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American Angels: Songs of Hope, Redemption and Glory
Anonymous 4 Recorded May 12-15, 2003 at Skywalker Sound, Marin County, California DDD HARMONIA MUNDI USA HMU907326 [60:34] [PG]

Simply one of the albums which anyone who loves vocal music should own. ... see Full Review

Karel Ančerl Volume 1 Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809) Symphony No.93 in D (1791) Franz SCHUBERT (1797-1828) Symphony No.9 in C D944 Great (1825-28) Antonin DVOŘÁK (1841-1904) Slavonic Dances Opp. 46 and 72 (1878 and 1886) Nicolai RIMSKY-KORSAKOV (1844-1908) Scheherazade Op. 35 (1888) Sergei PROKOFIEV (1891-1953) Romeo and Juliet Op. 64 – excerpts (1938) Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra except Gewandhaus Orchestra Leipzig (Prokofiev) Karel Ančerl Recorded from radio broadcasts 1957-1961 TAHRA TAH 117-119 [3 CDs : 206.19] [CH]

For the imperishable performances of the op.72 Slavonic Dances and the unique vision of the Schubert Great C major this set is worth its price many times over. ... see Full Review

Barroco Español Vol. 2: Al Ayre Español – Zarzuelas Antonio DE LITERES (1673-1747) Azis y Galatea, 1708 (extracts) [14:03] anon (c1700) Ruede la Vola [01:19] Sebastián DURON (1660-1716) Veneno es de amor la envidia, 1711 (extract) [02:52] El impossible mayor en amor le venze Amor, 1710 (extracts) [09:32] anon (c1700) Discurso de ecos [07:15] Antonio DE LITERES Los Elementos (extracts) [07:38] anon (c1700) Cancion Franzesa [03:12] Antonio DE LITERES El estrago en la fineza o Jupiter y Semele, 1718 (extracts) [11:48] anon (c1700) Diferencias sobre la gayta [03:46] Al Ayre Español: Marta Almajano (soprano), Jordi Ricart (baritone), Barry Sargent, Gerold Klaus (violin), Paolo Grazzi (oboe), Richte van der Meer (cello), Richard Myron (double bass), Juan Carlos Rivera (theorbo, guitar), Mike Fentross (chitarrone, guitar), Eduardo Lopez Banzo (harpsichord), Tino di Geraldo (percussion), Luz Martín León-Tello (castanets) Dir: Eduardo Lopez Banzo Recorded in September 1994 at the Waalse Kerk, Amsterdam, Netherlands DDD DHM 82876601612 [61:46] [JV]

An excellent introduction to Spanish music of around 1700, brilliantly performed ... But beware, if you listen to this there is a good chance you will want to have much more. … see Full Review

British by Arrangement: Volume 2 Peter HOPE (b.1930) Three American Sketches [11.42]; Majorcan Fantasy (1980s) [7.13]; Mexican Hat Dance (1960s) [4.31]; The Lark in the Clear Air (1960s) [3.04] Isaac ALBENIZ (1860-1909) Tango in D Op.165 No 2 (1890) [3.09] arranged by Sir Malcolm ARNOLD (b.1921) (1953) Eric WETHERELL (b. 1925) Airs and Graces (1967) [16.30] Franz LISZT (1811-1886) Fantasia and Fugue on the theme B-A-C-H S260 (1855 rev. 1870) [10.58] (arranged by Christopher WHELPS) Ernest TOMLINSON (b.1924) Fantasia on Auld Lang Syne (1976) [19.03] Royal Ballet Sinfonia/Gavin Sutherland Rec. 20th-21st May 2003 at Sony Music Studios, London, UK. ASV WHITE LINE CD WHL 2155 [76.57] [JF]

An interesting, if not inspiring, selection of arrangements by British composers. The Arnold arrangement ought to become a concert encore! ... see Full Review

British Light Classics Sir Malcolm ARNOLD (b. 1921) English Dance, Op. 33 No. 1 (1951) Eric COATES (1886-1957) Calling all Workers (1940) By the Sleepy Lagoon (1930); Dam Buster’s March (1955) Arthur WOOD (1875-1953) Barwick Green (1925) Vivian ELLIS (1903-1996) Coronation Scot (1948) Haydn WOOD (1882-1959) The Bandstand (1936) Hubert BATH (1883-1945) Cornish Rhapsody (1945) Robert FARNON (b .1917) Portrait of a Flirt (1949) Westminster Waltz (1956) Trevor DUNCAN (b.1924) March, from Little Suite (1960) Charles WILLIAMS (1893-1978) Rhythm on Rails (1956) Heart O’ London (1953) The Devil’s Galop (1944) Arthur BENJAMIN (1893-1960) Jamaican Rumba (1938) Edward WHITE (1910-1994) Puffing Billy (1954) Anthony COLLINS (1893-1963) Vanity Fair (1952) Sir Edward ELGAR (1857-1934) Chanson de Nuit (1897) Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Barry Wordsworth Recorded 4-5 April 2003, Henry Wood Hall, London WARNER CLASSICS 2564 61438-2 [59.35] [TB]

Not a first choice but there are some appealing features and anyone buying this disc is unlikely to be disappointed. ... see Full Review

Cello Cantabile TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) Andante cantabile (1871) [6.31] Pezzo capriccioso (1887) [6.45] Nocturne (1888) [4.20] GLAZUNOV (1865-1936) Chant du ménestrel Op.71 (1900) [4.08] SIBELIUS (1865-1957) Cantique Op.77/1 (1914) [5.11] Devotion Op.77/2 (1915) [4.50] SAINT-SAËNS (1835-1921) Allegro appassionato Op.43 (1875) [4.23] DVOŘÁK (1840-1904) Waldesruhe (1893) [6.00] FAURÉ (1845-1924) Élégie (1880) [7.19] BRUCH (1838-1920) Kol nidrei Op.47 (1881) [11.01] Arto Noras, cello Kuopio Symphony Orchestra/Markus Lehtinen recorded in the Kuopio Music Centre, Kuopio, Finland on 22-26 April 2003 FINLANDIA 2564-60344-2 [61.36] [CF]

If you happen to be in the mood for an hour of unadulterated romance, and it might make useful background music for certain situations, this is an enjoyable enough disc to dip into. ... see Full Review

Music For A Champagne Breakfast Robert ALLWORTH Indian Summer for Piano solo (1973) [3.00] Colin BRUMBY Borromeo Suite for Flute and Guitar (1990) [10.05] Vernon LISLE Piano Sonata no. 1 (1960) [9.00] Piano Sonata no. 2 (1975) [13.30] Ian SHANAHAN Pastels for solo Clarinet (1985) [4.55] Robert ALLWORTH Champagne Bay for Piano solo (1993) [6.20] Eric GROSS Strings Sonorous 1, 2 & 3 (1991) [3.50] Betty BEATH Mikri Thalassa (Little Sea) for Mandolin Orchestra (1993) [5.25] Ann CARR-BOYD Three Pieces for Piano from ‘Look at the Stars’ (1978) [4.25] Derek STRAHAN
Escorts for Flute, Saxophone and Piano (1988) [12.10] Betty Beath, Joan Chatres Lisle, Ann Carr-Boyd, Roland Peelman (piano); Megan Franklin, Julia Fekete Berky (flute); Roslyn Dunlop (clarinet); Albin Berky (saxophone); Kelly Jeffs, Barbara Hooper (guitar); The Sydney Mandolins – Adrian Hooper; Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra/Patrick Thomas Unspecified recording dates. Unspecified recording locations JADE JADCD-1085 [72.50] [PW]

An interesting collection of music showing one side of twentieth century Australian musical thought. ... see Full Review

Classic FM: THE STORY OF CLASSICAL MUSIC Darren Henley (writer); Aled Jones (narrator) Produced by Nicolas Soames Recorded by Ross Burman at RNIB Studios, London Edited by Sarah Butcher CD-ROM written by Genevieve Helsby and Nicolas Soames CD-ROM designed by Arthur Ka Wai Jenkins. Cover designed by Steve Caplin NAXOS AudioBooks NA331012FM [4:28:45 = 78:04 + 79:12 + 79:17 + 32:12 + CD-ROM features] [AN]

A clear success ... see Full Review

English Impressions - music for violin and piano Frank BRIDGE (1879-1941) Violin Sonata (1922) Benjamin BRITTEN (1913 -1976) Suite Op.6 (1936) Alan RAWSTHORNE (1905-1971) Violin Sonata (dedicated to Joseph Szigeti) (1959) Mireille Jardon, violin and Lydia Jardon, piano Recorded at Theatre de Poissy, November 2003 AR RÉ - SÉ AR 2003-6 [49.07] [JF]

This is a fine CD. Music that is well played, well produced and great repertoire. Would make an ideal introduction to the 20th century British Violin Sonata ... see Full Review

Kathleen Ferrier (contralto) (1912-1953) Gustav MAHLER (1901-1973) Kindertotenlieder Nunn will die Sonn', Nun seh'ich wohl, Wenn dein Mütterlein, Oft denk' ich,In diesem Wetter Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra/Bruno Walter. Rec. 1949. Drei Rückert Liederen No.1 Ich atmet' einen linden Duft No.4 Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen No.5 Um Mitternacht Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra/Bruno Walter. Rec. 1952 Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Vier Ernste Gesänge op.121 No.1 Denn es gehet dem Menschen No.2 Ich wandte mich und sahe No.3 O Tod, wie bitter No.4 Wenn ich mit Menschen - und mit Engehzungen redete John Newmark (Piano), Rec. 1950 Gestille Sehnsucht Op.91, No.1. Geistliches Wiegenlied Op.91, No.2. Max Gilbert (viola) and Phyllis Spurr (piano). Rec. 1949 REGIS RRC 1153 [68.19] [RJF]

A combination unique on CD. This and Ferrier’s consummate skill in this oeuvre make this disc thoroughly recommendable ... see Full Review

French Organ Works by Dupré, Langlais, Vierne, Litaize, Messiaen and Ropartz Jean LANGLAIS (1907-1991) Suite Brève (1947) Incantation pour un jour Saint (1949) Evocation (1964) Olivier MESSIAEN (1908-1992) Offrande au Saint Sacrement (date unknown) Gaston LITAIZE (1909-1991) Scherzo (1932); Lied (1934) Epiphanie (date unknown) Guy ROPARTZ (1864-1955) Prélude funèbre (1896) Louis VIERNE (1870-1937) Trois improvisations (1928) Marcel DUPRÉ (1886-1971) Evocation (1941) Colin Walsh, organist The Organ of Lincoln Cathedral Recorded: Lincoln Cathedral, 1-4th September 2003 GUILD GMCD 7278 [77.22] [JF]

I can think of no better introduction to the world of twentieth century French organ music. Explores relatively rare territory, but has all the characteristics of this fine school of music. ... see Full Review

Marcello GIORDANI - Tenor Arias Gioachino ROSSINI (1792-1868) Guillaume Tell, ‘Asile héréditare’ Gaetano DONIZETTI (1797-1868) La fille du regiment, ‘Ah! mes amis, quel jour du fête!’ La Favorite, ‘Un ange, une femme inconnue’Vincenzo BELLINI (1801-1835) Il pirata, ‘Nel furor delle tempeste’ (with Giovanni Guagliardo, bar.); ‘Per ti di vane lagrime’ Giovanni PACCINI (1796-1867) La Fidinzata córsa, ‘Son giunto!’ Georges BIZET (1838-1870) Carmen, ‘La fleur que tu m’avais jetée’
Giuseppe VERDI (1813-1901)
I Lombardi alla prima crociata, ‘La mia letizia infondere’ Luisa Miller, ‘Quando le sere al placido’ Il Trovatore, ‘Ah si, ben mio’; ‘Di quella pira’ Pietro MASCAGNI (1863-1945) Cavalleria rusticana, ‘Mamma! Quell vino e generoso’ (with Maria Arghiracopulos, mezzo) Orchestra and Chorus of the Bellini Theatre, Catania/Steven Mercurio Recorded at the Massino V. Bellini Theatre, Catania, 10th –16th December 2001 NAXOS 8.557269 [58.29] [RJF]

Good to have, particularly at Naxos’s price, such an interesting and varied disc devoted to a tenor who is appearing regularly at the world’s foremost opera houses. ... see Full Review

The Golden Age of Light Music - An Introduction Robert FARNON Gateway To The West: Queen's Hall Light Orchestra/Robert Farnon, 1949 Sydney TORCH Going For A Ride: Sidney Torch And His Orchestra, 1950; RODGERS and HART With A Song In My Heart: André Kostelanetz and His Orchestra, 1943 Jonny HEYKENS arr. Ron GOODWIN Heykens' Serenade: Ron Goodwin and His Orchestra, 1953 WARREN Martinique: Ray Martin and His Orchestra, 1951 Donald PHILLIPS Skyscraper Fantasy: Charles Williams and His Concert Orchestra, 1947 David ROSE Dance Of The Spanish Onion: David Rose and His Orchestra, 1944; Harold ARLEN Johnny MERCER Out Of This World - theme from the film: Mantovani and His Orchestra, 1949 Robert BUSBY Eddie HURRAN Paris To Piccadilly: L'Orchestre Devereaux/Georges Devereaux, 1952 Charles ANCLIFFE Festive Days: London Promenade Orchestra/Walter Collins, 1946 Philip GREEN Ha'penny Breeze- theme from the film: Philip Green and His Orchestra, 1951 Morton GOULD Tropical: Morton Gould and His Orchestra, 1948 Edward WHITE Puffin' Billy: Danish State Radio Orchestra/Hubert Clifford, 1952 George MELACHRINO First Rhapsody: Melachrino Orchestra/ George Melachrino, 1947 Frederick CHOPIN arr. Robert FARNON Fantasie Impromptu in C Sharp Minor: Kingsway SO/Camarata, 1948 Eric COATES London Bridge March: New Light Symphony Orchestra/Joseph Lewis, 1935; Angela MORLEY Mock Turtles: Queen's Hall Light Orchestra/Robert Farnon, 1949 Edward MACDOWELL arr. Peter YORKE To A Wild Rose: Peter Yorke and His Concert Orchestra, 1948 Leroy ANDERSON Plink Plank Plunk!: Leroy Anderson and His 'Pops' Concert Orchestra, 1952 Arthur BENJAMIN arr. Percy FAITH Jamaican Rumba: Percy Faith and His Orchestra, 1952 Trevor DUNCAN Vision in Velvet: New Concert Orchestra/Jack Leon, 1950 Dolf VAN DER LINDEN Grand Canyon: Dolf Van Der Linden and His Metropole Orchestra, 1952 HART LAYMAN arr. Leon YOUNG Dancing Princess: Frank Chacksfield and His Orchestra, 1953 Leo PETER Dainty Lady: Reginald King and His Light Orchestra, 1933 HAYDN WOOD Bandstand 'Frescoes' Suite New Concert Orchestra/Serge Krish, 1946; Recorded 1933-1953 The dates given refer to the release of the record and not the date of composition. GUILD GLCD 5101 [78.23] [JF]

This album is the best possible introduction to the genre of Light Music. Buy it and give it to all your friends. ... see Full Review

The Golden Age Of Light Music -The 1940s Byron LLOYD, arr. Sidney TORCH, Music In The Air: Queen’s Hall Light Orchestra/Sidney Torch Cole PORTER, Just One Of Those Things: Billy Ternent and His Orchestra Clive RICHARDSON, Melody On The Move: Queen’s Hall Light Orchestra/Charles Williams Richard RODGERS and Oscar HAMMERSTEIN II, Out Of My Dreams: The Geraldo String Orchestra A. OREFICHE and R. CONNELLY, Linda Chilena: The Stanley Black Orchestra David RAKSIN Laura: , Morton Gould and His Orchestra Claude DEBUSSY, arr. DOUGLAS, Golliwog’s Cakewalk: Mayfair Orchestra/Walter Goehr David ROSE, Manhattan Square Dance: David Rose and His Orchestra Edward WHITE, Runaway Rocking Horse: Orchestre Raymonde/Robert Preston George MELACHRINO, Woodland Revel: Melachrino Orchestra/George Melachrino Manning SHERWIN and Eric MASCHWITZ, Music for Romance: Albert Sandler and His Palm Court Orchestra Robert FARNON, Canadian Caravan: Queen’s Hall Light Orchestra/Charles Williams Eric COATES, Waltz from "The Three Bears”: Queen’s Hall Light Orchestra/Eric Coates Jack BROWN, Metropolis: New Century Orchestra/Sidney Torch Allan GRAY, Gorgeous Hussy: The Harmonic Orchestra/Hans May Peter YORKE, Ascot Enclosure: Queen’s Hall Light Orchestra/Charles Williams Trad. arr. Ronald HANMER, Ten Green Bottles: BBC Variety Orchestra/Charles Shadwell Sidney TORCH, Wagon Lit: Queen’s Hall Light Orchestra/Sidney Torch; Haydn WOOD, Roving Fancies: The Regent Classic Orchestra Nicolas BRODSZKY, “The Way To The Stars:" – Film Themes Two Cities Symphony Orchestra/Charles Williams Jack STRACHEY, Theatreland: New Concert Orchestra/Jay Wilbur POLLA, arr. Morton GOULD, Dancing Tambourine: Robin Hood Dell Orchestra/Morton Gould Irving BERLIN, "Blue Skies" – Selection: Blue Skies, Always, Heat Wave, Getting Nowhere, A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody, You Keep Coming Back Like A Song, Blue Skies – Louis Levy and His Music From The Movies Recorded 1943-1947 GUILD GLCD 5102 [76.41] [JF]

No light music enthusiast can afford to ignore this CD. An excellent selection of 1940s light music at its most evocative its age....see Full Review

The Golden Age of Light Music: The 1950s George and Ira GERSHWIN, Sammy KAHN Liza:David Rose and his Orchestra 1951 Duke ELLINGTON Caravan: Philip Green and his Orchestra 1953 Marshall ROSS Marching Strings: Edmundo Ros and his orchestra 1952 Frank PERKINS Fandango: Hugo Winterhalter and his Orchestra 1953 Charles WILLIAMS Heart-O-London Charles Williams and his Orchestra 1953 Brett WILSON (arr. Trevor DUNCAN) Hey Presto: New Concert Orchestra conducted by Frederic Curzon 1953 Noel GAY The Melody Maker: Robert Inglez and his Orchestra 1950 Robert FARNON Proud Canvas: Queens Hall Light Orchestra conducted by Robert Farnon 1950 Richard ADDINSELL Festival: Mantovani and his Orchestra 1950 Richard RODGERS and Lorenz HART Blue Moon: Paul Weston and his Orchestra 1950 Ray MARTIN Dancing Bells Grosvenor Concert Orchestra conducted by Peder Van Zuider 1952 Augustin LARA Granada Monty Kelly and his Orchestra 1953 Joe HEYNE Petite Waltz: Billy Cotton and his Band 1950 Sidney TORCH Shortcake Walk Sidney Torch and his Orchestra 1952 R. HEYWOOD Flirtation Waltz: Frank Chacksfield and his Orchestra 1951 Angela MORLEY Angel Cake: Dolf Van Der Linden and his Orchestra 1953 David ROSE Waltz of the Bubbles: David Rose and his Orchestra 1953 Robert BUSBY Sportsmaster: Danish State Orchestra conducted by Robert Farnon 1952 Edward WHITE Paris Interlude: Music by Camarata 1952 Charles TRENET At Last, At Last: Ray Martin and his Orchestra 1952 BUSCH and DELUGG Roller Coaster Henri Rene and his Orchestra 1951 AHLERT The Moon was Yellow: Stanley Black, his Piano and his Orchestra 1950 Cyril WATTERS Piccadilly Spree New Concert Orchestra conducted by R. de Porten 1953 Geoffrey HENMAN Champagne March: Queens Hall Light Orchestra conducted by Robert Farnon 1953 Esy MORALES Jungle Fantasy: Percy Faith and his Orchestra 1952 VARIOUS Parade of Film Hits Melachrino Orchestra conducted by George Melachrino 1953.Recorded c.1950-53 GUILD GLCD 5103 [77.52] [JF]

Light Music at its very best. The 1950's were great years for this genre of attractive, evocative and nostalgic music. Great album, great tunes and great playing. ... see Full Review

So ein Kuss kommt von allein GROTHE ‘So ein Kuss kommt von allein’ KREISLER ‘Liebesleid’ PLESSOW ‘Warn die Sonja russisch tanzt’ WILDEN ‘Knic-Tango’ HUPFELD ‘Der Onkel Bumba aus Kaiumba tanzt nur Rumba’ HEYMAN ‘Das ist die Liebe der Matrosen’ BOCCHERINI ‘Lieselotte, lass uns auf die Wiese gelm’ JURMANN ‘Veronika, der Lenz ist do’ ABRAHAM ‘Bin kein Haulatmann, bin kein groBes Tier’ CARMICHAELL ‘Georgia on my mind’ PALMER ‘Boog it’ (Live-Version) KAHN ‘Dream a little dream of me’ SCHONBERGER ‘Whispering’ GERSHWIN ‘I got rhythm’ Ronnie MILSAP ‘It was almost like a song’ Franz SCHUBERT ‘An die Entfernte’ ‘Nächtliches Ständchen’ ‘Grab und Mond’ ‘Die Nacht’ Friedrich SILCHER ‘Haidenrbsiein’ Oberschwilbisches Tanziledchon’ ‘Es muse geschieden sein’ Bernhard FLIES ‘Schlafe micin Prinwhen, schlafein’ Karlsruher Männerquartett (Barbershop Sixpack): Johannes Peter, (ten); Andreas Haas, (ten); Daniel Chroust, (bar); Georg Peter, (bass) Recorded December 2003 and February 2004 SWR Studio Karlsruhe BELLA MUSICA BM 31.6525 [53.51] [RJF]

An opportunity for those with liberal and eclectic ears to broaden their horizons and is recommended as such. ... see Full Review

Italian Popular Song 1 See review for details Historic recordings made between 1926 and 1951 ADD NAXOS 8.110768 [78:17] [PG]

This is a wonderful collection of historic recordings, one definitely worth exploration. ... see Full Review

Great Conductors of the Twentieth Century: Paul Kletzki Hector BERLIOZ (1803-1869) Benvenuto Cellini Overture [10’30"] Pyotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) Symphony No 5 in E minor, Op. 64 [45’07"]; Capriccio italien, Op. 45 [14’26"] Franz SCHUBERT (1797-1828) Rosamunde, entr’acte after Act III [7’49"] Antonín DVOŘÁK (1841-1904) Slavonic Dances in D major, Op. 46, No 6; [4’56"]; in C minor, Op 46, No 7; [3’18"]; in C major, Op. 72, No 7 [3’11"] Felix MENDELSSOHN (1809-1847) Overture Meeresstille und Glückliche Fahrt, Op. 27 [11’20"] Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Symphony No 4 in E minor, Op. 98 [40’12"] Richard WAGNER (1813-1883) Wesendonck-Lieder, No. 5 Träume [4’49"] see review for details All items conducted by Paul Kletzki EMI CLASSICS /IMP GREAT CONDUCTORS OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY 7243 5 75468 2 9 [75’37" + 72’10"] [JQ]

A good portrait of a conductor who, on the evidence of this anthology, has perhaps been undervalued in the years since his death. It is well worth investigation. ... see Full Review

Lachrymae – Music for strings Henry PURCELL (arr. BRITTEN) Chacony in G minor [6.42] Benjamin BRITTEN Lachrymae [14.49] Arvo PÄRT Cantus in memoriam Benjamin Britten [6.09] Henry PURCELL (arr. STOKOWSKI) Dido’s Lament [4.18] Ralph VAUGHAN WILLIAMS Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis [16.16] William WALTON Passacaglia: Death of Falstaff [3.05]; Touch her soft lips and part [1.56] Michael TIPPETT Fantasia concertante on a Them of Corelli [18.46] Douglas Boyd, William Conway, Richard Egarr (conductors), Nicolas Bone (viola)
Chamber Orchestra of Europe Recorded live at St. Johns’ Smith Square, 24th and 31st March 2003 WARNER CLASSICS 2564 60190-2 [72.02] [EM]

I would certainly recommend this to anyone of lugubrious disposition or to those interested in exploring the exciting world of English music. ... see Full Review

Late Conversations Robert CUNDICK (b. 1926) Sonata for Violoncello and Piano David SARGENT Conversations Michael HICKS Induction Coil Reid NIBLEY Sonata for Cello and Piano Drinkall Baker Duo ((Roger Drinkall, cello; Dian Baker, cello) No details of recording dates or venues 1996 TANTARA TCD-039696B5 [51.01] [NL]

Why these ‘conversations’, between cello and piano, should be ‘late’ I’m not sure, but the disc is definitely worth listening to as it has much to say ... see Full Review

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