eve [11.32] Darius MILHAUD (1892-1974) Cain and Abel [4.46] Mario CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO (1895-1968) The Flood [11.03] Ernest TOCH (1887-1964) The Covenant (The Rainbow) [5.36] Igor STRAVINSKY (1882-1971) Babel [5.37] Tovah Feldshuh, Barbara Feldon, David Margulies, Fritz Weaver and Isaiah Sheffer (speakers) Ernst Senff Choir Radio Symphony Orchestra of Berlin/Gerard Schwarz Recorded Jesus Christus Kirche, Berlin, December 200. Narration NYC, April 2003 NAXOS 8.559552 [55.38] [JW]

It’s all done as well as it could be but whether you’ll listen to Genesis more than once I very, very much doubt. ... see Full Review

The Hallelujah Tree Meyer KUPFERMAN (1926-2003) The Hallelujah Tree (2000) [17.13] Dana Paul PERNA Three Conversations between Two Flutists, Pop 55 (1980) [13.15] Deux Berceuses for flute and piano Pop 87a (1988) [10.17] Jeff MANOOKIAN (b.1953) Sonata for piccolo and piano (2003) [23.09] Miguel CHUAQUI Ancient Wing for flute solo (1993 revised 1998) [6.12] Laurel Ann Maurer (flute, piccolo and alto flute) Manah Atanessyan (harp) John Warner Jensen (piano) Suzanne Duffy (flute) Serenade Chamber Orchestra of Armenia/Jeff Manookian Recorded Staller Centre, SUNY, NY, 1994, Cinema House Hall, Yerevan, Armenia 2002 and Counterpoint Studios, Utah 2003 4TAY 4029 [70.16] [JW]

This is an adventurous and wide-ranging survey of works that owe their genesis to the very able soloist and are played by her with great finesse. ... see Full Review

Clara Haskil - 1947-1954 Recordings Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor Op.37 [26.03] Winterthur Symphony Orchestra/Henry Swoboda, recorded 1950 Piano Concerto No.4 in G major Op.58 [32.55] LSO/Carlo Zecchi, recorded 1947 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Piano Concerto No.9 in E flat major K271 Jeunehomme [29.52] Stuttgart Radio Orchestra/Carl Schuricht, recorded live, 1952 Piano Concerto No.13 in C major K415 [25.52] RIAS Symphony Orchestra/Ferenc Fricsay, recorded live 1954 Piano Concerto No.19 in E major K459 [26.18] Cologne Radio Symphony Orchestra/Ferenc Fricsay, recorded live 1952 Piano Concerto No.20 in D minor K466 [29.51] RIAS Symphony Orchestra/Ferenc Fricsay, recorded 1954 Piano Concerto No.23 in A major K488 [24.58] Vienna Symphony Orchestra/Paul Sacher, recorded 1954 Clara Haskil (piano) with accompaniments as above Recorded 1944-54 ANDROMEDA ANDRCD 5003 [3 CDs: 69.02 + 75.16 + 61.53] [JW]

It’s a question of how much of Haskil’s Mozart (in particular) you have and whether you need it in so-so transfers. ... see Full Review

Josef Herrmann (1903-1955) Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)
Fidelio (1814) - Ha, welch ein Augenblicka [3'00]. Carl Maria von WEBER (1786-1826) Euryanthe (1823) – Kein Schlaf gibt Ruhe meinem wildenb [8'39]. Richard WAGNER (1813-1883) Die Meistersinger von Nürnbergc (1868) - Was duftet doch der Flieder [6'10]; Wahn! Wahn! Überall Wahn! [7'00]; Verachtet mir die Meister nicht [6'49]. Die Walküred (1850) - Leb' wohl, du kühnes, herrliches Kind [11'59]. Hugo WOLF (1860-1903) Der Corregidor (1896) - Nicht geschlossen?d [9'37]. Richard STRAUSS (1864-1949) Die Frau ohne Schatten (1919) - Sie haben es mir gesagte [7'32]. Salome (1905) - Wo ist er, dessen Sündenbecher jetzt voll ist?f [4'10]. Giuseppe VERDI (1813-1901) Otello (1887) - Ich glaube an einen Gotte [5'29]. Josef Herrmann (baritone); fChristel Goltz (soprano); fRudolf Dittrich (tenor) Staatskapelle Dresden aChorus and abOrchestra/afJoseph Keilberth, bdKarl Elmendorff, eKurt Streigler; cBavarian Radio Chorus; cMunich Philharmonic Orchestra/Ferdinand Leitner. Rec. afMitteldeutcher Rundfunk, ac1945, f1948, bdeReichsender Dresden, be1943, d1944; c1954. mono ADD; from cDGG 19047 PREISER 93445 [76'56] [CC]

Issued in 1995 in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of Herrmann's death, this acts as a timely reminder of the stature of a wonderful, and occasionally great, artist. ... see Full Review

Highdays and Holidays Peter YORKE (1902-1966)
The Playful Pelican [2,51] Peter Yorke or Louis Voss and his orchestra Highdays and Holidays [2.54] Louis Voss and his Orchestra Heini KRONBERGER and Mary MARRIOTT Buddha’s Festival of Love [3.08] The West End Celebrity Orchestra Albert KETÈLBEY (1875-1959) Wedgewood Blue [2.59] Louis Voss Grand Orchestra In a Chinese Temple Garden [3.07] Louis Voss Grand Orchestra Gerhard WINKLER (1906-1977) Neapolitan Serenade [2.40] Regent Classic Orchestra Siegfried TRANSLAUTER Wedding March in Midget Land [2.58] London Concert Orchestra Erich BÖRSCHEL (1907-1988) Sparrows’ Concert – Intermezzo [3.18] Louis Voss Grand Orchestra Barry TATTENHALL April Day [2.44] London Concert Orchestra Frederick George CHARROSIN (d.1976) Busy Business [2.48] International Radio Orchestra Wilfred BURNS The Ballet Dancer [3.12] Bosworth’s String Orchestra Philip GREEN (1910-1982) Tequila – Paso Doble [1.29] Louis Voss Grand Orchestra George CROW Wild Goose Chase [3.11] Louis Voss Grand Orchestra Charles WILLIAMS (1893-1978) Cutty Sark [3.00] National Light Orchestra Serenade to a Mannequin [2.18] Bosworth’s String Orchestra Charles WILLIAMS (1893-1978) Salute to Speedway [3.00] West End Celebrity Orchestra Henry CROUDSON (1898-1971) Jack and Jill – miniature overture [2.59]
Louis Voss and his Orchestra Claud VANE Palace of Variety [2.38] National Light Orchestra John BATH Sportsman’s Luck [2.52] West End Celebrity Orchestra David HART Sabre Jet [2.51] West End Celebrity Orchestra Claud VANE Big Dipper [2.34] Louis Voss and his Orchestra Haydn WOOD (1882-1959) Sketch of a Dandy [2.57] Louis Voss and his Orchestra Art STRAUSS and Robert DALE Flight of the Toy Balloon [2.52] National Light Orchestra Kenneth ESSEX Travel Centre [2.44] West End Celebrity Orchestra Roy HARTLEY Sleepy Grasshopper [2.53] Regent Classic Orchestra Gerald CROSSMAN (b.1920) Typical Teenager [2.46] Louis Voss and his Orchestra Louis MORDISH (1908-1996) Harlequin’s Flirtation [2.56] London Bijou Players Recorded 1940s and 1950s GUILD GLCD 5115 [76.40] [JW]

Of all the publishers’ libraries of mood music Bosworth was always one of the most engaging. Guild has here collated some prime specimens from 1937 to 1953. ... see Full Review

Frank Huang (violin): Laureate series Franz SCHUBERT (1797-1828) Fantasy for violin and piano in C major D.934 Op.159 [24.45] Heinrich ERNST (1814-1865) Fantasie Brillante sur l’opéra ‘Otello’ de Rossini Op.11 [12.45] Arnold SCHOENBERG (1874-1951) Phantasy for violin with piano accompaniment Op. 47 [8.28] Franz WAXMAN (1906-1967) Carmen Fantasy [11.20] Frank Huang (violin); Dina Vainstein (piano) rec. July 2002, Country Day School Performing Art Centre, King City, Ontario, Canada NAXOS LAUREATE SERIES 8.557121 [57.18][PW]

At Naxos’s cheap price worth it for the interesting and convincing Schoenberg. As for the rest, there are more interesting recital discs out there. ... see Full Review

In The Beginning: Choral Masterpieces of the 1940s Benjamin BRITTEN (1913-1976) Rejoice in the Lamb, op.30 (Festival Cantata) [17:53] Ildebrando PIZZETTI (1880-1968) Tre composizioni corali: I: Cade la sera [3:56]; II: Ululate [5:40]; III: Recordare, Domine [9:05] Gerald FINZI (1901-1956) Lo, the Full, Final Sacrifice, op.26 [15:32] Aaron COPLAND (1900-1990) In the Beginning [18:17] Jonathan Hyde (treble), Jeremy Kenyon (alto), James Gilchrist (tenor), Allan Smith (bass), James Birchall (bass), Frances Bourne (mezzo-soprano), Robert Houssart (organ) Gloucester Cathedral Choir/Andrew Nethsingha (Chorister Voice Coach, Russell Burton) Recorded 15th, 16th, 28th and 29th April and 29th May 2005, Gloucester Cathedral AVIE AV2072 [70:39] [GPJ]

A fascinating and imaginative programme with some delightful solo contributions and a spine-tingling and massive sound ... but I can’t say that this CD makes the most of the choir’s sterling qualities and high potential. ... see Full Review

Jewish Tone Poems Aaron AVSHALOMOV (1894-1964) Four Biblical Tableaux (1928) [12.08] Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra/Gerard Schwarz recorded Jesus Christus Kirche, Berlin, May 1999 Sheila SILVER (b.1946) Shirat Sara (1985) [22.32] Seattle Symphony/Gerard Schwarz recorded Benaroya Hall, Seattle, May 1999 Jan MEYEROWITZ (1915-1998) Symphony - Midrash Esther (1954) [28.26] Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra/Yoel Levi recorded Jesus Christus Kirche, Berlin, November 2000 NAXOS MILKEN ARCHIVE 8.559426 [63.19] [JW]

Can safely be recommended to the inquisitive. A great deal of variety, geographic, aesthetic, temporal – and some splendid performances to boot. ... see Full Review

Great Pianists - Kapell Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Piano Concerto No. 2 in B flat, Op. 19A (1793-5) [27'24]. Franz Peter SCHUBERT (1791-1828) Waltzes (1815-21)b – B, D145 No. 2 [0'55]; B minor, D145 No. 6 [1'07]; E, D365 No. 26 [0'38]; F, D365 No. 32 [1'01]; F, D365 No. 34 [0'47]. German Dances (1823/4)b – B flat, D783 No. 6 [0'44]; B flat, D783 No. 7 [0'44]. Ländler in D, D734 No. 1 (c1822) [0'59]. Sergei RACHMANINOV (1874-1942) Cello Sonata in G minor, Op. 19c (1901) [31'08]. William Kapell (piano); cEfrem Kurtz (cello); aNBC Symphony Orchestra/Vladimir Golschmann. From RCA Victor originals. Rec. aCarnegie Hall, New York City on June 26th, 1946, bRCA Studios, Hollywood on July 3rd, 1952, RCA Studio No. 2, New York City, on April 23rd and 24th, 1947. ADD NAXOS GREAT PIANISTS 8.110767 [65'17][CC]

A highly enjoyable disc, thoroughly recommended. ... see Full Review

Reginald Kell – The Complete American Decca Recordings Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Clarinet Concerto in A major K.622 [28.49] Clarinet Quintet in A major K581 [30.22] Wind Serenade in C minor K388 (384a) [19.29] Wind Serenade in E flat major K. 375 [22.43] Clarinet Trio in E flat major K498 Kegelstatt Trio [20.34] Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Clarinet Trio in B flat major Op.11 Gassenhauer Trio [18.35] Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Fantasiestücke Op.73 [10.23] Carl Maria von WEBER (1786-1826) Grand Duo Concertante Op.48 [18.21] Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Clarinet Quintet in B minor Op.115 [35.37] Trio for clarinet, cello and piano Op.114 [23.52] Sonata for clarinet and piano in F minor Op.120 No.1 [20.57] Sonata for clarinet and piano in E flat major Op.120 No.2 [20.07] Camille SAINT-SAËNS (1835-1921) Clarinet Sonata in E flat major Op.167 [18.41] Alec TEMPLETON (1909-1963) Pocket-size sonata No.1 for clarinet and piano (1949) [7.36] Antoni SZALOWSKI (1907-1973) Sonatina for clarinet and piano (1936) [10.34] Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918) Première Rhapsodie for clarinet and piano [8.07] La Plus que Lente [2.42] La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin [2.29] Rêverie [2.45] Le Petit Berger [2.22] Walter MOURANT (1910-1955) Ecstasy [4.05] The Pied Piper [4.00] Blue Haze [3.22] Reginald PORTER-BROWN (1910-1982) Dance of the Three Old Maids [2.54] Paul HINDEMITH (1895-1963) Clarinet Sonata in B flat (1939) [16.30] Igor STRAVINSKY (1882-1971) Three Pieces for Solo Clarinet [6.32] Béla BARTÓK (1881-1945) Contrasts [17.44] Darius MILHAUD (1892-1974) Suite Op.157b (1936) [10.51] Ralph VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (1872-1958) Six Studies in English Folksong [9.10] George Frideric HANDEL (1685-1759) Siciliana and Gigue – from Recorder Sonata in F major HWV 369 transcribed by Reginald Kell [3.49] Adagio – from Violin Sonata in F major HWV 370 transcribed by Reginald Kell [3.36] Allegro – from Oboe Sonata in F major HWV 363a transcribed by Reginald Kell [2.44] Arcangelo CORELLI (1653-1713) Giga – from Recorder Sonata in C major Op.5 No.9 [3.06] Fritz KREISLER (1875-1962) Rondo on a Theme by Beethoven [3.21] Caprice Viennois Op.2 [4.05] Liebesleid [3.46] Liebesfreud [3.29] Stars in My Eyes – from the film The King Steps Out [2.43] Schön Rosmarin [2.05] Maurice RAVEL (1875-1937) Pièce en forme de habanera [3.21] Alan RICHARDSON (1904-1978) Roundelay [3.41] Benjamin GODARD (1849-1895) Berceuse from Jocelyn [5.23] Arthur BENJAMIN (1893-1960) Jamaican Rumba [2.42] Reginald Kell (clarinet) with Zimbler Sinfonietta – Mozart Clarinet Concerto; Fine Arts String Quartet – Mozart and Brahms; Kell Chamber Players – Mozart Serenades; Frank Miller (cello) and Mieczyslaw Horszowski (piano) – Beethoven and Brahms Trios; Joel Rosen (piano) – Schumann, Brahms Sonatas, Weber, Debussy Rapsodie, Hindemith; Brooks Smith (piano) – Saint-Saëns, Templeton, Szalowski, Vaughan Williams, Handel, Corelli, Richardson, Godard, Benjamin; Melvin Ritter (violin) and Joel Rosen – Bartók, Milhaud; Camerata and his Orchestra – Debussy, Mourant, Porter-Brown, Kreisler Recorded 1950-57 DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON ORIGINAL MASTERS 00289 477 5280 [6 CDs: 79.02 + 73.24 + 78.07 + 76.54 + 75.06 + 70.15][JW]

A splendid survey, finely transferred, well illustrated and also sporting some of the clarinettist’s idiosyncratically musical paintings – a touch of Miró maybe for the colourist supreme. ... see Full Review

Jeffrey Khaner – arrangements for flute Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Clarinet Sonata No. 1 in F minor, op. 120 No. 1 (1894) [21:17] Clarinet Sonata No. 2 in E flat, op. 120 No. 2 (1894) [20:31] Clara SCHUMANN (1819-1986) Three Romances, op. 22 (1853) [8:59] Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1846) Three Romances, op. 94 (1849) [11;00] Jeffrey Khaner (flute) Charles Abramovic (piano) rec. January 2004, Curtis Hall, Philadelphia, USA. DDD AVIE AV 2075 [61:55] [GPJ]

I enjoyed this disc enormously. The sheer quality of Khaner’s playing ensure an experience full of musical delights ... see Full Review

Anders Kilström – Solo Johan HAMMERTH (b. 1953) Preludium 7 (2000) [5:54] Preludium 3 (1999) [5:20] PerMagnus LINDBORG (b. 1968) Runs and Resonances (1996) [8:14] Pär LINDGREN (b. 1952) Winding Threads (1998) [15:16] Anders NILSSON (b. 1954) Les Cloches de la Nuit (1987) [4:17] Rolf MARTINSSON (b. 1956) Libra Op.36 (1996) [6:16] Gemini Op.46 (1998) [5:44] Leo Op.44 (1997) [6:01] Anders Kilström (piano) rec. Berwaldhallen, Stockholm, October 2003 and November 2004 DAPHNE 1018 [57:40][HC]

A formidable pianist ... a splendid collection of fine, idiomatically written recent Swedish piano pieces. ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Kingám - New Swedish Flute Music. 1. Stellan SAGVIK (b. 1952) Kingám (flute and percussion) [9:06]; 2. Tommie HAGLUND (b. 1959) Fragile (flute and percussion) [3:06]; 3. Stellan SAGVIK Vampire State Building (flute and piano) [8:17]; 4. Martin LARSON (b. 1967) Boughs (flute and marimba) [11:13]; 5. Stellan SAGVIK Flute Concerto #1 (flute and strings) [14:20]; 6. B Tommy ANDERSSON (b. 1964) Impromptu (flute and vibes) [4:27]; 7 – 17 Stellan SAGVIK Solar Plexus (flute solo) [24:16]; 18. Nocturne (flute and vibes) [4:51] Kinga Práda (flute), Markus Leoson (percussion) (1, 2, 4, 6, 18), Ilona Jánky Práda (piano) (3), Filarmonica de Cluj Strings/Stellan Sagvik Recorded June 9th 1997 in Filarmonica Concert Hall, Cluj-Napocan, Transylvania (5), July 20th 1999 in Bygdeå Church, Sweden (7 – 17), November 25th 2002 in Gäddviken, Stockholm, Sweden (1, 2, 4, 6, 18), March 9th 2003 in Studio 2, Swedish Radio, Stockholm (3) NOSAG CD 029 [79:38] [GF]

The musical sceneries are full of surprises, beauty, rhythms, changes, meditation – always alive, always thrilling, like life itself! Recommended to anyone except the tone-deaf. ... see Full Review

The Art of Gareth Koch: A Guitar Anthology ABC 476 7497 "She Moved through the Fair" Dances from Spain
Gareth KOCH (b. 1962): Lavender and Gossip (Rumba Flamenca) – Bargaining with the Goatherd – The Ferry’s Wake Celtic Ballads: Traditional Celtic, arr. Gareth Koch: The Curragh of Kildare – Johnny Comes Marching Home – She Moved through the Fair Australian Ballads: Traditional Australian, arr. Gareth Koch: The Overlander – Farewell and Adieu (Brisbane Ladies) – On the Springtime it Brings on the Shearing – Van Diemen’s Land Gareth KOCH: Van Diemen Suite: I. The Butcher of Winnaleah – II. Devil’s Kitchen – III. Walls of Jerusalem – IV. Cathedral Rock Gareth KOCH: Dances from Spain: Sweet Pine and Cypress – Pain and Revelation – The Moon’s Reply – Darkness and Love Manuel de FALLA (1877 – 1946)(arr. Gareth Koch): Dance of the Miller
Celtic Ballads: Traditional Celtic, arr. Gareth Koch: Salley Gardens – Ballad – Skye-Boat Song Gareth Koch (guitar), recorded in February 1997 at Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle, Australia, with the kind permission of Dean Graeme Lawrence ABC 476 7498 Carl ORFF (1895 – 1982): Carmina Burana (arr. Gareth Koch): Fortune, Empress of the World: O Fortuna – Fortune plango vulnera; Spring: Veris leta facies – Omnia Sol temeprat;
On the Green: Tanz – Floret silva – Chramer, gip die varwe mir – Swaz hiengat umbe – Chume, chum geselle min! – Swaz hie gat umbe; In the Tavern: In taberna quando sumus;
The Court of Love: Amor volat undique – Dies, nox et omnia – Tempus est iocundum – Dulcissime; Fortune, Empress of the World: O Fortuna Songs of the Trouvères: Anonymous (13th century)(arr. Gareth Koch): Eve’s Garden; ADAM de la HALLE (1237 – 1288): Robin Loves Me Gareth Koch (guitar), recorded in June 1997 at Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle, Australia, with the kind permission of Dean Graeme Lawrence ABC 476 7499 "The Fragrance of Paradise" Gareth KOCH: The Lustful Abbot – Taste of the Fountain – Saladin’s Dream – The Unveiled Queen – The Hags of Gloucester – The Fragrance of Paradise – The Joust – Song of Devotion to the Virgin – Journey to the Otherworld (a. Voyage – b. In the Crypt) – The Knight of the Swan – The Wild Hunt – The Lost Grail – Simon, the Gregarious Hermit – Come with Me, My Giselle – Merlin’s Prophecy – Sigh of the Moor – Crusade Song Gareth Koch (guitar),´recorded in March 1999 at St. Scholastica’s Chapel, Glebe, Sydney, Australia ABC 476 7500 "España!" – Spanish and classical guitar favourites Isaac ALBENIZ (1860 – 1909): Sevilla ‘Sevillanas’ (from Suite Española) – Asturias ‘Leyenda’ (from Suite Española); Richard CHARLTON (b. 1955): Afterthoughts: Cantilena (after Torroba) – Reverie (after Debussy) – Sarabande (after Falla) – Rondeau (after Ponce); Enrique GRANADOS (1867 – 1916): Spanish Dance No. 4 ‘Villanesca’ (from Danzas Españolas); Manuel de FALLA (1877 – 1946): Dance of the Miller ‘Farruca’ (from The Three Cornered Hat) – Spanish Dance No. 1 (from La Vida Breve); Isaac ALBENIZ: Córdoba (from Songs of Spain); Enrique GRANADOS: Spanish Dance No. 5 (from Danzas Españolas); Joaquín NIN (1883 – 1949): Seguida Española: The Old Castle – Murciana – Catalana – Andaluza; Gaspar SANZ (1640 – 1710): Suite Español: Pasacalle – Paradetas – Canarios; Joaquín RODRIGO (1901 – 1999)(arr. Gareth Koch): Adagio (from Concierto de Aranjuez); Heitor VILLA-LOBOS (1887 – 1959): Prelude No. 4 Gareth Koch (guitar), Herwig Tachezi (cello)(tracks 9 – 15) Recorded in July 2000 at St. Scholastica’s Chapel, Glebe, Sydney, Australia (tracks 1 – 7); in May 1993 at Bernardi-Saal, Wr. Neustadt, Austria (tracks 8 – 18); in August 1992 at Church of the Holy Cross, Klingfurth, Austria (tracks 19 – 20) ABC CLASSICS 476 7496 [56:41 + 42:42 + 60:19 + 69:07] [GF]

I have enjoyed this box very much and am convinced that it will appeal to many listeners, guitar lovers or just "normal" music lovers. At the price nobody will regret buying this set ... see Full Review


Kreisler plays Kreisler Fritz KREISLER (1875-1962) Caprice Viennois [3.46] Tambourin Chinois [3.29] Liebesfreud [3.15] Liebesleid [3.37] Schön Rosmarin [1.59] La gitana [3.11] Rondino on a theme of Beethoven [2.30] Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Gavotte from Partita No.3 in E arranged KREISLER [3.18] Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Rondo from Haffner Serenade K250 arranged KREISLER [7.35] Fryderyk CHOPIN Mazurka in A minor Op.67 No.4 arranged KREISLER [2.48] Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Waltz in A Op.39 No.15 arranged David HOCHSTEIN [2.20] Antonín DVOŘÁK (1841-1904) Humoresque Op.101 No.7 arranged KREISLER [3.43] Pyotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) Andante cantabile from String Quartet No.1 arranged KREISLER [4.34] Nicolai RIMSKY-KORSAKOV (1844-1908) Hymn to the Sun from The Golden Cockerel arranged KREISLER [4.04] Chant Hindou from Sadko arranged KREISLER [3.17] Manuel de FALLA 1876-1946) Spanish Dance from La vida breve arranged KREISLER [3.22] Ede POLDINI (1869-1957) Dancing Doll arranged KREISLER [2.28] Cyril SCOTT (1879-1970) Lotus Land arranged KREISLER [4.06] TRADITIONAL Londonderry Air arranged KREISLER [3.45] Fritz Kreisler (violin) Franz Rupp (piano) Recorded in 1936 and 1938 NAXOS HISTORICAL 8.110992 [67.08][JW]

Every Kreislerian will love this programme but I hope younger listeners gravitate toward his inimitable way with these originals and transcriptions. ... see Full Review

Mario Lanza: Because You’re Mine Nicholas BRODSZKY Because You’re Mine; Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) (adapted Irving Aaronson) The Song Angels Sing; Johnny LEHMAN Lee-Ah-Loo; Cole PORTER (1893-1964) You Do Something To Me; Nacio Herb BROWN Temptation; Miklós RÓZSA (1907-1995) Lydia; Nicolai RIMSKY-KORSAKOV (1844-1908) Song of India; Bob MERRILL If You Were Mine; Lee KAUDERER Call Me Fool; Constantine CALLINICOS You Are My Love The Student Prince Sigmund ROMBERG (1887-1951) Orchestral Introduction; Serenade; Golden Days Drink, Drink, Drink; Nicholas BRODSZKY Summertime in Heidelberg; Beloved; TRADITIONAL Gaudeamus Igitur; Sigmund ROMBERG Deep In My Heart, Dear; Nicholas BRODSZKY I’ll Walk With God Mario Lanza (tenor) Orchestra/Constantine Callinicos, except tracks 5, 6, conducted by Ray Sinatra. Recorded in Hollywood 1952; 1954 NAXOS 8.120784 [58:41][GF]

With Lanza in opera the arias go straight to his heart; most of the songs on this disc go straight to his wallet. ... see Full Review

Tonya Lemoh - piano Franz LISZT (1811-1886) La Vallée d'Obermann [11:45] Frederick CHOPIN (1810-1849) Sonata in B minor Op. 35 no. 2 [19:17] Charles GRIFFES (1884-1920) The White Peacock (Roman Sketches Op. 7 no. 1), The Fountain of the Acqua Paola (Roman Sketches op. 7 no. 3) [4:16; 2:55] Niels Viggo BENTZON (1919-2000) Suite (Ouverture, Rigaudon, Courante, Sarabande, Menuet, Réjouissance, Sicilienne, Gigue) [10:08] Alberto GINASTERA (1916-1983) Danzas Argentinas (Danza del viejo boyero; Danze de la moza danosa; Danza del gaucho matrero) [7:49] J.S. BACH arr F. BUSONI Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ BWV 639 [3:27] Tonya Lemoh (piano) rec. live, Musikhuset Aarhus 3 Nov 2004. CLASSICO CLASSCD913 [60:35][RB]

An auspicious if not unmixed debut - outstanding in Bentzon, Liszt and Ginastera. ... see Full Review



Detailed listing (last two days)]
[Part 1 New]  [Part 2 A-B] [Part 3 C-L]
[Part 4 M-R]  [Part 5 S-Z]
[Part 6 Misc A-L]  [Part 7 Misc M-Z]

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