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Ruggero LEONCAVALLO (1858-1919) Opera Explained. An Introduction to Pagliacci Background M Introduction, Background to Leoncavallo and libretti, Commedia dell'arte, Pantaloon, the Doctor, the Bragging Captain, The Lovers and Harlequin, Pagliacci The story's structure; the prologue, The opening: the circus is coming, Nedda's infidelity, Silvio and Nedda, Canio: 'Vesti la giubba' , Intermezzo: Act I to Act II, The play-within-the- play opens, Canio (Pagliaccio) returns early, The denouement, Silvio and Nedda's duet Music illustrations taken from Naxos 8.660021 featuring the Slovak Philharmonic Choir, Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra/Alexander Rahbari. with: Canio, Nicola Martinucci (ten); Nedda, Miriam Gauci (sop); Tonio, Eduard Tumagian (bar); Silvio, Boje Skovhus (bar) Narrative written by Thomson Smillie and spoken by David Timson NAXOS EDUCATIONAL OPERA EXPLAINED SERIES 8.558143 [61.34] [RJF]

An excellent introduction to one of the most popular and well constructed works in the operatic repertoire. ... see Full Review

Un Concert pour Mazarin – Italian music in 17th-century French manuscript collections Maurizio CAZZATI (c1620-1677) Acclamate de terra [06:07] Girolamo FRESCOBALDI (1583-1643) Capriccio [02:15] anon (beginning 17th century) Bienheureuse est une âme [01:03] Francesco FOGGIA (1604-1688) O quam clemens [04:42] anon (beginning 17th century) Madre, non mi far monaca [00:45] Francesco TURINI (c1589-1656) Sonata a 3 sopra La Monica [04:45] François ROBERDAY (1624-1680)Fugue à 4 parties sur un sujet italien [02:26] Claudio MONTEVERDI (1567-1643) Sancta Maria [03:23] Ludovico DA VIADANA (c1560-1627) Canzon per cornetto e violino in riposta [03:21] Giampaolo CIMA (c1570-1622) Surge, propera, amica mea [03:39] Nicolò FONTEI (?-c1647) Laudate pueri [05:42] Maurizio CAZZATI Capriccio e ciaccona [07:39] Luigi ROSSI (?) (c1597-1653) Passacaille pour le clavecin [03:03] Giovanni Battista BASSANI (c1657-1716) In caligne umbrosa [11:50] Philippe Jaroussky, alto La Fenice: Jean Tubéry (cornet, mute cornet & direction), Gebhard David (cornet, mute cornet), Enrico Onofri, Alessandro Tampieri (violin), Emilia Gliozzi (cello), Jérémie Papasergio (bassoon), Matthias Spaeter (archlute), Jean-Marc Aymes (harpsichord, organ) Recorded in June 2003 at Saint-Michel in Thiérache, France DDD VIRGIN CLASSICS 5 45656 2 [60:48] [JV]

Italian music as it was performed in France in the early 17th century – first-class performances of unfamiliar repertoire ... see Full Review

Memories of Love - songs with piano accompaniment Pietro MASCAGNI (1863-1945) ‘Pena d'amore’; ‘M’ama... non m'ama’; ‘Rosa’; ‘Alla luna’; ‘La tua stella’; ‘Serenata’ Giuseppe MARTUCCI (1856-1909) La canzone dei ricordi: 1. ‘No... svaniti non sono i sogni’; 2. ‘Cantava il ruscello la gaia canzone’; 3. ‘Fior di ginestra’; 4. ‘Su 'l mar la navicella’; 5. ‘Un vago mormorio mi giunge’; 6. ‘Al folto bosco, placida ombria’; 7. ‘No, svaniti non sono i sogno’ Ottorino RESPIGHI (1879-1936) ‘Nebbie’; ‘O falce di luna’; ‘Nevicata’; ‘Notte’ Ildebrando PIZZETTI (1880-1968) 3 Sonetti del Petrarca, (In morte di Madonna Laura): ‘Quel rosignuol che si soave piagne’; ‘La vita fugge e non s'arresta un'ora’; ‘Levommi il mio pensier in parte ov'era quella ch'io cerco’ José María Guerrero (tenor) Richard Pearce piano Recorded 8th –10th October 2003 at Snape Maltings Concert Hall, Suffolk, England WARNER CLASSICS 2564 61295-2 [63.39] [RJF]

An all too rare opportunity to hear songs from Italy ... those by Martucci and Respighi from the German tradition. ... will be of interest to lovers of the genre. ... see Full Review

Marina Mescheriakova Soprano Arias Serge RACHMANINOV (1873-1943) Francesca da Rimini (1906) - O weep not, my Paolo (Francesca’s Aria) [2’47]. Peter Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) Eugene Onegin (1879) - Tatiana’s Letter Scene [10’56]. Giuseppe VERDI (1813-1901) Don Carlo (1867) - Tu che la vanità [10’20]. Luisa Miller (1849) – Tu puniscimi, O Signore [3’05]. Simon Boccanegra (1857) – Come in quest’ora bruna [3’48]. Ernani (1833/4) – Surta è la notte … Ernani, involami [6’45]. Vincenzo BELLINI (1801-1835) Norma (1831) - Casta diva [10’03]. Gaetano DONIZETTI (1797-1848) Maria Stuarda (1835) - O nube! Che lieve per l’aria t’aggiri [5’48]. Gaspare SPONTINI (1774-1851) La Vestale (1807) - O nume tutelar [2’46]. Marina Mescheriakova (soprano); aSlovak Philharmonic Chorus Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra/Michael Halász. Rec. Concert Hall of the Slovak Radio, Bratislava, from September 9th-14th, 2003. DDD NAXOS 8.557109 [56’16] [CC]

A memorable recital .. Delights galore. ... see Full Review

Dimitri Mitropoulos in New York Johann Sebastian BACH Chorale, Sleepers wake (orch. Eugene Ormandy)* [5’19"] Carl Maria von WEBER Symphony No 1, op. 19 ** [21’59"] Ludwig van BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 2 in D major, op. 36*** [30’24"] ohannes BRAHMS Symphony No 2 in D major, Op. 73**** [36’02"] Hector BERLIOZ Les Nuits d’été Op. 7 ***** [24’45"] ***** Eleanor Steber (soprano) New York Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra/Dimitri Mitropoulos Rec. venues not stated, *5 April, 1953; ** 1 April, 1951; ***29 November, 1953; **** 2 November, 1952; ***** 5 April, 1953. Mono ADD TAHRA 531-532 [58’21" + 67’51"] [JQ]

Self-recommending to all admirers of this artist and I warmly recommend it also to anyone with an interest in great conducting. ... see Full Review

Pierre Monteux Nicolai RIMSKY-KORSAKOV (1844-1904) Scheherezade, symphonic suite, Op.35 Maurice RAVEL (1875-1937) Daphnis et Chloé, Suite No.1; Alborada del gracioso; La Valse San Francisco Symphony Orchestra/Pierre Monteux
Recorded 1941 (La Valse), 1942 (Scheherezade), 1946 (Daphnis et Chloé) and 1947 (Alborada del gracioso) ARCHIPEL ARPCD 0213 [69.44] [JW]

Sound issues aside Monteux’s performances are a must-have. ... see Full Review

An Long Hirteach - St Kilda Mail-Boat - Songs from St Kilda - Evacuated 1930see review for extensive details of this unusual disc BRIGH BR003 [63’63"]

The consummate artistry of Anne and her group ... This CD is a ‘must’ for all lovers of song [CSS]
Anne Lorne Gillies' God-given voice ... integrity beams out from every track ... see Full Review

Opera Stars in Concert Giuseppe VERDI (1813-1901) I vespri siciliani (1855) - Overture. La traviata (1853) - Lunga da leic Don Carlo (1867) - Per me giunto è il di supremod. Vincenzo BELLINI (1801-1835) I puritani (1835) - Il rival salvar tu deide. Jacques OFFENBACH (1819-1880) Les contes d’Hoffmann (1881) - Barcarolle & Duetab. Giacomo PUCCINI (1858-1924) Tosca (1900) - Vissi d’artea. Giaocchino ROSSINI (1792-1868) Semiramide (1823) - Eccomi alfine in Babiloniab. Gaetano DONIZETTI (1797-1848) Lucrezio Borgia (1833) - Vieni la mia vendettae. Charles GOUNOD (1818-1893) Faust (1859) - Alerte, alerteace. aKatia Ricciarelli (soprano); bLucia Valentini-Terrani (mezzo); cAlfredo Kraus (tenor); dPaolo Coni (baritone); eRuggero Raimondi (bass) Madrid Symphony Orchestra/Gian Paolo Sanzogno. Rec. Plaza de Toros Monumental da Madrid. Dolby digital. NTSC. 4:3. IMMORTAL IMM950006 [55’00] [CC]

A mixed bag with some interesting items. ... see Full Review

Seiji Ozawa Hall 10th Anniversary Celebration Ludwig Van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) String Quartet No. 12 in E-flat, Opus 127 (1st movement) Juilliard String Quartet July 1, 2001 Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Sonata in D minor, Opus 108 (2nd movement) Yo-Yo Ma, cello; Emanuel Ax, piano July 19, 2001 Béla BARTÓK (1881-1945) String Quartet No. 2, Opus 17 (2nd movement) Emerson String Quartet July 25, 1995 Frédéric CHOPIN (1810-1849) Berceuse in D-flat, Opus 57 Dubravka Tomsic, piano July 16, 2003 Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918) La Danse de Puck Richard Goode, piano August 1, 2002 György LIGETI (1923-) Fém Pierre-Laurent Aimard, piano July 20, 2003 Toru TAKEMITSU (1930-1996) Shuteiga ("In an Autumn Garden"): Enbai ("Melisma") Reigakusha July 23, 1996 Augusta Read THOMAS (1964-) Two movements from Spirit Musings Fellows of the Tanglewood Music Center July 18, 2003 Johannes BRAHMS "Unbewegte laue Luft," Opus 7, No.8 Lorraine Hunt Lieberson, mezzo-soprano; Peter Serkin, piano July 10, 2003 Franz SCHUBERT (1797-1828) "Irrlicht" from Winterreise, D. 911 Matthias Goerne, baritone; Eric Schneider, piano July 10, 2002 Hugo WOLF (1860-1903) "Kennst du das Land" Mitsuko Shirai, mezzo-soprano; Harmut Höll, piano July 18, 1996 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Leporello’s Catalogue Aria from Don Giovanni Thomas Quasthoff, bass-baritone; Freiburg Baroque Orchestra August 11, 1999 Idris LEWIS "Bugail Aberdyfi" ("Shepard of Aberdovey") Byrn Terfel, bass-baritone; Malcolm Martineau, piano August 11, 1998 TRAD. (arr. James Erb and Donald Bartholomew) "Shenandoah" Chanticleer August 5, 1999 Astor PIAZZOLLA (1921-1992) (arr. José Bragato) Escualo
KREMERata Baltica/Gidon Kremer, artistic director and violin soloist August 5, 1998 BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA - NO NUMBER [75:57] [C Andres]

A collection of first-rate souvenirs that is ultimately less than the sum of its parts ... see Full Review

PASSIONS Claudio MERULO (1533 – 1604) Toccata, Canzone Régis CAMPO (b. 1968) Capriccio (2003), Sonnerie (2002) Louis COUPERIN (1626 – 1661) Duo, Fantaisie des duretez, Carillon, Edith CANAT DE CHIZY (b. 1950) Véga (1999) Brice PAUSET (b. 1965) Six Pièces pour orgue (excerpts) Nicolas de GRIGNY (1672 – 1703) Hymne Pange Lingua Gérard PESSON (b. 1958) Etudes pour orgue (1998) Bruno MANTOVANI (b. 1974) Aussi... (2003) Jean-Christophe Revel at the Jean de Joyeuse organ of the Cathédrale Sainte Marie d’Auch Recorded: Cathédrale Sainte Marie, Auch, October-November 2003 AEON AECD 0420 [73:41] [HC]

Well worth investigating, definitely not for organ buffs only. ... see Full Review

Lucia Popp (soprano) Franz SCHUBERT (1797-1828) An mein Herz, D.860, Der Jüngling an der Quelle, D.300, Jägers Abendlied, D.368, Der Einsame, D.800 Arnold SCHOENBERG (1874-1951) Vier Lieder, op.2 Richard STRAUSS (1864-1949) Drei Lieder der Ophelia op.67/1, Mein Auge, op.37/4, Meinem Kinde, op.37/3, Die Zeitlose, op.10/7, Hat gesagt – bleibt’s nicht dabei, op.36/3, Allerseelen, op. 10/8 Antonín DVOŘÁK (1841-1904) V národním tónu, op.73 Gustav MAHLER (1860-1911) Starke Einbildungskraft, Ich ging mit Lust durch einen grünen Wald, Ablösung im Sommer, Um schlimme Kinder artig zu machen Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Es steht ein Lind, Wo033/41, Sehnsucht, op.14/8, We kumm ich dann de Pooz erenn? Wo033/34, Die Trauernde, op.7/5, In stiller Nacht, Wo033/42 Lucia Popp (soprano), Irwin Gage (piano – Schubert, Schoenberg, Strauss), Geoffrey Parsons (piano – other items) Recorded during the Edinburgh Festival, Queen’s Hall, 30th August 1983 (Schubert, Schoenberg, Strauss), 13th August 1980 (others) IMG ARTISTS BBC LEGENDS BBCL 4148-2 [79:08] [CH]

The record as a whole is recommended to all who treasure lovely singing; the Dvořák group is essential for collectors of great singing. ... see Full Review

Sviatoslav Richter (1915-1997) Franz SCHUBERT (1797-1828) Moments musicaux, D870: No. 1 in C; No. 3 in F minor; No. 6 in Ab; Piano Sonata in E minor, D.566 Frederic CHOPIN (1810-1849) Barcarolle in F# major, op.60 Franz LISZT (1811-1886) Piano Sonata in B minor, S178 Sviatoslav Richter, piano Recorded at Jubilee Hall, Aldeburgh, 22nd June 1965 (Schubert D.780), Parish Church, Aldeburgh, 20th June 1964 (Schubert D.566), 21st June 1966 (Chopin/Liszt) BBC MUSIC BBCL4146-2 [79:39] [GPJ]

The sense of a special live occasion is so strong in this recording, and Richter is simply not to be missed. ... see Full Review

La Harpe Royale – Musical Portraits, Dances and Laments from the Court of Louis XIV Francesco CORBETTA (1615-1681) Fantasie caprice de chaconne [03:15] Louis COUPERIN (c1626-1661) Prelude en A mi la [01:40] La Piémontoise [02:07] Courante [01:26] Sarabande [00:47] Les Carillons de Paris [02:04] Prelude [09:02] Robert DE VISÉE (1680-1719) Allemande La Royalle [03:26] Courante I & II [02:53] Sarabande [01:37] Gavotte [00:47] Chacone [02:23] Mascarade Rondeau [01:42] Louis COUPERIN Tombeau de Mr de Blancrocher [07:07] François COUPERIN (1668-1733) Allemande L’Auguste [03:58] Premiere & Seconde Courante [03:31] Sarabande La Majestueuse [02:26] Gavotte [01:23] Gigue La Milordine [01:38] Chacone en Rondeau La Favourite [06:18] Louis COUPERIN
Passacaille [06:11] Johann Jakob FROBERGER (1616-1667) Lamento sopra la dolorosa perdità della Real Mstà di Ferdinando IV [06:14] Andrew Lawrence-King, triple harp
Recorded in January 1996 in St Andrew’s, Toddington, UK, DDD DHM 05472 77371-2 [71:54]

This disc pays attention to the harp as solo instrument, which is brilliantly played here ... see Full Review

Sequentia: Dante and the Troubadours Almeric de PEGUILHAN (ca. 1175-1230) En amor trob alques en que’m refraing [11:08] Arnault DANIEL (ca. 1180-1200) Lo ferm voler qu’el cor m’intra [4:04] Bertran de BORN (ca. 1140-1215) Rassa, tan cries e monta e poia [9:21] Peire D’ALVERNHE (ca. 1150-1215) Dejosta’ls breus jorns e’ls loncs sers [12:14] Guiraut de BRONHELH (ca. 1138-1215) Non posc sofrir c’a la dolor [9:04] Arnault DANIEL (ca. 1180-1200) Chanson do’ill mot son plan e prim [9:18] Folquet de MARSEILLA (ca. 1155-1231) Tant m’abellis l’amoros pesamens [12:08] Instrumentsalstük – Instrumental piece [8:47] Barbara Thornton – voice Benjamin Bagbe – voice, harp Elizabeth Gaver – fiddle Elisabetta de Mircovich – fiddle Benjamin Bagby and Barbara Thornton – Direction Recorded at Abbaye de Fontevraud, France, 4-7 December, 1993 DDD BMG DHM 82876 601632 [76:47] [PG]

A very good album of very early music ... see Full Review

Snapshots: Fiftieth birthday tributes for Oliver Knussen Louis ANDRIESSEN (b. 1939) Very Sharp Trumpet Sonata Charles WUORINEN (b. 1938) Fifty Fifty Alexander GOEHR (b. 1932) only two notes for olly (the other five for later) Detlev GLANERT (b. 1960) Dancing Landscape Elliot CARTER (b. 1908) Au Quai Hans Werner HENZE (b. 1926) Olly on the Shore Augusta Read THOMAS (b. 1964) Light the First Light of Evening Robert ZUIDAM (b. 1964) I suppose a Fugue is out of Question Colin MATTHEWS (b. 1946) Flourish, with fireflies Julian ANDERSON (b. 1967) Quasi una Passacaglia Mark-Anthony TURNAGE (b. 1960) Snapshots George BENJAMIN (b. 1960) Olicantus Magnus LINDBERG (b. 1958) Bubo bubo London Sinfonietta/George Benjamin Rolf Hind and Nicolas Hodges (pianos) Recorded live at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, 12th June 2002 DDD LONDON SINFONIETTA LABEL SINF CD1-2004 [41:41] [CT]

A double celebration of Oliver Knussen’s fiftieth birthday and the launch of the London Sinfonietta’s new label. ... see Full Review

Sounds Idyllic: A Little Organ Book In Memory Of Hubert Parry Charles Hubert Hastings PARRY (1848-1918) ‘Preston’ Charles Villiers STANFORD (1852-1924) ‘Why does azure deck the sky’ Alfred Herbert BREWER (1865-1928) Carillon Alan GRAY (1855-1935) Slow Charles MACPHERSON (1870-1927) Andante soavemente e dolce Ivor ATKINS (1869-1953) Chorale Prelude on ‘Worcester’ Frank BRIDGE (1879-1941) Lento Harold Edwin DARKE (1888-1876) Andantino Charles WOOD (1866-1926) Andante Walter Gilpin ALCOCK (1861-1947) Rather slowly George THALBEN BALL (1896-1987) Elegy Henry George LEY (1887-1962) Improvisation Henry Walford DAVIES (1869-1941) Prelude on ‘Jesu Dulcis Memoria’ STANFORD Six Short Preludes and Postludes, op. 101: 1. Allegretto in F, 2. Allegro non troppo e pesante in G minor, 3. Allegro non troppo in E flat, 4.Andante tranquillo in F, 5. Andante maestoso in G, 6. Andante con moto in E flat BRIDGE Six Organ Pieces: 1. Allegretto grazioso in A, 2. Allegro comodo in B flat, 3. Allegro marziale e ben marcato in D, 4. Andante con moto in D flat, 5. Andantino in F minor, 6. Allegro ben moderato in D Peter Dyke (organ) Recorded on the organ of Hereford Cathedral, 4-6 September 2002 LAMMAS LAMM 148D [75:30] [CH]

A nice disc which might have been something more than that. ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Songs after Poems by Theodor Storm: Hermann REUTTER (1900-1985)Fünf Lieder nach Texten von Storm, Die Stadt, Hyazinthen
Verirrt, O bleibe treu den Toten, Wohl fühle ich, wie das Leben rinnt Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897)Über die Heide hallet mein Schritt, Heinrich van EYKEN (1861-1908) Nun geht der Mond durch Wolkennacht Felix MOTTL (1856-1911) Schließe mir die Augen beide Gustav JENNER (1865-1920) Noch einmal Paul CARRIÈRE (1887-1929) Schließe mir die Augen beide Alban BERG (1885-1935) Die Nachtigall Gustav STOLZ (1873-1957) Als ich dich kaum geseh’n Hans von BLOME (1834-1921) Die Nelken Gustav EGGERS (1835-1861) So dunkel die Straßen Richard TRUNK (1879-1968) Die Stadt Othmar SCHOECK (1886-1957) April Alban BERG (1885-1935) Schließe mir die Augen beide Richard MANDL (1859-1918) Gode Nacht Max REGER (1873-1916) Nelken Franz SCHREKER (1878-1934) Wohl fühl ich, wie das Leben rinnt Joseph MARX (1882-1964) Schließe mir die Augen beide Gustav JENNER (1865-1920) Die Nachtigall Hans HERMANN (1870-1931)
Nelken Hans Christian DÉTLEFSEN (* 1951) Fünf Gedichte von Theodor Storm , Meeresstrand, Die Stadt, Ein grünes Blatt, Schließe mir die Augen beide, Zur Nacht Ulf Bästlein (baritone), Charles Spencer (piano) Recorded Bad Arolsen, August 21-24, 2003. DDD MUSIK DABRINGHAUS UND GRIMM MDG 603 1234-2 [66'33] [AO]

A wonderful landmark recording that demonstrates how poetry is translated into song ... see Full Review

Evgeny SvetlanovMikhail GLINKA (1804-1857) Symphony on Two Russian Themes in D minor (1834) [13’56]. Sergei PROKOFIEV (1891-1953) Symphony No. 1 in D, Op. 25, ‘Classical’ (1917) [13’47]. Peter Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) Symphony No. 3 in D, Op. 29, ‘Polish’ (1875) [45’26]. USSR State Symphony Orchestra/Evgeny Svetlanov. Live performances from Usher Hall, Edinburgh, on August 24th, 1968. ADD BBC LEGENDS/IMG ARTISTS BBCL4145-2 [73’58]

There is an intensity of concentration that runs through the three works … Another gem from BBC Legends. ... see Full Review

TITIAN: Venice and the Music of Love Baldassare DONATO (c.1525 - 1603) Ahi miserelle - 2’07" Adrian WILLAERT (c.1490 - 1562) Sempre me ride sta - 1’13" Francesco da MILANO (1497 - 1543) (Lute) Fantasia 38 - 1’54" F. SILVESTRINO O Dio se vede chiaro - 2’30" Diego ORTIZ (c.1510 - c.1570) (after Arcadelt) (Viol Consort) O felici occhi miei - 1’56" Adrian WILLAERT Quando nacesti, Amore - 2’57" Sylvestro GANASSI (1492 - c.1550) Ricercare No. 3. - 1’16" Riccardo ROGNIONI (? - 1619/20) (after Rore) (Viol & Harpsichord) Ancor che col partire - 5’00" Andrea GABRIELI (c.1510 - 1586) Ecco Vinegia bella - 3’59" Francesco da MILANO (Lute) Fantasia 42 - 1’56" Cipriano de RORE (1515/6 - 1565) Helas comment voulez-vous - 3’00" Adrian WILLAERT Qual dolcezza giamai - 4’06"; O dolce vita mia - 4’24" Andrea GABRIELI (Harpsichord) Cantate Domino - 4’12" Cipriano de RORE Ancor che col partire - 2’13" Giovanni BASSANO (c.1558 - 1617) (after de Rore) Ancor che col partire - 3’15" G. da MODENA Ricercare in e - 2’02" Adrian WILLAERT Liete e pensose - 3’56" Francesco da MILANO (Lute) Fantasia 33 - 3’03" Philippe VERDELOT (?1470/80 - 1552) Madonna qual certeza - 2.48" Girolamo PARABOSCO (c.1524 - 1557) Da pace Domino - 1’26" Philippe VERDELOT Italia mia - 3’43" Concordia/Mark Levy Recorded in St. John’s Church, Loughton, Essex - 3-5 July 2002 METRONOME MET CD 1052 [59’24"] [JPo]

An enjoyable disc for the music - shame about the booklet. ... see Full Review

Galina Vishnevskaya. Songs and operatic arias Modest MUSSORGSKY (1839-1881) 1. Hopak 2. Lullaby 3. Darling Savishna 4-7 Songs and Dances of Death (orch. SHOSTAKOVICH) Nikolai RIMSKY-KORSAKOV (1844-1908) 8. The rose and the nightingale op.2 no.2 9. The heavy clouds disperse, op.12 no.3 10. More sonorous than the lark’s singing, op.43 no.1 11. Lullaby of the Sea Princess (Sadko) 12. Marfa’s scene and aria (The Tsar’s Bride) 13. Lyubasha’s aria (The Tsar’s Bride) Pyotr Il’yich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) 14. Lel’s song (The Snow Maiden) 15. Was I not a little blade of grass? Op.47 no.7 16. Cradle Song op.16 no.1 17. Why? Op.6 no.2 18. Amid the din of the ball, op.38 no.3 19.Again, as before, alone, op.73 no.6 Galina Vishnevskaya, soprano Mstislav Rostropovich, piano (tracks 1-3, 8-10 and 15-19), London Philharmonic Orchestra/Rostropovich (tracks 4-7 and 11-14) Recorded 11th Sept. 1975, Abbey Rd. Studio no.1 (1-3)26th-27th October 1976, Kingsway Hall, London (4-7 and 11-14), 19th -21st June 1978, Abbey Rd. Studio no.1 (8-10), 2nd-3rd January 1975, Evangelisches Gemeindehaus, Berlin-Zehlendorf (15-19) EMI CLASSICS GREAT RECORDINGS OF THE CENTURY 7243 5 62653 2 5 [77:16] [GPJ]

Vishnevskaya was incapable of producing a boring or disengaged note ... the best singing here is, quite simply, very great. ... see Full Review

Byd o Heddwch (World in Union) Gustav HOLST / Charlie SKARBECK Byd o Heddwch (‘World in Union’) [4’22"] Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART O Isis und Osiris (Die Zauberflöte) [3’06"] Alain BOUBLIL/Claude Michel SCHONBERG/Herbert KRETZMER/Jean Marc NAZEL Do you hear the people sing? (Les Miserables) [2’37"] Joseph KOZMA/Jacques PREVERT/Johnny MERCER Dail yr Hydref (‘Autumn Leaves’) [2’56"] John Brian HUGHES Surge Illuminare [3’33"] A. de VIRA Softly as I leave you [3’40"] Charles GOUNOD Sanctus (Messe Solennelle)* [4’52"] Enoch SOMTONGA arr. Eric JONES Nkosi Sikelel’i Afrika [3’30"] Elton JOHN/Tim RICE Can you feel the love tonight? [4’09"] Charles GOUNOD O Fendigaid Geidwad (‘Christe Salvator’) [3’42"] Gareth GLYN / Eleri CWYFAN Heriwn, wynebwn y wawr [3’36"] Ariel RAMIREZ / Felix LUNA Y Geni (‘El nacimento’) [4’04"] Adolphe ADAM / J. S. DWIGHT Fendigaid Nos (‘O Holy Night’) [3’37"] J. MARRIOTT / F, GIARDINI Bydded goleuni (‘Let there be light’) [4’13"] *John Ifor (tenor) Côr Godre’r Aran/Eirian Owen Rona Jones (piano) Recorded at St. Mary’s Church, Dolgellau in March and June 2003 SAIN SCD2394 [53’20"] [JQ]

A most accomplished choir. Will appeal to collectors of male voice choir recordings. They can invest with confidence. ... see Full Review

Carlo Zecchi: Early Cetra Recordings - 1937-1943 Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Concerto in G after Vivaldi BWV 973 Domenico SCARLATTI (1685-1757) Sonatas in G major L.103/K.259, C major L.104/K.159, D major L.465/K.96, G major L.490/K.523 Frédéric CHOPIN (1810-1849) Barcarolle in F sharp major op.60, Valse in A flat major op.42 Franz LISZT (1811-1886) Grand étude de concert no.2 in F minor – "La Leggerezza", Etude no.5 (after Paganini) in E major – "La Chasse", Etude no.4 (after Paganini) in E major – "Arpège" Ottorino RESPIGHI (1879-1936) Gagliarda (after Vincenzo Galilei), Siciliana (after Anonymous 16th Century) Francesco TICCIATI (1893-1949) Toccata Carlo Zecchi (piano) (rec.1937) BACH Brandenburg Concerto no.5 in D major Giocondo De Vito (violin), Arrigo Tassinari (flute), Carlo Zecchi (piano), Orchestra dell’EIAR di Torino/Fernando Previtali (rec.1938) Franz SCHUBERT (1797-1828) Moment Musical no.6 in A flat major D.780 (rec.1938) CHOPIN Mazurka in C sharp minor op.30/4 (rec.1941) BACH arr. MAX REGER Chorale-Prelude "Ich ruf dir, herr Jesu Christ" BWV 639 (rec.1942) BACH Prelude and Fugue no.13 in F sharp major BWV858 (from Das Wohltemperierte Klavier Book I) (rec.1942) Carlo Zecchi (piano) Francesco GEMINIANI (1687-1762) Concerto Grosso in G minor op.3/2 Armando Gramigna, Virgilio Brun (violins), Enzo Francalanci (viola), Giuseppe Ferrari (violoncello), Angelo Succo (piano), Orchestra d’Archi dell’EIAR di Torino/Carlo Zecchi (rec.1942) CHOPIN Berceuse in D flat op.57, Mazurka in A minor op.7/4, Mazurka in B minor op.33/4 ROBERT SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Kinderszenen op.15 Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918) Poissons d’or (from Images Book II) Carlo Zecchi (piano) (rec.1942) Arcangelo CORELLI (1653-1713) Concerto Grosso in D op.6/1 Orchestra Sinfonica dell’EIAR di Torino/Carlo Zecchi (rec.1943) WARNER FONIT 5050466-3306-2-8 [2 CDs: 76:27 + 73:00] [CH]

A giant among 20th Century pianists and perhaps the greatest of all Italian pianists. Alas, these discs are virtually all the evidence we have. Don’t miss them. ... see Full Review




ALMA ROSÉ: VIENNA TO AUSCHWITZ by Richard Newman with Karen Kirtley Amadeus Press ISBN 1-57467-051-4 [CF]

Her native Vienna has marked her life with a street named after her but this book is a more fitting testimonial. ... see Full Review

The Amadeus: Forty years in pictures and words

What an apt title for this splendid publication ... see Full Review

There was a Time…Ralph Vaughan Williams - A pictorial journey from the collection of Ursula Vaughan Williams Edited by: Stephen Connock, Ursula Vaughan Williams and Robin Wells Albion Music Ltd (a division of the RVW Society) hardback; 152 pages ISBN 0-9528706-4-9 £25

A valuable addition ... but disappoints somewhat considering that it is published by the Ralph Vaughan Williams Society ... see Full Review


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[Part 6 Misc A-L]  [Part 7 Misc M-Z]

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