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BARGAIN OF THE MONTH John CASKEN (b.1949) Golem (1989) - opera in 2 parts: Prelude an Legend (libretto by the composer and Pierre Audi) Maharal – Adrian Clarke (baritone) Golem – John Hall (bass-baritone) Miriam – Patricia Rozario (soprano) Ometh – Christopher Robson (counter-tenor) Stoikus – Paul Wilson (tenor) Jadek – Richard Morris (baritone) Stump – Paul Harrhy (tenor) Gerty – Mary Thomas (mezzo) Music Projects London/Richard Bernas Recorded at Golders Green Hippodrome, London, July 1989 NMC ANCORA D113 [50’36 + 48’39][TH]

Music that is richly lyrical, in a craggy, post-2nd Viennese way ... deserves success, and no-one interested in British opera should miss it. ... see Full Review

Niccolò CASTIGLIONI (1932-1996) Music for Piano: Cangianti (1959) [10:56] Tre Pezzi (1978) [18:16] Come io passo l’estate (1983) [9:31] Dulce Refrigerium (Sechs Geistliche Lieder) (1984) [9:28] Sonatina (1984) [7:21] HE (1990) [4:04] Sarah Nicolls (piano) rec. 13 June, 25 July 2004, Vestry Hall, London. DDD. METIER MSV CD92089 [59:50][ED]

Music that is a touch hard going ... I preferred to take individual works in isolation. However many will find this richly rewarding ... see Full Review

Francesco CAVALLI (1602-1676) Arias and Duets Didone (1641): excerpts from Acts I, II and III [18:14] Egisto (1643): excerpts from Acts II and III [16:38] Ormindo (1644): excerpts from Acts I and III [07:15] Giasone (1649): excerpts from Acts I, II and III [20:36] Calisto (1651): excerpts from Acts I, II and III [13:46] Rosita Frisani, soprano; Gloria Banditelli, mezzo; Gianluca Belfiori Doro, alto; Mario Cecchetti, tenor; Roberto Abbondanza, baritone Meditarraneo Concento/Sergio Vartolo Recorded in November 2003 at Chiesa Vecchia di San Zeno, Cavalo, Verona, Italy DDD NAXOS 8.557746 [76:34] [JV]

Despite the shortcomings in interpretation this disc demonstrates that Cavalli's music for the theatre is well worth exploring ...see Full Review

Frédéric CHOPIN (1810-1849) Polonaise No.11 in G minor [2’01] Polonaise No.12 in B flat major [2’51] Polonaise No.13 in A flat major [3’52] Polonaise No.14 in G sharp minor [3’34] Polonaise No. 15 in B flat minor [4’56] Polonaise No.16 in G flat major [6’56] Polonaise-Fantasy in A flat major Op.61 [14’19] Bolero in A minor, Op.19 [7’35] Berceuse in D flat major, Op.57 [4’18] Tarantella in A flat major, Op.43 [2’56] Allegro de concert in A major, Op.46 [11’32] Nikolai Demidenko (piano) Recorded at St. George’s, Brandon Hill, Bristol, 21-22 Feb 1992 HYPERION HELIOS CDH55183 [65’51] [TH]

A bit of a mixed bag perhaps to be sampled first ... see Full Review

James COOK (b. 1963) The Way to Heaven When death cuts asunder (1996-7) [1’26"] That which we call death is not death (2000) [3’28"] The lap of eternity (2000-1) [1’48"] O lovely heaven! (2001) [2’38"] All loves excelling (2001)[4’33"] He was most lovely (2001) [4’00"] Christ’s matchless love (2001) [2’45"] In the primrose of my days (2001) [4’00"] I give to thee eternal life (2001)[3’46"] Christ’s blood is heaven’s key (2002) [7’22"] Run sweet babe (2003) [1’57"] If this be dying (2003) [1’16"] Death is my best friend (2003) [1’45"] We shall meet in comfort at our journey’s end (2003) [4’20"] The way to heaven (2003)[6’31"] Beyond the movable heavens (2003) [4’53"] Heavenly death (2004) [3’31"] Voces Oxonienses/Rufus Frowde Iestyn Evans (organ) Recorded at St. Jude-on-the-Hill, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, 27 August 2003 and 26 February 2004 DDD THE DIVINE ART 25027 [60’05"] [JQ]

Much to admire and enjoy in this collection of pieces and in the exemplary performances that they receive ... see Full Review

John CORIGLIANO (b. 1938) Clarinet Concerto (1977)a [28:51] ZHOU Long (b. 1953) The Immortal (2004)b [12:51] Kaija SAARIAHO (b. 1952) Orion (2002)c [23:07] Michael Collins (clarinet)a BBC Symphony Orchestra/Leonard Slatkinab, Jukka-Pekka Sarastec Rec. (live) Royal Albert Hall, July 2004 (Zhou Long); Sept 2004 (Corigliano, Saariaho) WARNER CLASSICS 2564 61952-2 [64:51] [HC]

Excellent performances making up an attractive and varied programme of accessible music that fully repays repeat hearings. ... see Full Review

Peeter CORNET (c.1560-1633) Keyboard Music Toccata Noni toni (1) [3.24] Fantasia Primi toni (2) [10.27] Courante (13) [1.37] Courante (12) [6.30] Fantasia Octavi toni (5) [3.43] Fantasia Octavi toni (6) [2.24] Fantasia Secundi toni (3) [10.03] Fantasia Octavi toni (7) [6.14] Tantum Ergo (11) [3.00] Salve Regina (10) [12.06]* Fantasia Noni toni (8) [10.33] Fantasia Quinti toni sopra Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La (fragment) (4) [4.17] James Johnstone (harpsichord and organ) The Cardinall’s Musick/Andrew Carwood* Recorded in St Martin’s Church, East Woodhay, February 2002 (tracks 1-5), Sint Martinuskerk, Cuijk, September 2002 (tracks 6-12) and the Fitzalan Chapel, Arundel Castle, November 2002 GAUDEAMUS CD GAU 335 [74.18] [JW]

This is a fine piece of reclamation of a composer whose name is more footnote than performed, more tangential than solid. ... see Full Review

Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918) L’Enfant Prodigue (1884) [33.01]* Arthur HONEGGER (1892-1955) Symphonie Liturgique (1946) [28.54] *Jeanine Micheau (soprano), Michel Sénéchal (tenor), Pierre Mollet (bass) Turin Radio Symphony Orchestra and Chorus/André Cluytens rec. 30 April 1962 (Debussy), 4th May 1962 (Honegger), Auditorio RAI Torino ARTS ARCHIVES 43059 2 [63.54] [TB]

Performances are distinguished by corporate and individual flair and possessing real intensity and vision. ... see Full Review

Gaetano DONIZETTI (1797-1848) Maria Stuarda (1835) (sung in English)
Janet Baker (mezzo) Mary Stuart; Rosalind Plowright (soprano) Queen Elizabeth I; David Rendall (tenor) Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester; John Tomlinson (bass) George Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury; Alan Opie (baritone) Sir William Cecil; Angela Bostock (soprano) Hannah Kennedy; Leigh Maurice (singer) Garter King at Arms Chorus and Orchestra of English National Opera/Charles Mackerras. Rec. London Coliseum in 1982. Producer John Copley. NTSC. 4:3. WARNER MUSIC VISION 504678028-2 [138'00] [CC]

If there is anyone out there who doubts that Donizetti can be a composer of real depth, buy this. It will change your mind. ... see Full Review

Antonín DVOŘÁK (1841-1904) Piano Concerto in G minor, Op. 33 (B. 63) (1876) [39:20]* Violin Concerto in A minor, Op. 53 (B. 96) (1879, revised 1882-83) [31:04]† Rustem Hayroudinoff, piano* James Ehnes, violin† BBC Philharmonic Orchestra/Gianandrea Noseda Recorded at the Studio 7, New Broadcasting House, Manchester, England on 2 October (Violin Concerto) and 16 December (Piano Concerto) 2004. DDD CHANDOS CHAN10309 [70:29][MC]

These are well performed recordings from Chandos that do not disappoint even if they are not my preferred version of each work. ... see Full Review

Antonín DVOŘÁK (1841-1906) Complete Works For Piano Duet: Slavonic Dances – Op. 46 (1878) [35'07]; Op. 72 (1886) [34'10]; Legends, Op. 59 (1881) [37'34]; From the Bohemian Forest, Op. 68 (1884) [25'51] Ingryd Thorson; Julian Thurber (piano duet). Rec. Ski Church Hall, Oslo, Norway, in December 1989 and January 1990. DDD From Olympia originals. BRILLIANT CLASSICS 92274 [69:17 + 63:25][CC]

A real bargain. Played with evident affection, great sense of ensemble, clean articulation and not a small amount of fun. Very strongly recommended. ... see Full Review

Sir George DYSON (1883-1964) At the Tabard Inn – Overture (1943) [11:13], Concerto da Chiesa for String Orchestra (1949) [19:06], Symphony in G major (1937) [42:14] Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra/David Lloyd-Jones Recorded 1st-2nd November 2004 at the Concert Hall, Lighthouse, Poole, UK NAXOS 8.557720 [72:33] [CH]

Dyson’s darkest utterance – the Concerto – together with a symphony which explorers of post-romantic tonal symphonies will wish to know. ... see Full Review

Ross EDWARDS (b. 1943) Oboe Concerto (2002)a [17:54] Yanada (1998) [3:53] Ulpirra (1993) [1:31] Diana Doherty (oboe) Melbourne Symphony Orchestraa/Arvo Volmera Recorded: Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash University, Melbourne, June 2004 (Oboe Concerto); other items previously released on ABC Classics 465 7822 (no date) ABC CLASSICS 476 7173 [23:34] [HC]

Doherty plays beautifully throughout and obviously enjoys every note. A pity that this really lovely disc is all over much too quickly. ... see Full Review

Manuel de FALLA (1876 – 1946) El Amor Brujo* (Love, the Magician) Second version, (1924); El Sombrero de Tres Picos **(The Three-Cornered Hat) Ballet in two acts (1917 – 19); Danza from La Vida Breve (1914) María José Martos (soprano)**, Alicia Nafé (mezzo-soprano)*, Asturias Symphony Orchestra (OSPA)/Maximiano Valdés
rec. Auditorio Principe Felipe, Oviedo, Asturias, 13–15 Feb, 12–14 Oct (Vida Breve), 2002 NAXOS 8.557800 [68:00] [GF]

Commendable ... see Full Review

Gabriel FAURÉ (1845-1924) The Complete Songs – 3 Chanson d’amour: Love song John Mark Ainsley (tenor) , Stephen Varcoe (baritone) , Jean-Paul Fouchécourt (tenor) , Dame Felicity Lott (soprano), Christopher Maltman (baritone) , Jennifer Smith (soprano) , Graham Johnson (piano), with Ronan O’Hora (piano) Recorded on various dates in 2002, 2003 and 2004, venue(s) not given HYPERION CDA67335 [72 :42] [CH]

Some doubts as to whether this is the best way to put across Fauré’s important song output. ... see Full Review

Gerald FINZI (1901-1956) I said to love, Let us Garlands Bring, Before and After Summer Roderick Williams (baritone) Ian Burnside (piano) Potton Hall, Suffolk, 12-14 August 2004. DDD NAXOS 8.557644 [61'19"] [EM]

A lovely rich, velvety tone, gorgeous in the lower register, great sensitivity to both text and music, enunciation excellent, and good pacing. Strongly recommended ... see Full Review

and for a different view

Gerald FINZI (1901-1956) I Said to Love op.19b [13:34], Let us Garlands Bring op.18 [15:02], Before and After Summer op.16 [32:43] Roderick Williams (baritone), Iain Burnside (piano) Recorded at Potton Hall, Suffolk, UK, 13th-14th August 2004 NAXOS 8.557644 [61:19] [CH]

Songs for those who like that sort of thing sung by somebody who evidently likes that sort of thing. ... see Full Review

François-Joseph GOSSEC (1734-1829) Messe des Morts (1760) Eva Csapó soprano; Hidegard Laurich alto; Alessandro Corbelli baritone WDR Rundfunkchor Köln Capella Coloniensis/Herbert Schernus rec: Wuppertal, Immanuelskirche, 1980. SACD CAPRICCIO 71 043 [65:49] [ZT]

This new SACD format of Gossec’s Requiem on the Capriccio label can be confidently recommended. Its musical virtues more than compensate for the unfortunate abridgements. ... see Full Review

HISTORICAL BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Charles GOUNOD 1818 – 1893) Faust, opera in (4) 5 Acts (1859) Jussi Björling (tenor) – Faust; Cesare Siepi (bass) – Méphistophélès; Frank Guarrera (baritone) – Valentin; Lawrence Davidson (bass) – Wagner; Anne Bollinger (soprano) – Siebel; Dorothy Kirsten (soprano) – Marguerite; Thelma Votipka (mezzo) – Martha Orchestra and Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera/Fausto Cleva Broadcast from the Metropolitan Opera, N.Y. on 23rd December 1950 Appendix Songs and Arias sung by Jussi Björling Franz SCHUBERT (1797 – 1828) Ständchen Victor HERBERT (1859 – 1924) Princess Pat - Neapolitan Love Song Orchestra/Donald Voorhees Telephone Hour broadcast, N.Y., recorded on 4th April 1949 Giacomo PUCCINI (1858 – 1924) La bohème, Che gelida manina; O soave fanciulla (with Anna-Lisa Björling (soprano)) Charles GOUNOD Roméo et Juliette, Ange adorable (with Anna-Lisa Björling) Hollywood Bowl Symphony Orchestra/Izler Solomon Symphonies Under the Stars broadcast, Recorded at Hollywood Bowl on 23rd August 1949 Gaetano DONIZETTI (1797 – 1848) L’elisir d’amore, Una furtive lagrima Pietro MASCAGNI (1863 – 1945) Cavalleria rusticana, Mamma! ... Quel vino Richard WAGNER (1813 – 1883) Lohengrin, In fernem Land Jean SIBELIUS (1865 – 1957) Var det en dröm? Op. 37 No. 4; Svarta rosor Op. 36 No. 1; Säv, säv, susa Op. 36 No. 4 Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra/Sten Frykberg Pre-recorded broadcast, recorded in Stockholm on 3rd October 1952 Archivist and Restoration Producer Ward Marston NAXOS HISTORICAL 8.111083 – 85 [3 CDs: 74:34 + 56:53 + 73:18] [GF]

The appendix alone is worth the price of the whole set. And since the opera has so much to offer you won’t regret the purchase.... see Full Review

Charles GOUNOD (1818-1893) Faust (highlights) Act I: Vin ou bière; Avant de quitter ces lieux; Le veau d’or; Ne permettrez-vous pas Act II: Quel trouble inconnu ... Salut! demeure chaste et pure; Les grands seigneurs ... Un bouquet ... Ah! Je ris de me voir; Il se fait tard Act III: Il ne revient pas; Ecoutez! Déposons les armes!; Gloire immortelle; Qu’attendez-vous encore?; Vous qui faites l’endormie; Ecoute-moi bien, Marguerite! Act IV: Dans les bruyères; Arrête!; Minuit! Minuit!; Que ton ivresse; Alerte! Alerte! Appendix: Ballet music: I: Allegretto; VI: Allegretto; VII: Allegro vivo Jerry Hadley (tenor) – Faust; Cecilia Gasdia (soprano) – Marguerite; Samuel Ramey (bass) – Méphistophéles; Alexandru Agache (baritone) – Valentin; Susanne Mentzer (mezzo-soprano) – Siébel; Brigitte Fassbaender (mezzo-soprano) – Marthe; Philippe Fourcade (bass) – Wagner. Chorus and Orchestra of Welsh National Opera/Carlo Rizzi Recorded in Brangwyn Hall, Swansea, in July 1993 WARNER APEX 2564 61515-2 [75:41][GF]

Not a first recommendation but still worth anyone’s money for some distinguished singing. Hadley’s idiosyncratic Cavatina demands to be heard. ... see Full Review

Enrique GRANADOS (1867-1916) Piano Music – Volume 8 Carezza-Vals, DLR VII:3 (Caress Waltz) [6:32] Dolora, DLR III:7 [2:15] Clotilde, DLR III:3 [2:15] La sirena, DLR VII:2 (The Mermaid) [3:37] Dans le bois, DLR III:11 (In the Forest) [1:48] Marcha Real, DLR III:22 (Royal March) [3:26] Soldados de carton, DLR III:21 (Cardboard Soldiers) [2:47] Elvira, DLR III:2 [3:52] Álbum de melodías, París, 1888, DLR III:1 [43:28] Douglas Riva, Piano Recorded St. Martin’s Church, East Woodhay, Hampshire, August 2002 NAXOS 8.557142 [70:00] [JL]

Naxos’ Vol 8 of Granados’ piano music consists of youthful pieces, most never recorded before. A must for Granados fans but Douglas Riva’s respectful renderings make it enjoyable disc in its own right. ... see Full Review

George Frideric HANDEL (1685-1750) The Trio Sonatas Op.5 Sonata No.1 in A major [8.16] Sonata No.2 in D major [7.39] Sonata No.3 in E minor [9.20] Sonata No.4 in G major [13.59] Sonata No.5 in G minor [11.04] Sonata No.6 in F major [12.33] Sonata No.7 in B flat major [9.21] The Brook Street Band Recorded at Raveningham Church, Raveningham, Norfolk, March-April 2005 AVIE AV2068 [71.30] [JW]

Intoxicating, sometimes quixotic, but always entertaining ... see Full Review

Georg Frideric HANDEL (1685-1759) Seven Trio Sonatas Op.5 Sonata No.1 in A major HWV396 [8.20] Sonata No.2 in D major HWV397 [8.06] Sonata No.3 in E minor HWV398 [11.40] Sonata No.4 in G major HWV399 [13.38] Sonata No.5 in G minor HWV400 [11.37] Sonata No.6 in F major HWV401 [15.03] Sonata No.7 in B flat major HWV402 [9.21] London Handel Players Recorded at St Mary’s Church, Walthamstow, January 2005 SOMM CD044 [78.38] [JW]

If you prefer a more patrician and easy going geniality the London Handel Players, recorded well in a Walthamstow church, will give pleasure ... see Full Review

Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809) Die Jahreszeiten (The Seasons) (1801) Angela Maria Blasi (soprano) – Hanne Josef Protschka (tenor) – Lucas Robert Holl (bass) – Simon Arnold Schönberg-Chor Wiener Symphoniker/Nicolaus Harnoncourt Recorded live 11-12 January 1987, Konzerthaus, Vienna WARNER APEX 2564 62086-2 [73:51 + 71:14][GF]

You can’t go far wrong, whichever version you choose and Harnoncourt, recorded live in good sound and very few extraneous noises, is on two well-filled budget-priced discs ... see Full Review

Henri Herz (1803-1888) Piano Concerto No. 1 in A major Op. 34 (1828) [25:46] Piano Concerto No. 7 in B minor Op. 207 (1864) [17:50] Piano Concerto No. 8 in A flat major Op. 218 (1873) [14:14] Howard Shelley (piano and conductor) Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra rec. Federation Concert Hall, Hobart, Tasmania, 9-12 September 2003. DDD The Romantic Piano Concerto series: Volume 35 HYPERION CDA67465 [58:06] [JF]

Once again thanks to Hyperion for introducing us to this lovely, interesting and well wrought music. Herz may not be the most profound of composers but he is most certainly enjoyable! ... see Full Review

Gustav HOLST (1874-1934) The Planets (1914) With additional movement Pluto, composed by Colin Matthews. Film images directed by Rhodri Huw. BBC National Orchestra of Wales/David Atherton BBCTV 2004 Region 0 - playable in all regions OPUS ARTE DVD OA 0916 D [59:00] [KS]

Might not appeal to die-hards or those who do not appreciate the mixing of media, but on the whole, I found this a most satisfactory rendition, amply enhanced by some fantastic photography. ... see Full Review

Jacques Martin HOTTETERRE 'le Romain' (1673-1763) La Flûte du Roy - Preludes, Suittes et Sonates en Trio 3e Suite in G (1er Livre, 1708/1715) [10:32]
3e Sonate en trio in d, op. 3,3 (1712) [06:28] Prélude en G. Re, Sol, 3ce Mineur (L'Art de Préluder, 1719) [03:10] Rochers, vous êtes sourds (Airs et Brunettes, 1721) [05:25] 2e Suite in c minor (2e Livre, 1715) Prélude en D. La, Re, 3ce Majeure (L'Art de Préluder, 1719) [03:33] De mes Supires de ma langueur (Airs et Brunettes, 1721) [04:02] 4e Suite in e minor (1er Livre, 1708/1715) [14:48] 6e Sonate en trio, op. 3,6 [05:03] Jean-Henry D'ANGLEBERT (1635-1691) Passacaille for harpsichord [04:55] Michael Form, recorder; Rebeka Rusó, treble and bass viol; Dolores Costoyas, theorbo; Dirk Börner, harpsichord Recorded September 2002 at the Church Alt-Leisnig in Polditz (Germany) DDD RAUMKLANG RK 2207 [73:25] [JV]

An exciting recording of chamber music by Hotteterre, which is based on a careful study of historical sources regarding tempo and ornamentation ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983) Choral Music A Sequence for St. Michael (1961) [10’48"] A Hymn for St. Cecilia (1961) [3’11"] O pray for the peace of Jerusalem (1941) No. I of Four Anthems [7’08"] Te Deum ‘St. George’s, Windsor’ (1952) [10’42"] Benedictus ‘St. George’s, Windsor’ (1952) [6’28"] I love all beauteous things (1977) [6’24"] Salve Regina (1915) No. 4 of Four Anthems of the Blessed Virgin Mary [4’35"] Magnificat ‘New College, Oxford’ (1949) [6’12"] Nunc dimittis ‘New College, Oxford’ (1949) [3’04"] A Spotless Rose (1919) No.2 of Three Carol-Anthems [3’04"] Sing lullaby (1920) No. 3 of Three Carol-Anthems [3’23"] Here is the little door (1918) No. 1 of Three Carol-Anthems [3’43"] Magnificat ‘Collegium Regale’ (1945) [5’12"] Nunc dimittis ‘Collegium Regale’ (1945) [4’06"] The Choir of Wells Cathedral/Malcolm Archer Rupert Gough (organ) rec. Wells Cathedral, Somerset, 21-24 June 2004 HYPERION CDA67494 [79’34"] [JQ]

An outstanding disc. Presents a most useful single-disc survey of part of Howells’ enormous contribution to the music of the English church. ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Margaret HUBICKI (b. 1915) Dedication in Time From the Isles of the Sea (1950s) (flute and piano) [7:41] Piano Sonata (1934) [19:44] Full Fathom Five (1935) (mezzo-soprano and piano) [2:04] Theme and Variations (1939) (for string quartet) [11:32] Irish Fantasy (1935) (Four Sketches for piano) [9:09] Lonely Mere and Rigaudon (1935) (cello and piano) [8:35] Svolgimento (1939) (violin and piano) [6:46] Goladon Suite* (1957) (for piano duet) [7:37] Daniel Pailthorpe (flute) James Kirby (piano) Annemarie Sand (mezzo-soprano) Bochmann Quartet Robert Max (cello) Michael Bochmann (violin) *Frederick Stocken (piano) rec. Henry Wood Hall, London in July 2004 CHANDOS CHAN10322 [73:10][PCW]

A heart-warming disc ... see Full Review

Jacques IBERT (1890-1962) Film Music Classics: Macbeth - Golgotha - Don Quichotte Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra (Bratislava)/Adriano Henry Kiichli (bass) Don Quichotte; Jacques Tchamkerten (ondes martenot) on Golgotha Recorded at the Concert Hall of Slovak Radio in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 5-6 July 1989 (Golgotha), 15 January 1990 (Don Quichotte) and 17-19 January 1990 (Macbeth). DDD NAXOS 8.557607 [77:19]

A disc that will appeal to Ibert devotees and serious collectors of film music. ... see Full Review

Charles IVES (1874-1954) A Continuum Portrait 3: Piano, Chamber, and Vocal Works The Housatonic at Stockbridge (1908) [3:24] Soliloquy, or a Study in 7ths and Other Things (c. 1916-17) [0:49] On the Antipodes (c. 1922-23) [2:37] Victoria Villamil (soprano); Cheryl Seltzer, Joel Sachs (pianos); ensemble The Gong on the Hook and Ladder (original version) (c. 1912) [1:28] Hallowe’en (c. 1914) [2:33] In Re Con Moto et al (c. 1915-16) [3:02] Various members of the ensemble Sunrise (1926) [5:35] Sheila Schonbrun (soprano); Mia Wu (violin); Cheryl Seltzer (piano) Remembrance (1921) [1:01] Sheila Schonbrun (soprano); Eva Gruesser (violin); Cheryl Seltzer (piano) Aeschylus and Sophocles (1922- c. 1924) [4:10] Sheila Schonbrun, Victoria Villamil (sopranos); ensemble Five Take Offs (c. 1906-09) [12:54] Joel Sachs (piano) Three Quarter-Tone Pieces (1923-24) [11:22] Joel Sachs, Cheryl Seltzer (pianos) Continuum/Cheryl Seltzer; Joel Sachs (Directors) Recorded at Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, NYC in June 1986 and Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN in September 1987 NAXOS AMERICAN CLASSICS 8.559194 [48:52] [SM]

A compelling listening experience, and recommended to all those who are interested in Ives’ music or twentieth century music in general. ... see Full Review

Johan JEVERUD (b. 1962) Piano Quintet (2002) [11:23] Two songs about the Flight of Time (2000): In a hundred years; The Genius of Youth [2:39 + 2:15] Piano Trio (2001) [14:41] Four songs by night: The crickets; Summer day II; The Romantic; Spring night [1:30 + 1:27 + 1:20 + 1:49] String Trio (1998) [16:11] Three Songs with texts by Bo Bergman (2003): Masque; Mystery; Foolish fire and the elf [247 + 2:52 + 2:57] Music for Bygone Parlours for piano (2001) [10:52] Uppsala Chamber Players: (Nils-Erik Sparf (violin); Patrik Swedrup (violin); Susanne Magnusson (viola); Lars Frykholm (cello); Bengt Åke Lundin (piano)) St Jacobs Chamber Choir/Gary Graden rec. Studio 2 Radiohuset, Stockholm, 28-31 Aug 2003, (chamber items and piano solo; 4-5 May 2004 (choral). DDD PHONO-SUECIA PSCD 152 [72:43] [RB]

A language that would have been instantly accessible to composers of the Franckian Belgian or French 19th century schools ... see Full Review

Josef JONSSON (1887-1969) Symphony No. 1 Op. 23, Nordland (1919-22) [49:53]: (I. Allegro energico poco agitato [10:43] – II. Andante quasi Adagio, poco tranquillo [13:28] – III. Allegretto pastorale [5:10] – IV. Molto Adagio. Allegro vivace [20:30]) Symphony No. 2 Op. 34 in D minor (1928-30) [20:28] (I. Allegro energico [6:56] – II. Scherzo: Vivace non troppo. Adagio. Scherzo [5:57] – III. Allegro vivace [7:35]) Norrköping Symphony Orchestra/Lü Jia rec. DeGeer Hall, Norrköping 14–15 Sept 2001 (No. 1); 17–18 Sept 2001 (No. 2) PHONO SUECIA PSCD 720 [70:21][GF]

The two works are very different, but each in its own way is outstanding and it is a pity that this music isn’t played more often. We have to be grateful, though, that it is available on records at long last. It is only to be hoped that his third symphony, which Jonsson regarded as his masterpiece, will also appear some day. ... see Full Review

Emmerich (Imre) KÁLMÁN (1882 - 1953) Die Zigeunerprimas [The Gypsy Violinist ](1912) [101.23] Juliska – Edith Lienbacher (soprano) Sári – Gabriele Rossmanith (soprano) Gaston – Zoran Todorovich (tenor) Laczi – Roberto Saccà (tenor) Graf Estragon - Kay Stiefermann (baritone) Cadeau/Fekete – Klaus Häger (baritone) Pali Rácz –Wolfgan Bankl (bass) Exzellenz Musitari - Martin Likier Zwei Zigeuner – Ladislav Hallon, Karol Bernath Narration – Sunnyi Melles Children’s Chorus of Bavarian State Opera Slovak Philharmonic Choir Munich Radio Symphony Orchestra/Claus Peter Flor Recorded Philharmonie in Gasteig, 25-26 October 2003, Bavarian Radio CPO 777 058-2 [48.20 + 53.03] [RH]

A worthwhile set to buy. The narration is a small price to pay for Kálmán’s score which mines a vein of romantic melancholy making this operetta such a delight. ... see Full Review

Georg Friedrich KAUFFMANN (1679-1735) Komm, heiliger Geist - vivace [1'46]; Alio modo a 4 [1'50]; Alio modo - allegro [2'40] Herr Christ, der einig Gottssohn - andante [2'19] Gottes Sohn ist kommen - allegro [2'05] Gelobet Seist du, Jesu Christ - andante [1'49] Wie schon leuchtet der morgenstern - andante [2'07]; Alio modo - vivace - Zymbelstern [3'02] Jesus Christus unser Heiland, der vor uns - andante [4'25] Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir -largo [2'22] Allein Gott in der Hoh' sei ehr - u poco vivace [1'46] Ein feste Burg - Fuga, un poco vivace [2'30]; Alio modo - Choral im Pedal allegro [2'02] Johann Ludwig KREBS (1713-1780) Ach Gott, erhor mein Seufzen [3'57] Trio in C - lento [2'57]
Warum betrubst du dich, mein Hertz - cantabile [5'09] Gottfried August HOMILIUS (1714-1785) Trio in G - allegretto [2'43] Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ [3'52] Ach Herr, mich arnem Sunder [3'18] Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ [3'21] Jesus Martin Moro, organ Marc Ecochard, oboe Rec: November 1999, Saint Etienne de Baignory, France DDD EDITIONS HORTUS 019 [57'19] [CB]

Musicological questions aside, this remains a thoroughly enjoyable release. ... see Full Review ... see Full Review

Earl KIM (1920-1998) Violin Concerto (1979) [22:21] Dialogues for piano and orchestra (1959) [9:12] Cornet for narrator and orchestra (1984) [25:43] Cecylia Arzewski (violin) William Wolfram (piano) Robert Kim (narrator) RTE National SO/Scott Yoo rec. National Concert Hall, Dublin, 31 May-1 June 2004. DDD NAXOS 8.559226 [57:16] [RB]

Kim’s Violin Concerto is the real draw here beside the sterile Dialogues and the passive but imaginatively illustrative Rilke melodrama. ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Michel LEGRAND (b.1932) His eyes; her eyes [05:31]; I will say goodbye [03:08]; Ask yourself why [04:08]; Summer me; winter me [03:22]; Magic [03:08]; I was born in love with you [03:56]; A rose in the snow [03:32]; Blue; green; grey and gone [03:52]; One day [02:56]; Martina [02:11]; Nobody knows [03:55]; After the rain [03:16]; Little boy lost [03:24]; Breezy’s song [03:19]; What are you doing the rest of your life? [05:30]; One at a time [03:53]; The windmills of your mind [03:29]; Comme elle est longue à mourir ma jeunesse [03:01] Kiri Te Kanawa (soprano) Ambrosian Singers London Studio Orchestra/Michel Legrand Recorded in Petersham Church, Petersham, Surrey, 13th-20th February 1992 WARNER CLASSICS 2564 61736-2 [66:08] [CH]

Something quite unique, recommended to all who are prepared to open the windmills of their minds. ... see Full Review

Franz LEHÁR (1870-1948) Die lustige Witwe (The Merry Widow) (1905) Elisabeth Schwarzkopf (soprano) – Hanna Glawari; Erich Kunz (baritone) – Count Danilo Danilowitsch; Nicolaï Gedda (tenor) – Camille de Rosillon; Emmy Loose (soprano) – Valencienne; Anton Niessner (baritone) – Baron Mirko Zeta; Josef Schmidinger (bass) – Raoul de Saint-Brioche; Otakar Kraus (baritone) – Vicomte Cascada Speaking parts: Hella Kurty – Valencienne; André Mattoni – Vicomte Cascada Philharmonia Orchestra and Chorus/Otto Ackermann rec. 16–18, 21 April 1953, Kingsway Hall, London. First issued on Columbia 33CX 1051 and 1052 Reissue Producer and Audio Restoration Engineer: Mark Obert-Thorn NAXOS 8.111007 [79:06] [JW]

Stellar vocal soloists ... names to conjure with. The sound quality has come up well ... see Full Review

Kenneth LEIGHTON (1929-1988) Cello Concerto Op. 31 (1955) [32:22] Symphony No. 3 Laudes Musicae Op. 90 () [27:10] Raphael Wallfisch (cello) Neil Mackie (ten) Scottish National Orchestra/Bryden Thomson rec. Henry Wood Hall, Glasgow, 23-24 Jan 1989. DDD CHANDOS CHAN 10307 X [59:44] [HC]

This is probably one of the most beautiful records ever devoted to Leighton's music and a significant tribute to a very distinguished composer. ... see Full Review

Franz LISZT (1811 - 1886) Complete Piano Music Volume 22 Deux Polonaises, S223/R44 (1851) [20.55] Ballade #1 in Db; "Le chant du croisé", S170, R15 (1848) [7.37] Ballade #2 in b, S171, R16 (1853) [14.21] Au Bord d’une source, S156/2b, R8 (1836) [5.08] Trois Morceaux Suisses, S156a (1836-77) [26.28] Jean Dubé, piano Recorded at Potton Hall, Suffolk, UK, 17 June, 2003 Notes in English, Deutsch, Français. Colour photo of artist. NAXOS 8.557364 [74.28] [PSh]

Excellent recording, excellent Liszt playing, at times verging upon the legendary. Possibly some real competition for Leslie Howard. ... see Full Review


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