Wiener Lieder
Hans Günther Müller (tenor); Christian Müller (baritone)
Malat-Schrammeln, Schrammeln aus dem Wienerwald
Wiener Terzett, Wiener Boheme-Quartett
No recording dates and venues. No texts. © 2009.
HÄNSSLER PROFIL PH09017 [65:38 + 65:56]
The Wienerlied (Viennese song) or Weanaliad as it is written in Viennese, a local Austro-Bavarian dialect, is a kind of song, or rather a genre that is intimately connected with Wien (Vienna). It is practically always sung in dialect. Wikipedia says: “The Wienerlied is a unique musical and socio-cultural phenomenon, a psychograph of the Viennese way of life; a mix between idealism, joie de vivre and desperation.” The genre has its roots rather far back but the Weanaliad seems to have become the general name around 1850. One can find various influences: folk song, vaudeville, German Lied, operetta. The accompaniment is often provided by a so called Schrammel-Quartett, named after a trio founded by the violinist brothers Johann and Josef Schrammel in 1878 together with their friend Strohmayer who played bass guitar. In 1879 they added the clarinettist Dänzer and that’s the original Schrammel-Quartett. They performed Viennese music widely and made it famous all over Europe. When Dänzer died he was replaced by an accordionist. There are however several other combinations of instruments possible and on these two discs we get an assortment of various ensembles – also on their own without vocals.
For me this genre has since my very first visit to Vienna in the early 1970s been associated with a little tavern in Grinzing where three (no Schrammel-Quarett there) grizzled gentlemen tried to make themselves heard above the noise from a group of tipsy Scandinavians who only wanted to hear the hit-songs of the day. I still remember how happy they were when I requested Mein Mutterl was a Weanerin. At last some foreigner who knows something about Viennese music. So they sang the song with such feeling that I was totally overwhelmed. Unfortunately that particular song is not included among the 38 on these two discs, but almost all the other well-known ones are. We also get to hear a lot of others that foreigners are not familiar with. Fortunately I already have it with my favourite singer of Weanaliad, the inimitable Erich Kunz. The warmth, the smile in his voice and the Viennese lilt is so bezaubernd. Only Julius Patzak can challenge Kunz.
Hans Günther Müller and Christian Müller who share the solos here, are quite good though and these songs needn’t be over-sophisticated. Sung straightforwardly as here with healthy voices and little strain, these are readings that should be serviceable for years to come. The accompanying ensembles are well versed in the repertoire and there is good variety. As I said earlier, some instrumental numbers contribute further to this. I would not, however, suggest that anyone should listen through the whole set in one go. More than two hours of this kind of music is a little too much to stomach.
Several favourites are here and you can’t go wrong with I muss wieder einmal in Grinzing sein CD 1 tr. 9) or Drunt in der Lobau (CD 2 tr. 4), the latter once sung, very enticingly, by Richard Tauber.
Serviceable is the word, which after all isn’t that bad.
Göran Forsling
Track listing
CD 1
1. Denk dir die Welt wär ein Blumenstrauss [2:50]
2. I trag im Herzen drin [4:00]
3. In Wien da weht ein eigener Wind [3:31]
4. In Wien gib’s manch winziges Gasserl [3:27]
5. Vöslauer Polka [3:27]
6. Keise ganz leise[5:23]
7. Wiener Fiakerlied [3:46]
8. Hör i a Weanerliad [1:57]
9. I muss wieder einmal in Grinzing sein [2:49]
10. Der alte Sünder [2:45]
11. Ich habe Sehnsucht nach Wien [3:12]
12. Tag und Nacht [2:04]
13. Wenn der Herrgott net will [4:15]
14. Fideles Wien [7:47]
15. Wienerwald [3:05]
16. I bin a echter Weaner [3:07]
17. Carmen-Marsch [2:11]
18. Die Weinprobe [4:41]
CD 2
1. Wien bleibt Wien [2:32]
2. Wie Böhmen noch bei Öst’reich [2:57]
3. Aber gerebelt muass er sein [2:45]
4. Drunt in der Lobau [3:44]
5. Kunst und Natur [2:20]
6. I glaub jeder Mensch hat sein Sternderl [3:59]
7. D’Erdberger Tanz [2:08]
8. Sei gepriesen du lauschige Nacht [3:48]
9. Ich bin geboren in dem Jahr [3:39]
10. Das silberne Kannderl [4:18]
11. Lumpen-Polka [2:07]
12. Schnittling-Tanz [2:30]
13. In der Fassbindergass’n [4:41]
14. Weaner Werkelmänner [2:38]
15. Heut ha mi a Fiaker g‘führt [4:26]
16. Das hat kein Goethe g’schrib’n [4:11]
17. Unser Vater is a Hausherr [3:41]
18. Drei einst beliebte Wiener Tänze [4:13]
19. Hudri-Wudri-Polka [3:34]
20. Der Schwalbe Gruss [1:56]
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