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RECORDING OF THE MONTH Sir Malcolm ARNOLD (1921-2006) Wind Chamber Music Wind Quintet, Op.2 (1943) [12:01] Duo for 2 clarinets, Op. 135, Divertimento (1988) : (I. Allegro energico [1:40] II. Allegretto [0:48] III. Vivace [0:53] IV. Lento [1:51] V. Vivace [1:19] VI. Adagio [1:33])* Dream City (1938) (arr. Paul Harris for wind quintet) [2:58] Hobson's Choice: Overture (1953) (arr. Uwe Radok for wind octet) [3:30] Grand Fantasia for flute, clarinet and piano (1940) [10:03] Overture (1940) (arr. Uwe Radok for wind octet) [3:22] Suite Bourgeoise for flute, clarinet and piano (c. 1939) [12:05] Scherzetto (arr. for clarinet and piano from film score You Know What Sailors Are) (1953) [2:44] Fantasy for solo clarinet, Op. 87 (1966) [4:05] Fantasy for flute and clarinet (c. 1960s) [1:30] Divertimento for flute, oboe and clarinet, Op. 37 (c. 1952) [9:05] 3 Shanties for wind quintet, Op. 4 (1943) [6:57] East Winds: (Judith Treggor (flute); Joseph Sanders (oboe); Victoria Soames Samek (clarinet); Jonathan Hassan (French horn); Lizbeth Elliott (bassoon)) Paul Chilvers (piano); Veda Lin (second oboe); Allison Rosser (second clarinet); Duncan Fuller (second French horn); Lauren Barr (second bassoon) rec. 22-23 June 2006, Potton Hall, Suffolk, England. DDD *op. 135 movements are separated and alternate with successive works NAXOS 8.570294 [76:24] [MC]

On this Naxos release Sir Malcolm is in his element with these excellently performed wind chamber scores and I was with him all the way. ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Cello Suites CD 1 No. 1 in G major BWV 1007 [16:11] No. 2 in D minor BWV 1008 [17:27] No. 3 in C major BWV 1009 [19:46] No. 4 in E flat major BWV 1010 [21:35] CD 2 No. 5 in C minor BWV 1011 [24:06] No. 6 in D major BWV 1012 [27:26] The Song of the Birds (arr. Sally Beamish) [2:44] Prelude from Cello Suite No.1 (Anna Magdalena manuscript) [2:24] Prelude from Cello Suite No.1 (Johann Peter Kellner manuscript) [2:21] Prelude from Cello Suite No.1 (Johann Christoph Westphal collection) [2:29] Steven Isserlis (cello) rec. Henry Wood Hall, London 4-8 December 2005 (CD1, CD2 Song, Preludes), and 17-19 July 2006 (CD2 Suites 5, 6) HYPERION CDA67541/2 [75.10 + 61:58] [DC]

Something like being presented with the St. Matthew Passion on a single instrument … the best of the best in this most personal of all possible worlds ... see Full Review 

HISTORICAL RECORDING OF THE MONTH Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Symphony No.3 in E flat major Op.55 Eroica (1804) [52:05] Alexander GLAZUNOV (1865-1936) Stenka Razin – symphonic poem in B minor Op.13 (1886) [18:52] Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra/Wilhelm Furtwängler – Beethoven [Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra/Leo Borchard] – Glazunov; claimed to be Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra/Wilhelm Furtwängler rec.16 December 1944 (Beethoven) and (2 February 1945 - Glazunov) MELODIYA MEL CD 10 01106 [70:57] [JW]

Furtwängler’s Eroica - the most dramatic and the most intense. ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Symphony No. 8 in F major, Op. 93 (1812) [23:13] König Stephan, Op.117 (1811): Overture [6:24], Siegesmarch [3:01], Geistlicher marsch [1:21] Ruins of Athens, Op. 113 (1811): Overture [4:17], Turkish March [1:52] Fidelio Overture, Op. 72b (1814) [5:58] Tarpeja, WoO2 (1813): Introduction to Act 2 [1:56], Triumphal March [2:20] Namensfeier Overture, Op. 115 (1814-15) [6:27] Wellington’s Victory, Op. 91 (1813) [14:55] Swedish Chamber Orchestra Örebro/Thomas Dausgaard rec. Örebro Concert Hall, October 2002, September 2003, September 2004, September 2005. DDD SIMAX PSC 1282 [71:44][MG]

An enlightening CD of fresh performances and stimulating contrasts, through which you discover an unexpected masterpiece.  … see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918) La Mer: trois esquisses symphoniques (1903-05) [24:51] Claude DEBUSSY arranged for orchestra by Colin MATTHEWS (b. 1946) Préludes (1910-1912, arrs, 2001-06):- Brouillards (Book II No. 1) [4:03] Ce qu’a vu le vent d’Ouest (Book I, No. 7) [3:10] Minstrels (Book I No 12) [2:39] Canope (Book II No 10) [2:57] Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l’air du soir (Book I No 4) [3:53] La Puerta del Vino (Book II No 3) [3:38] Général Lavine – eccentric (Book II No. 6) [3:15] Feuilles mortes (Book II No 2) [3:36] Les tierces alternées (Book II No. 11) [3:12] La danse de Puck (Book I No 11) [3:03] Le vent dans la plaine (Book I No 3) [2:55] La fille aux cheveux de lin (Book I No 8)*[5:00] Hallé Orchestra/Mark Elder rec. 14–16 July 2006; *2 August 2006, BBC Studio 7, New Broadcasting House, Manchester. DDD HALLÉ CD HLL 7513 [67:24][JQ]

This release is an out-and-out winner. ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Claudio MONTEVERDI (1567-1643) Madrigali guerrieri et amorosi: libro ottavo (1638) 1. Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda [22:03] 2. Il Ballo delle ingrate [36:10] 3. Sinfonia a doi violini e una viola di brazzo [0:45] 4. Altri canti d’amor, tenero arciero, a sei voci con quattro viole e doi violini [9:52] 5. Lamento de la Ninfa [4:43] 6. Vago augelletto, che cantando vai, a sei e sette voci con doi violini e un contrabasso [5:42] 7. Perchč t’ en fuggi, o fillide? A tre (alto, tenore e basso) [5:59] 8. Altri canti di marte, a sei voci et doi violini [8:59] 9. Ogni amante č guerrier [14:18] 10. Hor che ’l ciel e la terra e ’l vento tace, a sei voci con doi violini [10:46] 11. Gira il nemico, insidioso amore [5:43] 12. Dolcissimo uscignolo, a cinque voci, cantato a voce piena, alla francese [3:42] 13. Ardo, ardo, avvampo, mi struggo, a otto voci con doi violini [4:16] 14. Introduzione e ballo [9:40] 15. Se vittoria sě belle, a doi tenori [2:39] 16. Su, su, su, pastorelli vezzosi, a tre, doi canti e alto [2:33] 17. Ardo e scoprir, ahi lasso, io non ardisco, a doi tenori [3:30] 18. Chi vol aver felice e lieto il core, a cinque voci, cantato a voce piena, alla francese [2:06] 19. Armato il cor d’adamantina fede, a doi tenore [2:20] 20. Non partir ritrosetta, a tre, doi alti e basso [4:17] 21. O sia tranquillo il mare, a doi tenori [4:20] 22. Mentre vaga angiolwtta, a doi tenori [9:31] 23. Ninfa che, scalza il piede [5:19] Concerto Italiano/Rinasso Alessandrini rec. (1-3) January 1998, Centro Giovanni XXIII, Frascati, Italy; (4-13) February 1997, Salone della Musica, Villa Medici, Ora Giulini, Briosco, Italy; (14-23) December 2005, Palazzo Farnese, Rome, Italy. OPUS 111 OP30435 [3 CDs: 58:24 + 75:11 + 46:22] [GPu]

A glorious, theatrical recording of Monteverdi’s final collection of madrigals, vivid, energetic, full of contrast and power, subtlety and rhythmic vitality … see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Francis George SCOTT (1880-1958) Moonstruck – The Songs of F G Scott 1. Milkwort and Bog-cotton [2.32]; 2. Crowdiknowe [1.36]; 3. Moonstruck [2.37]; 4. The Eemis Stane [2.03]; 5. The Sauchs in the Reuch Heuch Hauch [1.12]; 6. Ay Waukin, O [3.52]; 7. Amang the Trees [1.26]; 8. The Discreet Hint [1.36]; 9. Je descendis dans mon jardin [2.22]; 10. Florine [1.46]; 11. Lourd on my hert [1.22]; 12. The Watergaw [2.26]; 13. Country Life [1.14]; 14. Wheesht, Wheest [1.31]; 15. O, wha my babie-clouts will buy? [2.04]; 16. My wife's a wanton we thing [1.33]; 17. The Inumerable Christ [3.06]; 18. I wha aince in Heavens' Heicht [1.24]; 19. An Apprentice Angel [2.08]; 20. Hungry Waters [1.49]; 21. Te Deil o'Bogie [2.48]; 22. To a Lady [2.32]; 23. Cupid and Venus [2.33]; 24. The Old Fisherman [2.24]; 25. Im Tiroler Wirsthaus [1.02]; 26. In Time of Tumult [2.05]; 27. The Man in the Moon [2.07]; 28. First Love [1.46]; 29. Empty Vessel [1.13]; 30. The Wren's Nest [1.09]; 31. Love of Alba [1.53]; 32. The Wee Man [1.10]; Total running time: [62.26] Lisa Milne (soprano) Roderick Williams (baritone) Iain Burnside (piano) rec. The Warehouse, London 13-14 March, 15-16 July 2006. DDD SIGNUM CLASSICS SIGCD 096 [62:26][CSS]

This is a Must! ... see Full Review

HISTORICAL RECORDING OF THE MONTH Jean SIBELIUS (1865-1957) Violin Concerto Op. 47 (1903 rev. 1905) [30:37] En Saga, Op.9 (1892/1902) [20:08] Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Coriolan Overture Op.62 (1807) [9:00] Georg Kulenkampff (violin) Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra/Wilhelm Furtwängler rec. Berlin 7 February 1942; 27 June 1943 (Coriolan) MELODIYA MEL CD 10 01109 [59:49] [JW]

Adherents of the concerto should have this Kulenkampff, along with the Ignatius, Wicks, Neveu and Heifetz. Others should get it anyway in whichever incarnation they may find it. ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Richard STRAUSS (1864–1949) Salome, Op. 54 (1905) Final Scene 1. Ah! Du wolltest mich nicht deinen Mund küssen lassen, Jochanaan! [15:56] Capriccio, Op. 85 (1942) Final Scene 2. Interlude: Mondscheinmusik [3:14] 3. Morgen mittag um elf! [15:51]Vier letzte Lieder Op. posth. (1948) 4. Frühling [3:10] 5. September [4:42] 6. Beim Schlafengehen [5:11] 7. Im Abendrot [7:35] Nina Stemme (soprano) Gerhard Siegel (tenor) (1), Liora Grodnikaite (mezzo) (1), Jeremy White (bass) (2), Richard Clews (horn solo) (5), Peter Manning (violin solo) (6) Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden/Antonio Pappano rec. Studio No. 1, Abbey Road, London, on 1-2, 4-5, 11 September 2006 EMI CLASSICS 3787972 [56:22] [GF]

This is a disc that should find a place in every Strauss lover’s collection ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH British Horn Concertos Gordon JACOB (1895-1984) Concerto for Horn and Strings (1950s) [20:35] Malcolm ARNOLD (1921-2006) Concerto No. 2 for Horn and Strings, Op. 58 (1956) [14:03] York BOWEN (1884-1961) Concerto for Horn, string orchestra and timpani (1956) [16:27] Ruth GIPPS (1921-1999) Horn Concerto, Op. 58 (1968) [17:11] Gilbert VINTER (1909-1969) Hunter’s Moon (1943) [6:22] David Pyatt (horn) London Philharmonic Orchestra/Nicholas Braithwaite rec. Watford Town Hall, 10-21 Jan 1994 (Jacob, Bowen, Arnold); Henry Wood Hall, London, 8-9 Feb 1994 (Gipps, Vinter). DDD LYRITA SRCD.316 [74:42] [JQ]

For sheer listening pleasure this is one of the best discs to have come my way for a long time. ... see Full Review



BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Benjamin BRITTEN (1913-1976) The Complete Purcell Realizations CD 1: Songs from Orpheus Britannicus The knotting song (1939, publ. 1994) [2:04] JB Seven songs (1947): Fairest Isle [2:20] FL; If music be the food of love [4:10] JMA; Turn then thine eyes [1:34] JMA; Music for a while [3:14] SW; Pious Celinda [1:25] IB; I:ll sail upon the Dog-star [1:23] RJ; On the brow of Richmond Hill [1:50] ARJ Six songs (1948): Mad Bess [5:23] SW; If music be the food of love [2:08] FL; There:s not a swain of the plain [0:52] IB; Not all my torments [2:41] JB; Man is for the Woman made [1:07] ARJ; Sweeter than roses [3:42] FL O Solitude (1955) [6:28] JMA Five songs (1960): I attempt from Love:s sickness to fly [2:12] SG; I take no pleasure [1:44] IB; Hark the ech:ing air! [2:28] FL; Take not a woman:s anger ill [1:28] JMA; How blest are Shepherds [3:29] JMA Celemene (1946, publ. 1994) [3:52] SG, IB Six duets (1961): Sound the Trumpet [2:24] ARJ, JMA; I spy Celia [4:05] IB, RJ; Lost is my quiet [3:18] SG, SW; What can we poor females do? [1:12] SG, SW; No, Resistance is but vain [5:35] SW, RJ; Shepherd, leave decoying [1:17] SG, SW CD 2: Songs from Harmonia Sacra The Queen's Epicedium (1946) [7:24] IB The Blessed Virgin:s Expostulation (1947) [7:25] FL Saul and the witch at Endor (1947) [11:46] SW, JMA, SK Three divine hymns (1947): Lord, what is man? [6:09] FL; We sing to him [1:54] JB; Evening hymn [4:35] FL Job's Curse (1950) [5:08] SK Two divine hymns and Alleluia (1960) [9:41] ARJ Dulcibella (1971, publ. 1994) [2:09] IB, RJ When Myra sings (1971, publ. 1994) [2:45] IB, RJ Let the dreadful engines of eternal will (1971) [7:57] SK Felicity Lott, Susan Gritton (sopranos); Sarah Walker (mezzo); James Bowman (counter-tenor); John Mark Ainsley, Ian Bostridge, Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenors); Richard Jackson, Simon Keenlyside (baritone); Graham Johnson (piano) rec. Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel, London, 5–10 January 1995. DDD. HYPERION DYAD CDD22058 [70:17 + 73:20][ED]

I have been listening to these two generously filled discs, searching for reasons not to buy them. I have not thought of a single one. ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Concertos for Horn and Orchestraa – No. 1 in D, K386b (1791?) [8:16]; No. 2 in E flat, K417 (1783) [13:44]; No. 3 in E flat, K447 (1784-87) [15:53]; No. 4 in E flat, K495 (1786) [16:05]. Quintet for Piano and wind Instruments, K452b (1784) [21:30]. aDennis Brain (horn); bWalter Gieseking (piano); aPhilharmonia Orchestra/Herbert von Karajan; bPhilharmonia Wind Ensemble (Sidney Sutcliffe (oboe); Bernard Walton (clarinet); Dennis Brain (horn); Cecil James, (bassoon)) rec. aKingsway Hall, London, 12-13, 23 November 1953; bEMI Abbey Road Studio No. 1, London, 15 April 1955. ADD NAXOS HISTORICAL 8.111070 [75:16][CC]

This disc is pure joy. At the price, it is almost a crime not to snap it up. This is as near to flawless horn playing as we can expect this side of the veil. ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Sergei RACHMANINOV (1873-1943) Complete Songs Joan Rodgers (soprano), Maria Popescu (mezzo-soprano), Alexandre Naoumenko (tenor), Sergei Leiferkus (bass) Howard Shelley (piano) rec. St. Michael’s Church, Highgate, London 1994-95 BRILLIANT CLASSICS 8531 [3 CDs: 76:01 + 71:54 + 68:00] [JW]

These decade-old recordings have stood the test of time. The set is something of a steal. ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Karol SZYMANOWSKI (1882-1937) Violin Concerto No.1 Op.35 (1916) [26:09] Violin Concerto No.2 Op.61 (1932-33) [22:13] Nocturne and Tarantella Op.28 (1915) orch. Grzegorz Fitelberg [11:51] Ilya Kaler (violin) Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra/Antoni Wit rec. Philharmonic Hall, Warsaw, September 2006 NAXOS 8.557981 [60:12][JW]

Excellent sound, intelligently argued performances and instrumental finesse - a handsome bargain at whatever price bracket. ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH American Choral Music Vincent PERSICHETTI (1915-1987) Flower Songs, Op. 157 (1983) [19:25] Charles IVES (1874-1954) Psalm 90 (1923-24) [11:06] John CORIGLIANO (b. 1938) Fern Hill* (1960) [15:33] Lukas FOSS (b. 1922) Behold, I build an House  (1950) [10:05] Aaron COPLAND (1900-1990) In the Beginning* (1947) [16:02] Suzanne Mentzer (mezzo)* The University of Texas Chamber Singers and Chamber Orchestra/James Morrow rec. 21-22 January 2006, Bates Recital Hall, School of Music, University of Texas, Austin. DDD NAXOS AMERICAN CLASSICS 8.559299 [72:11][JQ]

A very stimulating collection of fine performances of mainly unfamiliar repertoire ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH The British Light Music Collection 1 CD1 Sir Malcolm ARNOLD (1921-2006) The Roots Of Heaven – Overture (1958) [5:03] William ALWYN (1905-1985) Suite of Scottish Dances (The Indian Queen; A Trip to Italy; Colonel Thornton's Strathspey; The Perthshire Hunt – Reel; Loch Earn – Reel; Carleton House; Miss Ann Carnegie's Hornpipe) (1946) [6:37] Sir Malcolm SARGENT (1895-1967) An Impression on a Windy Day (1927) [7:14] Clifton PARKER (1905-1989) The Glass Slipper – Overture [3:37] James LANGLEY (1927-1994) The Coloured Counties [5:52] Gordon JACOB (1895-1984) The Barber of Seville Goes to the Devil Overture [4:29] Maurice JOHNSTONE (1900-1976) Tarn Hows - A Cumbrian Rhapsody (1949) [13:56] Alan LANGFORD (b.1928) Two Worlds - Overture [5:11] Sir Richard Rodney BENNETT (b.1936) Little Suite (The Bird's Lament; The Widow Bird; The Ladybird; Glow-worms; The Lark) (1965) [9:49] David LYON (b.1938) Joie De Vivre - Overture (1972) [6:50] CD2 Malcolm ARNOLD (1921-2006) Little Suite No.4, Op.80a (orch. Lane) (Prelude; Siciliano; Rondo) (1963) [7:30] William BLEZARD (b. 1921) The River (1969) [6:11]Adrian CRUFT (1921-1987) Traditional Hornpipe Suite (Newcastle and Navvie; Irish; Del Caro's; Oak Hill; Fisher's; Billy Bones) [7:04] Eric FENBY (1906-1997) Rossini On Ilkla Moor - Overture (1938) [6:35] Raymond WARREN (b.1928) Wexford Bells - Suite on Old Irish Tunes (1970) (Shepherds' Dance'; Lute Book Lullaby; Christmas Jig; Wexford Bells) [10:30] Arthur BUTTERWORTH (b.1923) The Path Across The Moors (1958) [6:39] Anthony HEDGES (b. 1931) An Ayrshire Serenade, Op.42 (1971) (Allegro moderato; Andantino; Molto vivace) [10:08] Paul LEWIS (b.1943) An English Overture (1971) [5:25] Philip LANE (b.1950) Suite of Cotswold Folk Dances (1978) (Wheatly Processional; Constant Billy; Brighton Camp; Jockie to the Fair; Ladies of Pleasure; Princess Royal) [11:40] Royal Ballet Sinfonia/Kenneth Alwyn; Gavin Sutherland rec. Whitfield Street Studios, London, 1-2 April 1998; 24 June, 15 September 1999. DDD RESONANCE CDRSB205 [70:11 + 74:08] [RB]

Light music of euphoria and contentment ... see Full Review

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