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Marc Antoine CHARPENTIER (1643 – 1704) Salve Regina à trois choeurs H24; Beatus vir H221; Le Reniement de Saint Pierre H424; Stabat Mater H15; Te Deum H147; Transfige dulcissime Jesu H251 Harmony of Voices, Sweden (Svenska Vokalharmonin) Kristina Lindgård (basse de violon) Sven Åberg (theorbo) Peter Lönnerberg (organ) Johan Lindström (organ) Fredrik Malmberg (harpsichord, conductor) Recorded 29 Sept 2003, 2 Oct 2003, 24 Oct 2003 in Hölö kyrka and Oscarskyrkan Stockholm PROPRIUS PRCD 2301 [57.08] [RH]

This is an attractive programme of Charpentier’s smaller scale works performed with stunning clarity by a talented new Swedish ensemble. ... see Full Review

Fryderyk CHOPIN (1810-1849) Nocturne in C sharp minor (1830) – transcribed Gregor Piatigorsky Etude Op.10 No.6 (1830) – arranged by Alexander Glazunov Introduction and Polonaise Brillante Op.3 (1829-30) – arranged by Leonard Rose/Emanuel Feuermann Etude Op.25 No.7 (1832-34) – arranged by Alexander Glazunov Grand Duo Concertant in E major on Themes from Meyerbeer’s Robert le Diable (1832) – with Auguste Franchomme Nocturne Op.9 No.2 in E flat major (1830-31) – arranged David Popper/Emanuel Feuermann Sonata for Cello and Piano in G minor Op.65 (1845-46) Steven Honigberg (cello) Carol Honigberg (piano) Recorded at Bennett Gordon Hall, Ravinia, IL, 2001-03 ALBANY TROY 659 [72.08] [JF]

Good, alertly played and sensitively argued ... the duo prove themselves clear-eared chamber partners. ... see Full Review

John CORIGLIANO (b. 1938) Symphony No. 2 for string orchestra (2000) [44’58]. The Mannheim Rocket (2001) [10’51]. Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra/John Storgårds. Rec. Finlandia Hall, Finland, in November 2003. DDD ONDINE ODE1039-2 [56’02] [CC]

Corigliano fans will not hesitate, I’m sure. For the rest of us, there is more than a sniff of the insubstantial about it all. ... see Full Review

Peter CORNELIUS (1824-1874) Seele, vergiss sie nicht Requiem
‘Seele, vergiss sie nicht’ (Coro SSATB) Liebe. (op. 18/1-3) ‘Liebe, dir ergeb ich mich’ (Coro SSAA/TTBB) ‘Ich will dich lieben, meine Krone’ (Coro SSATBB) ‘Thron der Liebe, Stern der Güte’ (Coro SSAA/TTBB) Trauerchöre. (op. 9/1-3) ‘Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig’ (Coro TTBBB) ‘Nicht die Träne kann es sagen’ (Coro TTBB) ‘Mitten wir im Leben sind’ (Coro TTBB) Drei Chorgesänge (op. 11/1-3) ‘Der Tod, clas ist die kühle Nacht’ (Solo Tenor; Coro SATB/SATB) ‘An den Sturmwind’ (Coro SATB/SATB) ‘Die drei Frühlingstage’ (Coro SSATTB) ‘Absolve Domine’ (Coro TTBB) Drei Psalmlieder nach Klaviersätzen. (Three Psalm Songs after Johann Sebastian Bachs op. 13/1-3) ‘M Bußlied’ (Coro SATB) ‘An Babels Wasserflüssen’ (Coro SATB) ‘Jerusalem’ (Coro SATB) ‘So weich und warm’. (Coro SATB) ‘Die Könige’. (aus Weihnachtslieder op. 8. Solo Tenor; Coro SATB) Hans Jörg Mammel, (ten) KammerChor Saarbrücken/Georg Grün No recording information given CARUS 83.163 [68.10] [RJF]

The disc should appeal to all lovers of the German choral genre and is strongly recommended. ... see Full Review

George CRUMB (b. 1929) The Complete Piano Music: Makrokosmos 1a (1972-3) [38’19]. Makrokosmos 2 b (1973) [34’40]. Five Pieces for Piano c (1962) [11’51]. Gnomic Variationsc (1981) [23’35]. Processional c (1983) [11’27]. A Little Suite for Christmas A. D. 1979 c (1980) [14’26]. Philip Mead (piano) Rec. Old Concert Hall of Manchester University on a August 27th, b January 12th, 2002, c June 17th-18th, 2003 METIER MSV CD92067 [135’30: 73’29 + 62’01]. [CC]

This is a remarkable achievement. All credit to Metier for daring to issue material that is no easy ride, and to Philip Mead for his unflagging advocacy of Crumb. ... see Full Review. Another triumph for Metier. ... see Full Review

Luigi DALLAPICCOLA (1904-1975) Sonata Canonica in Eb major on 'Capricci' by Niccolò Paganini (1943) [10.41] Quaderno Musicale di Annalibera (1952) [15.08] Tre episodi dal balletto 'Marsia.' (1942/43) [12.34] Musica per tre pianoforte (1935) [12.36] Goffredo PETRASSI (1904 - 2003) Invenzioni (1944) [19.51] Oh, les beaux jours! (1976) [8.14] Toccata (1933) [7.07] Siciliana (?) [1.49] Marcia (?) [1.20] Lya De Barberiis, piano. Rec. Rome, November 1976 (Sonata and Quaderno) and Genoa, January 1977 (Tre episodi and Musica); Rome, 28th April 1977 (Petrassi) WARNER FONIT 5050 467 1203 [58:59 + 39:30] [JF]

An interesting collection of little known piano music by two of Italy's most prominent 20th Century composers. Well worth exploring. Not typical dry-as-dust serial music. ... see Full Review

Ernö DOHNÁNYI (1877-1960) American Rhapsody Op.47 (1953 [14.39] Harp concertino Op.45 (1952) [15.24] Romanza (from Serenade in C Op.10 arr. Sitkovetski) (1902) [4.32] Violin Concerto No. 2 Op. 43 (1949-50) [29.40]Wedding Waltz Op.18 No.4 from The Veil of Pierrette (1908-09) [6.36] Janice Graham (violin) Lucy Wakeford (harp) English Sinfonia/John Farrer Recorded in the Watford Colosseum on 3-5 October 2000 ASV SANCTUARY CD DCA 1107 [71.23] [CF]

This was a great pleasure from start to finish. ... see Full Review

Gaetano DONIZETTI (1797-1868)
Roberto Devereux, Lyric tragedy in three acts Elisabetta, (Queen of England) Nelly Miricioiu (sop); Roberto Devereux, (Earl of Essex) José Bros (ten); Sara, (Duchess of Nottingham) Sonia Ganassi (mezzo); Duke of Nottingham, Roberto Frontali (bar); Lord Cecil, Robin Leggate, (ten); Raleigh, Graeme Broadbent (bass) Chorus and Orchestra of The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London/Maurizio Benini Recorded at The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London. July 2002 Full Price OPERA RARA ORC24 [2CDs: 60.03+65.28] [RJF]

Given its ready availability and particularly Nelly Miricioiu’s dramatic interpretation, this is the version to go for despite the drawback of the interruptions of applause. ... see Full Review

Jonathan DOVE (b.1959) Flight Refugee – Christopher Robson (counter-tenor) Controller – Claron McFadden (soprano) Bill – Richard Coxon (tenor) Tina – Mary Plazas (soprano) Older Woman – Nuala Willis (mezzo-soprano) Stewardess – Ann Taylor (mezzo-soprano) Steward – Gary Magee (baritone) Minskman – Steven Page (bass-baritone) Minskwoman – Anne Mason (mezzo-soprano) Immigration Officer – Richard Van Allan (bass-baritone) Glyndebourne Festival Opera London Philharmonic Orchestra/David Parry Recorded Glyndebourne September 1999 CHANDOS CHAN10197(2) [64.55 + 64.17] [RH]

This is a lovely performance of a fine, attractive contemporary opera: for once, a contemporary composer created something contemporary without being embarrassed by the past. ... see Full Review

John DOWNEY Disclamations: Discourse for oboe, harpsichord and string orchestra; Jingalodeon; Concerto for double bass and orchestra. Han de Vries (oboe) John Downey (harpsichord) Gary Karr ( double bass) London Symphony Orchestra/Geoffrey Simon DDD CALA CACD 1003 [76 14] [DCFW]

Like having beef stew with strawberries and cream incorporated in it. ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Antonín DVORÁK (1841-1904) Piano Quintet for two violins, viola and cello, op. 81 A major (1887) [40:16] String Quintet for two violins, two violas and cello, op. 97 E flat-major (1893) [32:46] Christian Zacharias (piano) op.81 Hartmut Rohde (viola) op. 97 Leipzig String Quartet Recording: April 23-24, 2003 at Markkleeberg; July 8-9, 2003 at Furstliche Reitbahn, Bad Arolsen. DDD MUSIKPRODUKTION DABRINGHAUS UND GRIMM MDG GOLD 307 1249-2 [73:14] [MC]

Deserves the highest praise ... see Full Review

Francesco GEMINIANI (1687-1762) Dir Zauberwald - orchestral concerto (1754) Concerto Grosso Op.7 Nos. 4 in D minor and 6 in B flat major (1748) La Stagione Frankfurt/Michael Schneider Recorded Funkhaus, Sendesaal, Cologne, July 2003 CAPRICCIO 67 081 [58.10] [JW]

These concerti grossi are ripely imaginative and warm textured works that repay close listening ... warmly recommended ... see Full Review

George GERSHWIN (1898-1937) Rhapsody in Blue (1923) [13:43] An American in Paris (1928) [18:32] Broadway Overtures: Oh Kay! [7:06]; Funny Face [550]; Girl Crazy [5:41]; Strike Up The Band (1927) [7:07]; Of Thee I Sing [4:36]; Let 'Em Eat Cake [8:19] Promenade: Walking the Dog [2:54] Fascinating Rhythm [3:36] George Gershwin (1925 piano roll) Columbia Jazz Band (Rhapsody); New York Philharmonic Orchestra (Paris); Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra (overtures); Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra (Promenade; Fascinating Rhythm); Sarah Vaughan (vocals), George Gaffney (piano), Andy Simpkins (bass); Harold Jones (drums) (Fascinating Rhythm) Conductor: Michael Tilson Thomas rec. CBS 30th Street Studio, NYC, 23 June 1976 (Rhapsody); Philharmonic Hall (now Avery Fisher), NYC, 11 Feb 1974 (Paris); Kleinhaus Hall, Buffalo, NY, 12 May 1976 (overtures); Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Los Angeles, 21 Oct 1983 (Promenade); 1-2 Feb 1982 (Fascinating) SONY CLASSICAL MASTERWORK EXPANDED EDITION 516241 2 [77.25] [RB]

A classic meriting an outright recommendation. ... see Full Review

Orlando GIBBONS (1583-1625) With A Merrie Noyse: Church Music This is the record of John; Almighty and everlasting God; A Voluntary; The Second Service - Morning and Evening; Hymns and Songs for the church: Nos. 1 and 9; A Fancy for Double Organ; O clap your hands together; Great King of Kings; See, see the word is incarnate The Choir of Magdalene College, Oxford/Bill Ives Jonathan Hardy (organ) Rogers Covey-Crump, Steven Harrold, Peter Harvey, Stephen Connolly Robin Bhattacharya, William Roome, Michael Hickman, William Harpin (trebles) Recorded in Magdalen Chapel, July 2003 HARMONIA MUNDI 907337 [59.40] [GH]

An 'in your face' sound ... very exciting. ... an unusual sound suitable for the private chapel ... immediate and arresting. ... see Full Review

Mikhail GLINKA (1804-1857) Ruslan and Lyudmila (1842) Ruslan - Taras Shtonda (bass) Lyudmila - Ekaterina Morozova (soprano) Svetosar - Vadim Lynkovsky (bass) Ratmir - Alexandra Dursenova (contralto) Finn - Vitaly Panfilov (tenor) Gorislava - Maria Gavrilova (soprano) Farlaf - Valery Gilmanov (bass) Bayan - Maxim Paster (tenor) Naina - Irina Dolzhenko (mezzo soprano) Chorus and Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow/Alexander Vedernikov Recorded 23-17 April 2003, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow PENTATONE PTC 5186 034 [3CDs: 64.54 + 64.42 + 73.56] [TB]

At least a match for Simonov and Gergiev, and in many respects better. Performances as idiomatic and committed as the Bolshoi pedigree would lead us to expect. ... see Full Review

Christoph Willibald GLUCK (1714-1787) Opera Explained Series. An Introduction to Orfeo ed Euridice Musical illustrations taken from Naxos 8.660044: Orfeo, Ann-Christine Biel, cont; Euridice, Maya Boog, sop; Amor, Kerstin Averno, sop; Drottningholm Theatre Chorus and Orchestra/Arnold Ostman. Narrative written by Thomson Smillie and spoken by David Timson NAXOS EDUCATIONAL Opera Explained Series 8.558122 [66.17] [RJF]

Beginner or an experienced opera buff this disc will greatly enhance your listening pleasure. ... see Full Review

Christoph Willibald GLUCK (1714 – 1787) – Iphigénie en Tauride Iphigénie – Régine Crespin (soprano) Oreste – Robert Massard (baritone) Pylade – Guy Chauvet (tenor) Thoas – Victor de Narke (bass) Diane – Marta Benegas (mezzo-soprano) Un Scythe – Guy Gavardo Orchestra and Chorus of the Teatro Colon, Buenos Aires/Georges Sebastian Recorded May 29th 1964, Teatro Colon, Buenos Aires Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756 – 1791) – Di scriverni ogni giorno; Soave sia Il vento (Cosí fan Tutte) Fiordiligi – Régine Crespin (soprano) Dorablla – Jacqueline Delusseux (mezzo-soprano) Guglielmo – Pierre Germain (tenor) Ferrando – Michel Hamel (baritone) Don Alfonso – Jean Cussac (bass) Desire-Emile Inghelbrecht (conductor) Giuseppe VERDI (1813 – 1901) – Gia nella notte densa (Otello) Desdemona – Régine Crespin (soprano) Otello – Jose Luccioni (tenor) Georges Sebastian (conductor) Henri TOMASI (1901 – 1971) – Sampiero Corso (excerpts) Régine Crespin (soprano) Henri Tomasi (conductor) GALA GL 100.595 [69.58 + 68.37] [RH]

A valuable record of Régine Crespin in a French language opera by Gluck, even if the recorded sound is rather limited. ... see Full Review

Ferde GROFE (1892-1972) Mississippi Suite (1926) [13’38"] Grand Canyon Suite (1931) [31’57"] Niagara Falls Suite (1961) [22’06"] Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra/William T. Stromberg Recorded 1999 Wessex Hall, Poole Arts Centre, Poole, Dorset, UK NAXOS SACD/CD 6.110002 [67.46] [JW]

The performances are splendid as well and cap a salutary salute to Grofé. ... see Full Review

George Frideric HANDEL (1685-1759) Handel Arias sung by Lorraine Hunt Lieberson Theodora: "Ah! Whither should we fly ... As with rosy steps the morn" [9:08]; "O bright example of all goodness ... Bane of virtue, nurse of passions" [6:42]; "The clouds begin to veil the hemisphere ... Defend her Heav'n" [6:26]; "Lord, to Thee each night and day" [6:06]; "She's gone, disdaining liberty and life ... New scenes of joy" [6:24]. La Lucrezia - Cantata* [20:51]. Serse: "Se bramate d'amar, chi vi sdegna" [6:39]; "Frondi tenere e belle ... Ombra mai fù" [3:54] Lorraine Hunt Lieberson - mezzo-soprano Stephen Stubbs - Lute and Baroque Guitar* Phoebe Carrai - Cello* Margriet Tindemans - Viola da Gamba* Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment/Harry Bicket - conductor (also harpsichord and chamber organ*) Recorded 24, 26 August 2003, Blackheath Concert Halls, London (Theodora and Serse); 18-21 March 2004, Concert Hall of King Center, Denver, Colorado (La Lucrezia) AVIE AV0030 [67:00][CW]

An impeccably recorded and presented disc; but one which shows off the singer's vocal consistency better than her powers of characterisation. ... see Full Review

George Frideric HANDEL (1685-1759) Gideon – Oratorio in Three Parts compiled by John Christopher SMITH (1712-1795) Angel/Israelite – Barbara Hannigan (soprano) Oreb/messenger/Israelite – Linda Perillo (soprano) Eliakim/Israelite – Nicola Wemyss (soprano) Israelite – David Cordier (counter tenor) Gideon – Knut Schoch (tenor) Prophet/Joash/Priest of Baal – Stephan MacLeod (bass) Junge Kantorei Frankfurt Baroque Orchestra/Joachim Carlos Martini Recorded live at Kloster Eberbach, Rheingau on 8th June 2003 NAXOS 8.557312-13 [2 CDs: 76.27 + 76.26] [JW]

I’m not sure what audience there will be for yet another of these pasticcio oratorios but at this price there aren’t many serious reservations to be made about the spirit of the interpretation ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809) London Symphonies, Volume 1 Symphonies No. 93 -98Rec. 1957-8, Salle Wagram Paris; No. 1 Studio, Abbey Road, London EMI CLASSICS GEMINI 5 85770 2
London Symphonies, Volume 2
Symphonies No. 99 -104 Rec. 1957-8, Salle Wagram, Paris; No. 1 Studio, Abbey Road, London Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Thomas Beecham EMI CLASSICS GEMINI 5 85513 2 [77.08 + 78.23] [TB]

Beecham remains what he has been for nearly fifty years: a special case. ... see Full Review

Franz Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809)The London Trios Trio for keyboard, flute and cello in D (H XV,16) [16:38] Trio for two flutes and cello in C ‘London Trio 1’* (H IV,1) [12:00] Trio for keyboard, flute and cello in G (H XV,15) [17:24] Trio for two flutes and cello in G ‘London Trio 3’* (H IV,3) [09:43] Trio for keyboard, flute and cello in F (H XV,17) [10:37] Trio movement for two flutes and cello in G ‘London Trio 4’* (H IV,4) [03:07] Andante con variazioni for two flutes and cello in G ‘London Trio 2’* (H IV,2) [05:15] Camerata Köln (on period instruments): Sabine Bauer, fortepiano; Karl Kaiser, Michael Schneider (*), transverse flute; Julianne Borsodi, Rainer Zipperling (*), cello Recorded in June 2002 at the Studio of Deutschlandfunk, Cologne. DDD CPO 999 920-2 [70:49] [JvV]

A fine recording of some very entertaining and at times compelling music which demonstrate Haydn’s inexhaustible musical fantasies ... see Full Review

Johann Michael HAYDN (1737-1806) Missa pro defuncto Archiepiscopo Sigismundo MH 154 [34:25] .Sinfonia MH 334 P 16 [15:17] Sinfonia MH 82/184 P 9 [12:43] Johannette Zomer, soprano Helena Rasker, alto Markus Schäfer, tenor Klaus Mertens, bass Choeur de Chambre Suisse, Fritz Naef directing Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne/Christian ZachariasRecorded at Salle Métropole Lausanne on 6-8 October, 2003 DDD MDG 340 1245-2 [62:45] [PG]

One can hope that Michael Haydn will here be rediscovered by the modern listener. You will find the exploration rewarding. ... see Full Review

Heifetz-Piatigorsky Concerts - The Art of Jascha Heifetz: Volume 19 César FRANCK (1822 - 1890) Piano Quintet in f (1879) [30.45] with Leonard Pennario, piano; Israel Baker, violin; William Primrose, viola. Recorded 22 August 1961 ADD Antonín DVORÁK (1841-1904) Piano Quintet in A (1873) [28.49] with Jacob Lateiner, piano; Israel Baker, violin; Joseph de Pasquale, viola. Recorded 10 November 1964 ADD Jean FRANÇAIX (1912 - 1997) String Trio in C (1933) [10.32] with Joseph de Pasquale, viola. Recorded 11 November 1964 ADD all with Jascha Heifetz, violin, and Gregor Piatigorsky, cello. Recorded RCA Studios, Hollywood, California, USA Notes in Japanese only. Also available in a US issue, 74321-90965-2 BMG RCA BVCC 37125 (Japan) [70.12] [P Sh]

Good, in places great, performances of lesser known chamber masterpieces, well recorded. But try to find a copy with English program notes ... see Full Review

Gustav HOLST (1874-1934) Savitri - A chamber Opera in one Act [25.19] Ralph VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (1872-1958) The Lark Ascending [14.55] Benjamin BRITTEN (1913-1976) Sinfonietta: Poco Presto [3.33]; Variations [5.14]; Tarantella [4.25] Jessica Miller (soprano), Kyu Won Han (Bass), Simon O’Neill (tenor) Manhattan School of Music Opera Theater Manhattan Chamber Sinfonia/Glen Barton Cortese Recorded in the USA 2000. DDD PHOENIX PHCD 145 [53.26] [EM]

A dry-eyed Savitri and fairly accomplished and gratifying performances of The Lark Ascending and the Sinfonietta ... see Full Review

Alan HOVHANESS (1911-2000) Cello Concerto Op. 17 (1936) [31.13] (Andante - Maestoso [15:56]; Allegro [03:27]; Andante [11:40]) Symphony No. 22 City of Light Op. 236 (1971) [29.43] (Allegro moderato [10:00]; Angel of Light (Largo); Allegretto grazioso [02:42]; Finale: Largo maestoso [13:06]) Janos Starker (cello) Seattle SO/Dennis Russell Davies (concerto); composer (symphony) rec. 19 Mar 1999, Benaroya Hall, Seattle (concerto); 19 May 1992, Seattle Center Opera House. DDD NAXOS 8.559158 [60.49] [JF]

A fascinating CD. I cannot quite bottom out Hovhaness’s style, but there is a sense of expanse about this music that absolutely demands further exploration. A good introduction – I think! ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Requiem Æternam Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983) Requiem (1935) [20’31”]; Motet: Take him, earth, for cherishing (1964) [9’05”] Frank MARTIN (1890-1974) Mass (1922/6) [26’00“] Sally Barber (sop); Julia Field (alto); Mark Johnstone (tenor); Andrew Angus (bar) Vasari Singers/Jeremy Backhouse Recording: All Hallows, Gospel Oak 18-20 February 1994 DDD SIGNUM TWO SIGCD 503 [56’30”] [JQ]

A most attractive proposition that I recommend with the highest possible enthusiasm. ... see Full Review

Hans HUBER Piano Concerto no. 1 in C minor, Op. 36 (1878) Piano Concerto no. 3 in D, Op. 113 (1899) Dan Franklin Smith (piano) Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra/Michail Jurowski World premiere recordings (DDD) STERLING CDS-1056-2 [62. 31] [DCFW]

The orchestra seem on good form and I think many people will enjoy these concertos. It seems that I have been too damning but then there is a wealth of better music that is not recorded. ... see Full Review

Charles IVES (1874-1954) Songs: The Things Our Fathers Loved; The Housatonic at Stockbridge; From the Swimmers; Memories (A – Very Pleasant, B –Rather Sad); Ann Street; Serenity; 1,2,3; Songs my mother taught me; The Circus Band; The Cage; The Indians; Like A Sick Eagle; “A sound of a distant horn”; September; Soliloquy (or a Study in 7ths and Other Things); A Farewell to Land; Thoreau Piano Sonata No.2 Concord, Mass, 1840-60 * Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano) Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano) Tabea Zimmermann (viola) * Emmanuel Pahud (flute) * Rec. Grosser Saal, Vienna, November 2003 (Songs) and January 2004 (Sonata) WARNER CLASSICS 2564 60297-2 [79.18] [JW]

An outright recommendation ... see Full Review

Charles IVES (1874-1954) Sonata No.2 for Piano, ‘Concord, Mass.: 1840-60’ (1904-15) Varied Air and Variations The Celestial Railroad Four Transcriptions from ‘Emerson’, No.1 Steven Mayer (piano) Recorded at the Toronto Centre for the Arts, Toronto, Canada, 30-31 January 2002 NAXOS AMERICAN CLASSICS 8.559127 [72’35] [TH]

A very successful disc overall. ... see Full Review

Vítěslava KAPRÁLOVÁ (1915-1940) Songs Dana Burešová (sop) Timothy Cheek (piano) Magda Časlavová (flute) Petr Zdvihal (violin) Jan Valta (violin) David Havelík (cello) rec. 13-20 July 2003, Domovina Studio, Prague. DDD SUPRAPHON SU3752-2 231 [70.13] [CC]

Some of the most purely beautiful music I have heard in a long while. ... music well worth investigating ... exudes professionalism and dedication. ... see Full Review

KLEZMER – Première Recordings
TRADITIONAL Vi bist du gevezn far prohibition* 3:19; Kolomeke* 2:36; Moldavian Hora* 4:30; Zol zayn gelebt† 3:11; Ma Yofus/Odessa Bulgar† 7:04 (Guest appearance by David Sela); Firen di Mehutonim Aheym† 4:20; Freylekh Yidelakh* 3:26; Di Zilberne Khasene† 4:05; Dem Trisker rebbins chosid* 4:38; Dem rebin's Nigun, Oy Tate† 3:37; Violin Doina‡ 6:39; Fun Tashlikh* 6:42; Tears of Israel* 5:37 H. OPPENHEIM/A. LEGAULT Going Home† 3:58 H. OPPENHEIM Omer Tantz† 4:22 Dedicated to/À Omer Sami Çosar Kleztory: Airat Ichmourato(clarinet); Alain Legault (guitar); Elvira Misbakhova (violin); Mark Peetsma (double bass); Henri Oppenheim (accordion) I Musici de Montréal/Yuli Turovskyrec. 18-19 Sept 2003, L’Église de la Nativité de la Sainte Vierge, La Prairie, Quebec. DSD CHANDOS CHAN 10181 [69'24] [R Bl]

I can make a clear recommendation for this CD but I urge listeners to try Klezmer in its other forms as well ... see Full Review

Herman D KOPPEL (1908-1998) Symphony no 3. Op 39 Symphony no 4, Op 42. Aalborg Symphony Orchestra/Moshe Atzmon. DDD DA CAPO MARCO POLO 8.226016 [62 46] [DCFW]

If you understand the man, you will understand his music. His life, and his private life, is often the key to an understanding and appreciation of his music. ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Erich Wolfgang KORNGOLD (1897-1957) Works and transcriptions of his own works for violin and piano: Much Ado About Nothing Suite for Violin and Piano (1918 arr 1920) Sonata for Violin and Piano (1912) ‘Ich ging zu ihm’ from Das Wunder der Heliane (1923-27) Serenade from Der Schneemann (1910) ‘Tanzlied des Pierrot’ and ‘Marietta’s Lied’ from Die tote Stadt (1916-20) Caprice Fantastique (1932) Joseph Lin (violin) and Benjamin Loeb (piano) Rec. Performing Arts Centre, County Day School, King City, Ontario, Canada, 26-29 August, 2002 NAXOS 8.557067 [72:06] [IL]

Excellent virtuosic and expressive performances of some of Korngold’s most enchanting music. ... see Full Review

Erich Wolfgang KORNGOLD (1897-1957) Movements from: Suite for two violins, cello and piano (left hand); Piano Quintet in E major Songs to words by William Shakespeare: Mond, so gehest du wieder auf; Liebesbriefchen; Was Du mir bist; In meine innige Nacht; Sommer; ‘Marietta’s Lied’ from Die Tote Stadt Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo); Bengt Forsberg (piano) Ulf Forsberg (violin); Nils-Erik Sparf (violin); Tobias Ringborg (viola); Mats Lidström (cello) recorded at the Théâtre Musical de Paris, Châtelet, 2000 TDK Voices of our time DVD VIDEO DV-VTASO-EUR [91 mins] [IL]

A delightful concert of mainly lesser-known songs and chamber works by Korngold. Anne Sofie von Otter, clearly empathising with these lovely bitter-sweet songs, shines. ... see Full Review

Latvian Music Series - Volume One Romualds JERMAKS (b. 1931) Five Latvian Folk Songs (for one piano/four hands) [11.15] Talivaldis KENNIS (b. 1919) Sonata for Two Pianos [18.06]Imants MEZARAUPS (b. 1958) Deux Postludes après Chopin (for one piano/four hands) [3.53]Selga MENCE (b. 1953) Songs for Two Pianos (2000?) [17.53] Imants ZEMZARIS (b. 1951) Three Sisters Fantasy for Two Pianos (1975) [9.23] Dace APERANS (b. 1953) Haiku for Two Pianos [7.40]Andris VECUMNIEKS (b. 1964) Quasi Campanella (paraphrase of an etude by N. Paganini – F. Liszt) [5.33] Paraphrase after J.P. Rameau’s Two Hens (for one piano/four hands) [6.11] Antra and Normunds Viksne (piano duo) No details of recording venue or dates ANGELOK 1 (2003) CD 7701 [79.59] [NL]

If your tastes run to include the occasionally ‘barking’ then go for this CD. Everything is brilliantly played ... see Full Review

Franz LEHÁR (1870 -1948) Die lustige Witwe Baron Mirko Zeta – Anton Niessner (bass) Valencienne – Emmy Loose (soprano) Count Danilo Danilowitsch – Erich Kunz (baritone) Hanna Glawari – Elisabeth Schwarzkopf (soprano) Cammile de Rosillon – Nicolai Gedda (tenor) Vicomte Cascada – Otakar Kraus (bass) Raoul de Saint-Brioche – Josef Schmidinger Philharmonia Orchestra and Chorus/Otto Ackermann Recorded 1953 REGIS RRC 1163 [79.11] [RH]

A valuable insight into the way German operetta was performed before the internationalisation and homogenisation of performing styles. ... very welcome that Regis have issued it on a single CD .... superb performances ... see Full Review

Ruggiero LEONCAVALLO (1857-1919) An Introduction to ... Pagliacci (1892) written by Thomson Smillie narrated by David Timson Musical examples taken from I Pagliacci — Naxos 8.660021 Canio, Nicola Martinucci, tenor Nedda, Miriam Gauci, soprano Tonio, Eduard Tumagian, baritone Beppe, Miroslav Dvorsky, tenor Silvio, Boje Skovhus, baritone Slovak Philharmonic Choir Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra (Bratislava)/Alexander Rahbari produced 2004 Opera Explained series NAXOS 8.558143 [61:34] [JL]

Another well produced disc in the Naxos opera explained series. This one contains some interesting material on the commedia dell’ arte tradition that many opera lovers may find useful. ... see Full Review



Detailed listing (last two days)]
[Part 1 New]  [Part 2 A-B] [Part 3 C-L]
[Part 4 M-R]  [Part 5 S-Z]
[Part 6 Misc A-L]  [Part 7 Misc M-Z]

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