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Luigi CHERUBINI (1760 – 1842) Medea (1797) (sung in German) Tomislav Neralic (bass) – Creonte, Re di Corinto; Stina-Britta Melander (soprano) – Glauce, Figlia di Creonte; Ludwig Suthaus (tenor) – Giasone, condottiero degli Argonauti; Inge Borkh (soprano) – Medea, sposa di Giasone; Sieglinde Wagner (mezzo) – Neris, ancella di Medea; Leonore Kirschstein (soprano) – Prima Ancella; Ursula Gust (mezzo) – Seconda Ancella; Roland Kunz (baritone) – Un capo; Anton Metternich (bass) – Un capo delle guardia del Re Orchestra and Chorus of the Berlin State Opera/Vittorio Gui Live recording from the State Opera, 7 October 1958 Bonus Tracks Richard STRAUSS (1864 – 1949) Vier letzte Lieder (1849) Inge Borkh (soprano) Orchestre Symphonique de Vichy/Ferdinand Leitner No venue and recording date given PONTO PO-1010 [70:29 + 73:37] [GF]

Flawed but interesting alternative versions ... see Full Review

Frédéric CHOPIN (1809-1849) Complete Works for Piano and Orchestra CD 1 Krakowiak, Op.14 (1828) [13:59] Fantasy on Polish Airs, Op.13 (1828) [15:09] Piano Concerto No.1 in E Minor, Op.11 (1830) [42:40] CD 2 Grande Polonaise Brillante, Op.22 (1834) [15:51] Variations on La Ci Darem La Mano, Op.2 (1827) [18:04] Piano Concerto No.2 in F Minor, Op.21 (1829) [35:07] Kun-Woo Paik (piano) Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra/Antoni Wit rec. Philharmonic Hall, Warsaw, 7-12 June 2003. DDD 2 CDs for the price of one DECCA 4751692 [71:48 + 70:02] [DRD]

A mixed bunch of concertante works from Chopin very well played and performed. ... see Full Review

Douglas COATES (1898-1974) Violin Concerto in D major (1934) [25:07] E.J. MOERAN (1894-1950) Violin Concerto (1937-41) [32:58] Colin Sauer (violin), BBC Northern Orchestra/Sir Charles Groves (Coates) Alfredo Campoli (violin), BBC Symphony Orchestra/ Sir Adrian Boult (Moeran) rec. from live BBC broadcasts 15 March 1951 (Coates); 1954 (Moeran), mono, historical sound. ADD THE DIVINE ART 27806 [59:46][RB]

There we have it: a surprising discovery (the Coates) that survived against the odds and a hothouse performance of the Moeran ... see Full Review

Louis COERNE (1870-1922) Excalibur op. 180 (1921) [13:13] Edward Burlingame HILL (1872-1960) Stevensoniana Suite No.1 Op. 24 (1916-17) [21:09] Horatio PARKER (1863-1919) A Northern Ballad Op. 46 (1899) [14:10] John Alden CARPENTER (1876-1951) Sea-Drift (1933 rev. 1942) [16:40] Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Karl Krueger rec. London: Carpenter, 1969, (first issued on SPAMH MIA 142); Coerne, 1968, (first issued on SPAMH MIA 141) Hill, 1969, (first issued on SPAMH MIA 142); Parker, 1966, (first issued on SPAMH MIA 132), ADD BRIDGE 9190 [65:48] [RB]

Nicely contrasted selection reflective impressionism, playfulness, surging pre-Raphaelite romanticism and Tchaikovskian melos ... superbly packaged and documented... see Full review

Arnold COOKE (1906-2005) Three String Sonatas
Violin Sonata No. 2 (1951) [22:24] Viola Sonata (1937) [21:20] Cello Sonata No. 2 (1980) [23:58] Susanne Stanzeleit (violin) Morgan Goff (viola) Raphael Wallfisch (cello) Raphael Terroni (piano) rec. 2, 9, 16 Oct 2005, Music Hall, Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London. DDD world premiere recordings BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY BMS 432CD [67:45] [RB]

A fine disc of sonatas never before recorded. Opens a door onto yet another rewarding voice from a disdained generation ... and there is more to be discovered ... see Full Review

Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918) Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune [09:20], Nocturnes: 1. Nuages [06:54], 2. Fêtes [05:58], Images [35:12] London Symphony Orchestra/Pierre Monteux rec. Kingsway Hall, London, December 1961 (Prélude, Nocturnes), London 1963 (Images). ADD DECCA ELOQUENCE 476 8472 [58:02][CH]

Some vintage performances but the competition from Munch is daunting. ... see Full Review

Frederick DELIUS (1862-1934) Piano Concerto in C minor - original version (first recording) (1904) [28:41] John IRELAND (1897-1962) Legend for Piano and Orchestra (1933) [11:38] Piano Concerto in E flat major (1930) [23:52] Piers Lane (piano) Ulster Orchestra/David Lloyd-Jones rec. Ulster Hall, Belfast, 8-9 March 2005. DDD The Romantic Piano Concerto – Vol. 39 HYPERION CDA67296 [64:24] [JQ]

A most interesting disc. Delius: a genuine rarity, especially in such a good and committed performance. Ireland: just as good. ... see Full Review

David DIAMOND (1915-2005) A Diamond Jubilee Even though the World Keep Changing (1946) [2:24] As Life What IS So Sweet? (1941) [1:40] Anniversary in a Country Cemetery (1942) [1:40] Souvent j’ai dit à mon mari (1943) [0:53] Sister Jane (1943) [0:53] My Little Mother (1943) [1:45] I have Longed To Move Away (1944) [2:27] Music, when soft voices die (1944) [0:53] Somewhere (1946) [3:26] Epitaph (1946) [1:41] My Spirit Will Not Haunt the Mound (1946) [1:58] This World Is Not My Home (1946) [1:06] The Shepherd Boy Sings in the Valley of Humiliation (1946) [1:50] Brigid’s Song (1947) [1:04] Be Music, Night (1948) [2:15] Chatterton (1950) [3:15] Love is More (1950) [2:27] My Papa’s Waltz (1964) [1:08] Homage to Paul Klee (19730 [2:09] I Am Rose (1973) [0:55] Don’t Cry  (1983) [0:51] Hebrew Melodies (1968): My Soul is Dark [3:45] If That High World [4:20] Saul [7:41] All is Vanity [5:18] Helene Williams (soprano), Leonard Lehrman (piano) No recording details given. 1994? DDD ALBANY TROY817 [56:50] [GPu]

A valuable collection offering a selection from the remarkable songs of David Diamond ... see Full Review

Jan Ladislav DUSSEK (1760-1812) Piano Sonatas: No. 26 in A flat major, Op. 64 (1807, Le retour à Paris) [32:49]; No. 24 in F sharp minor, Op. 61 (1807, Élégie harmonique sur le mort de son Altesse Royale le Prince Louis Ferdinand de Prusse) [15:15]; No. 18 in E flat major, Op. 44 (1800, The Farewell) [28:14] Markus Becker (piano) rec. Sendesaal Radio Bremen, Bremen, 23-25 October 2003. DDD CPO 777 020-2 [76:51] [AOr]

Delirious virtuosity, the daring and gracious, from one of the great Bohemian Romantics ... see Full Review

Antonín DVOŘÁK (1841-1904) The Complete Concertos CD1 Piano Concerto in G minor Op. 33 (1876) [38:31] Violin Concerto in A minor Op. 53 (1879) [32:07] CD2 Cello Concerto in B minor Op. 104 (1895) [39:06] Silent woods for cello and orchestra (1891) [5:23] Rondo in G minor for cello and orchestra (1891) [7:20] Jitka Čechová (piano) Jana Nováková (violin) Jan Páleníček (cello) Moravian Philharmonic Olomouc/Stanislav Vavřínek rec. Olomouc, Czech Republic, November 2004 CUBE BOHEMIA CBCD 2426 [70:54 + 52:03] [RB]

Not a library recommendation but many strengths in its poetic and thoughtful temperament. It’s not the whole picture but there is much that is very likeable indeed. ... see Full Review

Bechara EL-KHOURY (b.1957) Danse pour orchestra Op. 9 "Danse des Aigles" (1980); Image Symphonique Op. 26 "Les dieux de la Terre" (1982); Suite Symphonique Op. 29 (1982) "La Nuit et le Fou"; Requiem for Orchestra Op. 18 (1980); Poème Symphonique No. 1 'Le Liban en flammes', Op. 14 (1980); Poème Symphonique No. 2 "Le Regard du Christ" Op. 2 (1979] Orchestre Colonne/Pierre Dervaux rec. l'Eglise Notre-Dame, Paris, September 1983. DDD NAXOS 8.557691 [76.35] [RB]

Music well worth hearing ... something rich and strange ... see Full Review

Gareth FARR (b.1968) Ruaumoko (1997) [27.36] Orakua (1999) [13.28] + Rangitoto (1999) [6.00] Te Papa (1996) [9.52] Beowulf (2000) [9.50] Conal Coad (bass) + New Zealand Symphony Orchestra/Kenneth Young rec. Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington, May 2003, Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Wellington, November 2003 and Sounds Unlimited Studio, Wellington, August 2003 and April 2004 MORRISON MUSIC TRUST MMT 2042 [67.20] [JW]

Gamelan sonorities, gongs, romantic tracery, ominous drum rolls, motionless calm ... pays court to minimalism but rather more to the buzz of nature. ... see Full Review

Gabriel FAURE (1845-1924) Piano Music Les Pieces Brèves Op.84 (published 1902) [15.17] Thème et Variations [15.04] Nocturnes Nos. 1-13 (published 1883) [84.45] Préludes Op.103 (1909-10) [24.11] Jean-Paul Sevilla (piano) rec. IRCAM, Paris, May 1997 and 1998, Préludes recorded La Muse en circuit, November 1995 TIMPANI 2C2083 [65.30 + 76.40][JW]

Leaden and dispiriting I am afraid ... see Full Review

Francesco FOGGIA (1604-1688) Psalmodia Vespertina, 1667 plainchant Responsorium: Deus in adjutorium Tomás Luis DE VICTORIA (1548-1611) Versiculum: Domine, ad adjuvandum [01:10] plainchant Antiphona: Ecce sacerdos [00:38] Francesco FOGGIA Psalmus: Dixit Dominus a 5 [06:30] plainchant Antiphona: Non est inventus [00:38] Francesco FOGGIA Psalmus: Confitebor tibi Domine a 5 [08:31] plainchant Antiphona: Ideo jure jurando [00:37] Francesco FOGGIA Psalmus: Beati omnes a 5 [05:13] plainchant Antiphona: Sacerdotes Dei [00:35] Francesco FOGGIA Psalmus: Laudate pueri a 5 [07:03] plainchant Antiphona: Serve bone [00:38] Francesco FOGGIA Psalmus: Laudate Dominum a 5 [03:12] Domenico MASSENZIO (?-1650) Hymnus: Iste confessor a 5 (with ritornelli by Foggia) [05:05] plainchant Antiphona: Sacerdos et Pontifex [00:53] Francesco FOGGIA Canticum: Magnificat a 5 [09:31] Motetto loco Antiphona: De valle lacrimarum (voce sola) [06:42] plainchant Congedo: Benedicamus Domino [00:52] Francesco FOGGIA Antiphona mariana: Salve Regina a 5 [04:46] Motetto: Gaudent in caelis a 6 [05:20] CapellAntiqua: Maria C. Schmid, Ulrike Hofbauer (soprano), Francesco Ghelardini (alto), Cornel Frey (alto/tenor), Markus Schikora (tenor), Bernhard Pfammatter (baritone), Richard Ackermann (bass), Alexandra Iten (cello), Stephan Schürch (viola da gamba,  violone), Jonathan Rubin (theorbo), Jörg Ulrich Busch (organ)/Bernhard Pfammatter rec. live, 1, 3 February 2002, Nydegg Church, Bern, Switzerland DIVOX CDX-70207 [68:03][JV]

Liturgical music by an unjustly neglected composer of the mid-17th century in an enjoyable live recording by a Swiss ensemble ... see Full Review

Philippe GAUBERT (1879-1941) Complete Works for Flute – Volume 3 Deux esquisses [6.38] Nocturne et allegro scherzando [5.38] Sicilienne [2.56] Romance (1905) [7.07] Baroque and Classical Transcriptions by Philippe Gaubert [31.05] Romance (1908) Assez lent [3.44] Fantasie [6.49] Sur l’eau [3.28] Ballade [6.17] Berceuse [3.30] Fenwick Smith (flute) Sally Pinkas (piano) rec. Sonic Temple, Roslindale, Massachusetts, April 2003 and January 2004 NAXOS 8.557307 [77.13] [JW]

Bread and butter work but there’s enough stylistic density to keep routine at bay. Mainly for flautists, completists and Gaubertists ... see Full Review

Philip GLASS (b.1937) Symphony No.6, Plutonian Ode (2002) Lauren Flanigen (soprano) Allen Ginsberg (text and recitation) The Bruckner Orchester Linz/Dennis Russell Davies rec. Brucknerhaus Linz, Austria, September 2002. ORANGE MOUNTAIN MUSIC OMM0020 [50:47 + 50:47][DC]

You will receive no unpleasant surprises but I would have preferred at least some ... see Full Review

Edvard GRIEG (1843-1907) The Complete Songs: Vol. 5 Four Romances op. 10, Three Songs from Peer Gynt op. 23, Reminiscences from Mountain and Fjord op. 44, Six poems by Holger Drachmann, op. 49, A Simple Song EG 147. Monica Groop (mezzo); Roger Vignoles (piano)rec. Sweden, February 2004. DDD BIS-CD-1457 [69:02] [AOz]

Lyrical, good-natured songs ... maybe not his finest but still a delightful experience ... see Full Review

Nicolas GOMBERT (c.1495-c.1560) Media vita in morte sumus [6:09] Kyrie (from Missa Media Vita*) [4:33] Gloria* [7:34] Salve Regina [8:44] Anima mea liquefacta est [6:56] Credo* [10:15] O Crux, splendidior [6:32] Sanctus* [8:37] Quam pulchra es [4:52] Agnus Dei* [5:23] Musae lovis [6:19] The Hilliard Ensemble: (David James (counter-tenor); Rogers Covey-Crump (tenor); Steven Harrold (tenor); Andreas Hirbreiter (tenor); Gordon Jones (baritone); Robert Macdonald (bass)) rec. May 2002, Propstei St. Gerold. DDD. ECM 1884 [76:00] [DC]

Balm for the soul - writing that is intensely layered with the counterpoint flowing in waves of delicious sound. ... see Full Review  

Morton GOULD (1913-1996) Jekyll and Hyde Variations [21:20] Fall River Legend (complete ballet)* [52:28] *James F. Neal (narrator) Nashville Symphony Orchestra/Kenneth Schermerhorn rec. Ingram Hall, Nashville USA, 5-6 December 2004. DDD NAXOS AMERICAN CLASSICS 8.559242 [73:48] [JQ]

Well worth investigation ... should be sought out by anyone with an interest in twentieth-century American orchestral music. ... see Full Review

Charles GOUNOD (1818-1893) Faust - opera in five acts (1856-9) Faust – Jan Peerce (tenor) Méphistophélès – Cesare Siepi (bass) Valentin – Robert Merrill (baritone) Marguerite – Victoria De Los Angeles (soprano) Siébel – Mildred Miller (soprano) Marthe - Thelma Votipka (mezzo-soprano) Wagner - Lawrence Davidson (baritone) Chorus and Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera, New York/Pierre Monteux rec. live, the Met, 19 February 1955 ANDROMEDA ANDRCD 5037 [78.44 + 78.20][JW]

I’m not sure if all Fausts at the Met were outstanding but this one certainly was ... sheer class and elegance and a rip roaring cast ... see Full Review

Alexandre GUILMANT (1837-1911) Grand Chorus in g minor op 84 [6'51] Caprice in B flat major op 20 No 3 [3'36] Allegretto in b minor op 19 No 1 [5'52] Lamentation in d minor op 45 No 1 [11'19] Offertoire 'O filii' op 49 No 2 [6'45] Sonata No 7 in F major op 89: iv) Lento assai (Reve) [4'29] March on a theme by Handel op 15 No 2 [6'50] Scherzo Symphonique in C major op 55 No 2 [7'36] Noel languedocien, Communion No 2 in f monir op 60 [5'11] Sonata No 1 in d minor op 42: iii) Finale: Allegro Assai [8'56] Robert Delcamp (organ) rec. All Saints' Chapel, University of the South, Sewanee, Tenessee, USA, 10, 13 October 2004. DDD NAXOS 8.557614 [70'24][CB]

Well considered tempi, phrasing, control and sense of space; shame there’s not at least one complete sonata ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Asger Hamerik (1843-1923) Choral-Symphony No. 7 for orchestra, chorus and mezzo Op. 40 (1906) [35:14] Requiem for orchestra, chorus and contralto Op. 34 (1886-7) [43:33] Randi Stene (mezzo) Danish National Choir DR/Saul Zaks Danish National Symphony Orchestra DR/Thomas Dausgaard rec. Danish Radio Concert Hall, 6-7 Sept 2002 (Requiem); 12-15 May 2005 (Symphony 7). DACAPO 8.226033 [78.51] [RB]

Two sensational choral-orchestral works. One of those CDs where you want to play it to friends without telling them beforehand what they will be hearing. Reactions should be fascinating. Deeply impressive. A resounding and sonorous success. ... see Full Review

George Frideric HANDEL (1685-1759) Water Music (Suite No. 1 in F major, HWV 348; Suite No. 2 in D major, HWV 349; Suite No. 3 in G major, HWV 350) (1717) [50.46] George Frideric HANDEL (1685 - 1759) Music for the Royal Fireworks, HWV 351 (1749) [20.06] Aradia Ensemble/Kevin Mallon rec. St. Anne’s Church, Toronto, Canada, 5-8 January 2005 NAXOS 8.557764 [70.52][RH]

Infectious enthusiasm, youth and charm ... see Full Review

Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809) Symphony No. 1 in D major (ca.1758-9) [13:46] Symphony No. 2 in C major (ca.1761) [9:35] Symphony No. 3 in G major (ca.1759-60) [16:43] Symphony No. 4 in D major (ca.1759-60) [13:46] Symphony No. 5 in A major (ca.1760) [17:47] Sinfonia Finlandia/Patrick Gallois Irina Zahharenkova (harpsichord continuo) Rec. Suolahti Hall, Finland, 26-28 May 2004 NAXOS 8.557571 [71:38] [DC]

The performances exude fresh and youthful vigour with tight tempi, and accurate and dynamic playing. ... see Full Review

Alan HOVHANESS (1911-2000) Concerto No.7 for Orchestra, Op.116 (1953) [20.35] Symphony No.15 Silver Pilgrimage Op.199 (1963) [20.53] Magnificat for Four Solo Voices, Chorus and Orchestra, Op.157 (1957) [29.47] Audrey Nossaman, (sop) Thomas East, (ten) Elizabeth Johnson, (alto) Richard Dales, (bar) University of Louisville Choir Louisville Orchestra/Robert Whitney rec. Columbia Auditorium, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 11 May 1954 (Concerto No.7, mono); 23 November 1965 (Sym. No. 15, stereo); 26-27 April, 1961, (Magnificat, mono). World premiere recordings FIRST EDITION MUSIC FECD-0006 [71.35][MC]

Admirers of the unique sound world of Hovhaness will be in their element with this reissue. ... see Full Review

Charles IVES (1874-1954) Songs CD 1 Songs My Mother Taught Me [02:10]; Slow March [02:11]; Dream [03:25]; Memories [02:41]; Berceuse [01:34]; Romanzo Di Central Park [01:55]; Slugging A Vampire [00:25]; Spring Song [01:19]; The Cage [00:55]; Autumn [03:06]; The Things Our Fathers Loved [01:42]; Tom Sails Away [02:57]; Down East [02:45]; Serenity [02:00]; Maple Leaves [01:00]; Like A Sick Eagle [02:16]; On The Counter [01:16]; The See’R [00:45]; Evening [01:38]; Immortality [01:41]; The Housatonic At Stockbridge [03:32]; The Greatest Man [01:34]; Two Little Flowers [01:24]; The Side Show [00:38]; 1;2;3 [00:28]; Charlie Rutlage [02:55] CD 2 The Circus Band [02:15]; A Night Song [01:00]; An Old Flame [02:04]; From "Night Of Frost In May" [01:22]; Iche grolle night [02:46]; Feldeinsamkeit [03:04]; Die alte Mutter [01:51]; Weil’auf mir [01:52]; Ilmenau [01:43]; Rosamunde [02:10]; Qu’il m’irait bien [01:03]; Elegie [03:38]; Chanson de Florian [01:56]; The Children’s Hour [02:04]; Harpalus (An Ancient Pastoral) [01:10]; There’S A Lane [01:18]; Mirage [00:54]; A Farewell To Land [01:46]; Evidence [01:27]; The Camp Meeting [04:07]; Watchman [01:27]; His Exaltation [01:57]; At The River [01:35]; From "Paracelsus" [03:41]; Remembrance [00:34]; At Sea [01:23]; Ann Street [00:59]; They Are There [02:39]* Roberta Alexander (soprano); Tan Crone (piano); Rien de Reede (piccolo)* No recording dates or location ETCETERA KTC 2508 [50:34 + 57:20] [CH]

Splendid performances, the only shortcomings being in the booklet. ... see Full Review

Karl JENKINS (b. 1944) Karl Jenkins and Adiemus - The Essential Collection Adiemus (1999 Version) (Adiemus 1) (Delta Airlines ad) [3.56] Pie Jesu (Requiem) [4.36] Hymn Before Action (Armed Man) [2.38] Cantus - Song of Tears (Adiemus 2 - journey edit) [3.55] Palladio (1st Movement) from Diamond Music (De Beers ad) [3.47] Lacrimosa (Requiem) [4.51] Cantilena (The Journey (C&G Ad)) [3.22] In Paradisum (Requiem) [5.37] In These Stones Horizons Sing (Part 1 - The Exile Song) [2.34] Agnus Dei (Armed Man) [4.41] Cantus - Song of the Plains (Adiemus 2 - journey edit) [3.56] Dies Irae (Requiem) [4.41] Allegrettango (Adiemus 5) [6.01] Benedictus (Armed Man) [7.36] Beyond the Century (The Journey) [4.52] Sanctus (Armed Man) [7.00] Various artists recorded CTS Studios 1996-2005. DDD EMI CLASSICS 3 53244 2 [72:33] [RB]

Plumbs few depths but catchy, moving and strangely memorable. ... see Full Review

Dmitry Borisovich KABALEVSKY (1904-1987) Piano Concertos: No. 1 in A minor, Op. 9 (1928) [31'35]; No. 2, Op. 23 (1935, rev. 1973) [24'36]. In-Ju Bang (piano) Russian Philharmonic Orchestra/Dmitry Yablonsky. rec. Russian State TV & Radio Company KULTURA, Mosc, 24-28 December 2004. DDD NAXOS 8.557683 [56'01][CC]

For those who only know Kabalevsky by his Colas Breugnon Overture, this release will be valuable in filling out the picture - I look forward very much to hearing more from In-Ju Bang. ... see Full Review

Tikhon Nikolayevich KHRENNIKOV (b. 1913) Three Symphonies Symphony No. 1 in B flat minor Op. 4 (1933-35) [22:02] Symphony No. 2 in C minor Op. 9 (1940-44) [34:41] Symphony No. 3 in A major Op. 22 (1973) [17:27] USSR State Symphony Orchestra/Evgeny Svetlanov rec. 1973, 1978, Moscow. ADD KAPELMEISTER KAP 008 [74:07] [RB]

Khrennikov's music, drubbed in many quarters, has its bright-eyed virtues. Some of it is sub-Shostakovich but much of it has a noble bearing and is impressively laid out. ... see Full Review

Paul Kochanski – In Memoriam Pavel KOCHANSKI (1887-1934) Swit – Down (1920)[4.28] Dzitki Taniec – Wild Dance (1920) [4.04] Lot – Flight (1927) [4.39] Karol SZYMANOWSKI (1882-1937) Roxanna’s Song from King Roger Op.46 (1926) [6.01] Dance from Harnasie – ballet Op.55 (1923/31) [6.40] Joaquin NIN (1879-1949) Cantos populares españolas (1923) [9.30] Andaluz, No.4 from Suite espagnole arranged Nin [1.39] Manuel de FALLA (1876-1946) Suite from the ballet El amor brujo (1924) [10.31] Canciones populares españolas Nos. 1,5,6,7,3 and 4 (1914) [12.37] Antoni SZAŁOWSKI (1907-1973) Suite for violin and piano (1931) [9.18] Malina Sarnowska (violin) Agata Jóźwik (piano) rec. Polish Radio Studio S2 in Warsaw, July and October 2000 ACTE PRÉALABLE MUZYKA POLSKA AP 0061 [69.57] [JW]

Some known quantities and some novelties – all most valuable. I wish I could be as whole-hearted about the performances and recording. ... see Full Review

Charles KOECHLIN (1867-1950) Mélodies avec orchestre - details in the review Juliane Banse (sop) SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart des SWR/Heinz Holliger rec. SWR, Stadthalle Sindelfingen, Konzertsaal, 19-23 Jan 2004, 14-17 June 2004. DDD Textes de présentation et textes chantés en français, anglais, allemand - Chanté en français HÄNSSLER CLASSIC CD 93.159 [53:10 + 60:57] [RB]

If your tastes lie in the direction of the Ravel, Goossens, Holst and Rachmaninov or the realms of French song you must get this set. You will be dumb-founded at the quality of this music and its power to move. ... see Full Review

Charles KOECHLIN (1867-1950) Les Heures persanes op. 65 (1913-1919 orch. 1921) [58:03] Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart des SWR/Heinz Holliger rec. SWR, Stadthalle Sindelfingen, Konzertsaal, 19-23 Jan 2004. DDD full track-listing below HÄNSSLER CLASSIC CD 93.125 [58:03] [RB]

Segerstam’s plangent languor and superior recording transparency gets my vote but despite the shorter playing time Holliger captures more of the mystery... see Full Review

Gyorgy KURTAG (b.1926) Kafka Fragmente Op. 24 (1985-86) Juliane Banse (soprano) Andras Keller (violin) rec. Reitstadel, Neumarkt, September 2005 (no other details given) ECM NEW SERIES 1965 4763099 [59.41] [GH]

Startling and original music, wonderfully performed ... see Full Review

Frank Ezra LEVY (b. 1930) A Summer Overture (1997) [8:39] Cello Concerto No. 2 (2002) [20:12] Rondo Tarantella (2003) [15:53] Symphony No. 3 (1997) [20:10] Scott Ballantyne (Cello) RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland/Takuo Yuasa rec. 27-28 September 2004 at Dublin Concert Hall, Dublin, Ireland NAXOS 8.559234 [64:53] [DB]

Interesting and accessible works, well-presented ... see Full Review

Douglas LILBURN (1915-2001) Complete Piano Music Volumes 1 & 2 Dan Poynton (piano) MORRISON MUSIC TRUST MMT2053 [76:51] MMT 2054 [76:52] [RB]

Not to be missed. Rich pickings for any of the new breed of pianist prepared to reach for the less obvious. They will be rewarded and so will the listener. ... see Full Review

Bo LINDE (1933–1970) Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 18 (1958) [26:15]; Concerto for Cello and Orchestra, Op. 29 (1965) [30:03] Karen Gomyo (violin), Maria Kliegel (cello) Gävle Symphony Orchestra/Petter Sundkvist rec. 5-7 March 2003 (Violin Concerto); 26-28 April 2004 (Cello Concerto), Gevaliasalen, Gävle, Sweden First issued on Swedish Society Discofil in 2005 NAXOS 8.557855 [56:18] [GF]

Some of the best latter-day Swedish works in their genres ... see Full Review

Carl LOEWE (1796 – 1869) Lieder – Balladen Vol. 20: Der Treuergebene op. 9, H.III,4; Mahomet’s Gesang op. 85; Hinaus! Hinauf! Hinab!; Johann von Nepomuk op. 35,2; Jünglings Gebet; Die Heldenbraut; Das heilige Haus in Loretto, op. 33,2; Wohin, Seele wirst du eilen? Op. 13,5; Das Glockenspiel der Phantasie op. 89,1; Dein Auge op. 89,2; Du Geist der reinsten Güte op. 89,5; Mir jedem Pulsschlag leb’ ich dir op. 89,6; Mondlicht op. 107,1; Wach auf! Op. 9,H.VI,1; An Aphrodite op. 9,H.IX,4; An die Grille op. 9,H.IX,5; Auf sich selbst I; Auf sich selbst II; An die Leier; Der Bräutigam op. 9,H.X,3 Robert Wörle (tenor), Cord Garben (piano) rec. Kleiner Sendersaal, Radio Berlin Brandenburg, 28–30 January 2003. DDD CPO 999 978-2 [58:27] [GF]

Well-stocked listeners with a taste for off-the-beaten-track romantic songs will find much to enjoy here ... see Full Review

Alexei LVOV (1796-1870) Violin Concerto in A minor (In form of a dramatic scene) (1840) [19:14] Anton ARENSKY (1861-1906)Violin Concerto in A minor, op. 54 (1901) [22:38] Yuly CONIUS (1869-1942)Violin Concerto in E minor (1896) [20:49] Sergei Stadler (violin) St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra/Vladislav Tchernushenko (Lvov, Arensky); Vladimir Ponkin (Conius) rec. Petersburg Recording Studio, 1986. ADD MANCHESTER CDMAN156 [62:41] [RB]

Three compact Russian concertos; none at all well known. Everything is played with fiery attention by Stadler and the recording is respectably clear. ... see Full Review




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