This ECM New Series
disc of works by Arvo Pärt opens
with Da Pacem Domine, a four-part
a cappella prayer for peace.
Composed in 2004, it has a typically
Pärt-ian timeless, floating beauty
of sound. The performance by the Hilliard
Ensemble is resonant and well paced.
The bulk of this rather
short disc (42 mins) is taken up with
Lamentate, a work that Pärt
describes as a "lament for the
living", inspired by Anish Kapoor’s
Tate Modern exhibit "Marsyas".
At first, I found this work deeply exciting
– particularly with its wild, frantic,
exultant and monumental Spietato.
Yet the work continually veers from
these moments of delirious, tempestuous,
disharmonious, extrovert tumult to those
of great introversion, spacious stillness
and peace, almost Einaudi-like in their
simplicity. My first impressions of
awe and exhilaration soon turned to
boredom, as I began to find the work,
as Josef Holbrooke said of poor old
Goossens "arduous or exhilarating
by turns". The main problem with
it is that it lacks consistency of inspiration,
and that it goes on far too long, with
nothing to say. Pärt’s music is
usually contemplative and reserved -
wonderfully so - but this totally lacks
body and substance. Some harsh critics
might claim that this is what happens
when one takes a lump of metal in the
Tate Modern as one’s inspiration rather
than the Divine. In any case the result
is pretty tinkling sounds interspersed
with some booms and bangs, without any
meaning, and a complete lack of spiritual
backbone. My intense irritation at the
Einaudi-esque parts were further exacerbated
by an awfully artificial-sounding, reverberant
tinkly piano.
Despite good – if extremely
resonant - performances of both pieces,
this is not a disc I can recommend except
possibly to Einaudi fans. Da Pacem
Domine is inoffensive -if less exciting
and inspired than most of Pärt’s
output - but Lamentate I would
never have guessed was by Pärt,
of whom I used to be a fairly
ardent admirer. I find it curiously
apt that so tortuous and occasionally
tormenting a piece was inspired by a
sculpture named after a satyr who was
tortured by being flayed alive after
challenging Apollo to a musical competition.
Em Marshall