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John ADDISON (1920-1998) The Film Music I was Monty's Double - March (1958) [2:58] * Centennial Main Theme, arr. Patrick Russ (1979) [4:09] * Swashbuckler Suite (1976) [5:46] A Bridge Too Far (1977) [10:24] The Maggie - Song of the Maggie, arr. Shaples (1953) [2:31] Reach for the Sky (1956) [4:07] Strange Invaders (1983) [9:28] The Man Between 'Berlin Story' (1953) [2:10] Tom Jones Overture (1963) [4:45] The Charge of the Light Brigade Suite (1968) [7:19] Brandy for the Parson Opening Titles; End Titles (1951) [3:03] * Torn Curtain Main Titles, orch. Edward B. Powell [2:22] Touch and Go Mirror Waltz (1955) [2:41] * Sleuth (1972) [3:08] Carlton-Browne of the F.O. March, arr. Ronald Hanmer (1958) [1:49] * Murder, She Wrote Main Theme (1984) [2:10] BBC Concert Orchestra/Rumon Gamba rec. Watford Colosseum, 4-5 October 2006 CHANDOS CHAN 10418 [70:50][RB]

Addison is one of the treasures of the film and television music worlds and this disc magnificently performed and recorded is ample proof. ... see Full Review

Heinrich ALBERT (1870-1950) 8 Duos for Guitars (1915-1917) Duo No. 6 in D major [12:11] Duo No. 2 in A minor [8:33] Duo No.1 in C major  [7:46] Duo No. 3 in C major [7:24] Duo No. 5 in E minor [7:53] Duo No. 4 in G major [7:22] Duo No. 7 in A major [14:30] Duo No. 8 in E major [10:55] Heinrich-Albert-Duo (Joachim Schrader and Jan Erler, guitars) rec. 4-6 January 2006, Andreaskirche, Berlin MUSIKPRODUKTION DABRINGHAUS UND GRIMM MDG 603 1429-2 [77:22][DM]

Frankly I haven’t enjoyed a disc this much in ages and I urge you to audition it at once. ... see Full Review

Anton ARENSKY (1861-1906) Suite No. 1 in G minor (1885) [32:52] Suite No. 3 (Variations) in C major [29:51] Introduction to the opera Nal and Damajanti (1903) [6:44] USSR Symphony Orchestra/Evgeny Svetlanov rec. 1987. ADD MELODIYA MEL CD 10 00148 [69:27] [IL]

Enchanting, exciting, tuneful music delivered in style. ... see Full Review

Malcolm ARNOLD (1921-2006) The Complete Brass Chamber Music Fanfare for Louis (1970) [02:07] Brass Quintet No. 1, Op. 73 (1961) [12:23] Fantasy for B flat Trumpet, Op. 100 (1969) [03:46] Little Suite for Brass No. 1, Op. 80 (1963) [07:37] Fantasy for Horn, Op. 88 (1967) [04:16] Little Suite for Brass No. 2, Op. 93 (1967) [06:38] Fantasy for Trombone, Op. 101 (1969) [03:13] Little Suite for Brass No. 3, Op. 131 (1987) [02:25] Fantasy for Tuba, Op. 102 (1969) [04:32] Brass Quintet No. 2, Op. 132 (1987) [05:35] Symphony for Brass, Op. 123 (1978) [23:44] Fine Arts Brass Quintet/Stephen Roberts with Bryan Allen and Andy Culshaw (trumpets) (Symphony), Simon Hogg, Kevin Pitt, and Lyndon Meredith (trombones) (Symphony); Simon Lenton and Angela Whelan (trumpets); Tim Thorpe (horn); Katy Price (trombone); Sam Elliott (tuba) rec. Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, UK, 2 April 2006 (Symphony); Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, UK, 6-7 June 2006 (Quintets and Fantasies). DDD NIMBUS NI 5804 [79:21] [TP]

This disc is filled to the brim with a wide range of genres of brass music and can be easily recommended to any fan of brass music. ... see Full Review

Kurt ATTERBERG (1887-1974) Cello Concerto Op.21 (1917-22) [32:52] Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) String Sextet No.2 in G major Op.36 (1864-65) arranged for string orchestra by Kurt Atterberg in 1939 [35:33] Truls Mørk (cello) The Symphony Orchestra of NorrlandsOperan/Kristjan Järvi rec. Concert Hall of NorrlandsOperan, Umeå, Sweden, June 2004 BIS-CD-1504 [69:00][JW]

For Atterberg admirers though this new disc packs a sizeable and sizeably sensitive punch ... see Full Review

Vytautas BACEVIČIUS (1905-1970) Poème électrique for orchestra (1932) [5:29] Piano Concerto No. 1 Sur les thèmes lituaniens (1929) [14:16] Symphony No. 2 della Guerra (1940) [21:07] Symphony No. 6 Cosmique (1960) [12:17] Graphique for orchestra (1964) [12:57] Aidas Puodžiukas (piano) Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra/Vytautas Lukočius (all except concerto); Martinus Staškus (concerto) rec. Vilnius 2003-2005 first recordings TOCCATA CLASSICS TOCC 0049 [66:06] [RB]

Music that is often tough and of a type indebted to Schoenberg. An almost constant wandering pilgrim-refugee. . ... see Full Review

Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Motetten Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied BWV 225 [14:02] Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf BWV 226 [9:13] Jesu, meine Freude BWV 227 [22:06]  Fürchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir BWV 228 [10:01] Komm, Jesu, komm BWV 229 [9:28] Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden BWV 230 [7:01] Ich lasse Dich nicht, du segnest mich denn BWV Anh. 159 [4:40] The Hilliard Ensemble (Joanne Lunn (soprano); Rebecca Outram (soprano); David James (counter-tenor); David Gould (counter-tenor); Rogers Covey-Crump (tenor, organ); Steven Harrold (tenor); Gordon Jones (baritone); Robert Macdonald (bass)) rec. November 2003, Propstei St. Gerold ECM NEW SERIES 1875 [76:50] [DC]

Bach may not have heard these works in quite this way when he was alive, but I’d bet my urtext he’d have loved every moment ... see Full Review

Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750) Concertos for Harpsichord and Strings Vol. 2 Concerto in A major BWV 1055 [13:27] Concerto in f minor BWV 1056 [8:38] Concerto in F major BWV 1057 [14:47] Concerto in g minor BWV 1058 [11:34] Concerto Copenhagen/Lars Ulrik Mortensen (harpsichord, director) rec. 17-20 January 2005, The Garrisson Church, Copenhagen. DDD CPO 777 248-2 [48:30] [ABi]

An extremely worthy competitor in its field. Striking vibrancy of performance and recorded sound ... see Full Review

Johann Sebastian BACH (1685–1739) Der Zufiedengestellte Aeolus, BWV 205 (1723) [35.30] Unser Mund sei voll Lachens, BWV 110 (1725) [21.40] Nancy Argenta (soprano) (Pallas) Charles Daniels (tenor) (Zephyrus) Klaus Mertens (bass) (Aeolus) Claudia Iten (mezzo) (Pomona) Roberta Invernizzi (soprano) Rosa Dominguez (mezzo) Coro dell Radio Svizzera I Barochisti/Diego Fasolis rec. Auditorium RSI, Lugano, Switzerland, November 2003, May 2004 ARTS 47717-8 [57.10] [RH]

Much choral and instrumental interest, beautifully taken. Bach’s name-day cantata displays the master in delightfully unbuttoned mood ... see Full Review

Sir Granville BANTOCK (1868-1946) Overture to a Greek Tragedy: Oedipus at Colonus (1911) [15:40] * Josef HOLBROOKE (1878-1958) The Birds of Rhiannon Op. 87 (1923) [15:50] Cyril ROOTHAM (1875-1938) Symphony No. 1 in C minor (1932) [30:57] * Philharmonia Orchestra/Nicholas Braithwaite London Philharmonic Orchestra/Vernon Handley rec. January 1979, Kingsway Hall (Holbrooke); September 1976, Henry Wood Hall (Rootham, Bantock). ADD LYRITA SRCD.269 [62.30] [RB]

All in all a fine release which makes a signal virtue of variety. ... see Full Review

Béla BARTÓK (1881-1945) String Quartet No. 5 (1934) [28:49] Paul HINDEMITH (1895-1963) String Quartet No. 4, Op.22 (1921) [21:45] Zehetmair Quartet: (Thomas Zehetmair (violin); Kuba Jakowicz (violin); Ruth Killius (viola); Ursula Smith (cello)) rec. June 2006, Kulturbuhne Ambach, Götzis, Austria. DDD ECM NEW SERIES 1874 [50:57] [MC]

This twentieth century music chamber repertoire from Bartók and Hindemith is not heard often enough. Many will find this pioneering music reasonably challenging but the rewards will more than compensate with repeated hearings ... see Full Review

Arnold BAX (1883-1953) Tintagel (1917-19) [12:06] Mediterranean (1922) [3:09] Symphony No. 2 (1924-26) [36:47] John ANTILL (1904-1986) Corroboree - ballet suite (1946) [23:14] Eugene GOOSSENS (1893-1962) Tam O'Shanter op. 17a (1917) [3:05] New Symphony Orchestra/Goossens; BBC Symphony Orchestra/Goossens (Sym 2); Sydney Symphony Orchestra/Goossens (Antill); Royal Albert Hall Orchestra/Goossens (Tam)   rec. 1928, London (Bax); 2 November 1956, live BBC broadcast (Sym 2); Sydney, 5 December 1950 (Antill); London, 31 August 1922 (Tam). mono. ADD DUTTON CDBP 9779 [68:21][RB]

All mono but this Bax 2 is iconic among Baxians – stunning music-making – shame about the sound quality of the symphony ... see Full Review

Franz Ignaz BECK (1734-1809) Symphony in D, Op. 4 No. 1 [19:12] Symphony in B-flat, Op. 4 No. 2 [22:22] Symphony in F, Op. 4 No. 3 [18:36] Overture from L’isle déserte [5:27] La Stagione Frankfurt/Michael Schneider rec. 18-20 Oct. 2005 Sendesaal, DLF, Köln, Germany CPO 777 033-2 [65:43] [DB]

Another unearthed gem, sensitively performed and beautifully recorded … see Full Review

Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Symphony No.5 in C Minor, Op. 67 [32:06] Jean SIBELIUS (1865-1957) Symphony No.2 in D, Op. 43 [41:28] Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam/Georg Szell rec. December 1964 (Sibelius), November 1966 (Beethoven), Amsterdam. ADD PHILIPS 420 771-2 [73:33][TP]

If you love these symphonies, you will want to hear Szell's performances, and frequently. ... see Full Review

Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Triple Concerto in C Op.56  (1804) [34:47] ¹ Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791) Violin Concerto No.3 in G K216 (1775) [23:51] º Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Double Concerto in A minor Op.102 (1887) [32:56] ² ³ Sergei PROKOFIEV (1981-1953) Violin Concerto No.2 in G minor Op.63 (1935) [27:42] ³ David Oistrakh (violin) Sviatoslav Knushevitzky (cello) ¹ Pierre Fournier (cello) ² Lev Oborin (piano) ¹ Philharmonia Orchestra/Malcolm Sargent ¹ Philharmonia Orchestra/David Oistrakh º Philharmonia Orchestra/Alceo Galliera ³ rec. No.1 Studio Abbey Road, London, May 1958; Kingsway Hall, London, 1956. ADD EMI CLASSICS 3 81487 2 [58:53 + 60:46][JW]

If you have yet to acquire one or two of these classic recordings you’ll never regret doing so. ... see Full Review

Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) The Complete Violin Sonatas Vol.1 Violin Sonata in D, Op.12 No.1 (1797-8) [20:48] Violin Sonata in C minor, Op.30 No.2 (1801-2) [25:30] Violin Sonata in G, Op.96 (1812) [29:17] Peter Cropper (violin); Martin Roscoe (piano) rec. Potton Hall, Suffolk, 4-6 April, 5 December 2006. DDD ASV GOLD GLD 4023 [75:38] [TH]

You may be more convinced than me ... see Full Review

Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770–1827) Violin Sonatas No. 5 in F Op. 24 “Spring” (1801) [25:08] No. 7 in c minor Op. 30 No. 2 (1802) [28:17] No. 9 in A Op. 47 “Kreutzer” (1803) [35:53] No. 10 in G Op. 96 (1812) [29:01] Yehudi Menuhin (violin), Jeremy Menuhin (piano) rec. 30-31 October 1985 (5, 9), 7-8 July 1986, No. 1 Studio, Abbey Road, London EMI CLASSICS GEMINI 381 7562 [61:04 + 57:26] [GF]

Committed playing from Yehudi Menuhin’s Indian Summer, excellently partnered by son Jeremy. ... see Full Review

Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Violin Sonata No. 9 in A major Op.47 Kreutzer (1803) [30:23] Jacques Thibaud (violin) Alfred Cortot (piano) rec. Salle Chopin and Salle Pleyel, Paris, 27-29 May 1929 PRISTINE AUDIO PACM001 [30:23][JW]

I liked Rose’s work with the Long Deccas but not this Kreutzer. ... see Full Review

Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Fidelio – opera in two acts (1814) Anja Silja (soprano) - Leonore; Richard Cassilly (tenor) - Florestan; Ernst Wiemann (bass) - Rocco; Theo Adam (bass-baritone) - Don Pizarro; Hans Sotin (bass) - Don Fernando; Erwin Wohlfahrt (tenor) - Jacquino; Lucia Popp (soprano) - Marzelline; Kurt Marschner (tenor) - First Prisoner; William Workman (bass) - Second Prisoner; Chorus of the Hamburg State Opera; Hamburg Philharmonic State Orchestra/Leopold Ludwig. rec. Studio Production, Hamburg State Opera, January 1968. ADD ARTHAUS 101275 [115:00] [CC]

A version of Fidelio that every lover of the opera should see. Moments of great depth balance out moments of delight ... see Full Review

Hector BERLIOZ (1803-1869) Symphonie fantastique Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino della RAI/Sergiu Celibidache Filmed in Turin, 1969. All formats. Picture format 4:3. Black and white. LPCM Mono sound OPUS ARTE OA0977D [58:00] [CF]

It’s good to have the recording-reticent Celibidache on film, but couldn’t we have had the rehearsal? In performance he is far less impressive ... see Full Review

Lennox BERKELEY (1903-1989) Symphony No. 1 (1940) [30:59] Symphony No. 2 (1956-57 rev. 1976) [1957 rev. 1976] London Philharmonic Orchestra/Norman Del Mar (1); Nicholas Braithwaite (2) rec. 1975-76. ADD LYRITA SRCD.249 [62:03] [RB]

These are fine and handsomely recorded performances … see Full Review

Lennox BERKELEY (1903-1989) Piano Concerto in B flat Op.29 (1947) [26:13] Concerto for Two Pianos and Orchestra Op.30* (1948) [32:17] David Wilde (piano) New Philharmonia Orchestra/Nicholas Braithwaite * Garth Beckett, Boyd McDonald (pianos) London Philharmonic Orchestra/Norman Del Mar rec. 1970, 1979, 1977. ADD LYRITA SRCD.250 [58.33] [RB]

Berkeley's two piano concertos finely performed and recorded - the first a serious work; the second in the nature of a mercurial diversion. … see Full Review

The Berkeley Edition - Vol. 6 Michael BERKELEY (b. 1948) Concerto for Orchestra ‘Seascape’ (2005) [24:21] Gregorian Variations for Orchestra (1982) [17:04] Sir Lennox BERKELEY (1903-1989) Concerto for Two Pianos and Orchestra (1948) [28:43] Kathryn Stott, Howard Shelley (pianos) BBC National Orchestra of Wales/Richard Hickox rec. Brangwyn Hall, Swansea, 6-7 January 2006. DDD CHANDOS CHAN 10408 [70:08][TH]

The Concerto for Orchestra is a real find for me ... see Full Review

Harrison BIRTWISTLE (b. 1934) Punch and Judy (1967) [99:25] Pretty Polly: Phyllis Bryn-Julson (soprano); Judy: Jan de Gaetani (mezzo); Lawyer: Philip Langridge (tenor); Punch: Stephen Roberts (baritone); Choregos: David Wilson-Johnson (baritone); Doctor: John Tomlinson (bass) London Sinfonietta/David Atherton rec. London, September 1989 NMC ANCORA NMC-D138 [47:51 + 51:34] [AO]

Even if there were alternative recordings available this would be one to choose because it’s such a vivid performance. ... see Full Review

Ernest BLOCH (1880-1959) String Quartet No. 1 Quatuor à Cordes (1916) [56:20] Piano Quintet No. 2 (1957) [20:28] Pro Arte Quartet: (Norman Paulu, Martha Blum (violins); Richard Blum (viola); Parry Karp (cello)); Howard Karp (piano) rec. Mills Hall, University of Wisconsin. First Quartet: 18-21 December 1980 released on LP (LR-120) 1982. ADD LAUREL LR-820 CD [76:48][GH/RB]

The Pro Arte and Karp will impress you. They really believe in this music and convince right from the first bar. Their co-ordinated dynamics are a revelation and their love of these scores shines through [GH]; This is playing possessed of a spirit more desperate than ardent [RB] ... see Full Review

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Symphony no. 1 in C minor op. 68 [43:08] Symphony no. 2 in D major op. 73 [46:19]* Symphony no. 3 in F major op. 90 [33:26] Symphony no. 4 in E minor op. 98 [38:50] 11 Chorale-Preludes op. 122, arr. Henk de Vlieger [28:18]* Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra, Amsterdam/Jaap van Zweden Radio Filharmonisch Orkest Holland*/Jaap van Zweden rec. April 1999, MCO Studio Hilversum*, June-August 2002, Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam BRILLIANT CLASSICS 99946 [3 CDs: 43:08 + 74:37 + 72:09] [CH]

If you want just one set of Brahms symphonies, at last I can recommend one that’s equally good all through. ... see Full Review

Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Symphony No.1 in C minor op.68 [50:26] Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Leonora Overture No.3 op.72a [16:48] Giovanni BOTTESINI (1821-1889) Fantasia on themes by Rossini (arr. for cello, double bass and orchestra by Michinori Bunya) [14:15] Kyril Zlotnikova (cello), Nabil Shehata (double bass - Bottesini) West-Eastern Divan Orchestra/Daniel Barenboim rec. live, 20 August 2006, Palacio de Carlos V, Alhambra, Granada, Region 0. Disc format: DVD9. PCM Stereo/DD 5.1/DTS 5.1 EUROARTS 2055538 [85:00] [DC]

If people from these nationalities can come together to work so hard and create such marvellous music together, we are left wondering why something so easy as deciding not to kill each other is so difficult to achieve ... see Full Review

Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Symphony No. 4 in E minor Op. 98 (1884) [40:38] Franz SCHUBERT (1797-1828) Symphony No. 8 in B minor ‘Unfinished’ D 759 (1822) [24:52 Lucerne Festival Orchestra/Paul Kletzki Philharmonia Orchestra/Paul Kletzki rec. Lucerne, September 1946 (Brahms) and at Studio 1 Abbey Road, London, November 1946 (Schubert) GUILD GHCD 2319 [65:44][JW]

Both reflect well in terms of architectural sagacity and the encouragement of singing tone. ... see Full Review

Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Violin Concerto Op.77 (1877) [33:34] Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Symphony No. 4 in D minor op. 120 (1841 version) [24:26] Northern Sinfonia/Thomas Zehetmair (violin) rec. The Sage, Gateshead (UK), 8 November 2006; 9-11 December 2006. DDD AVIE RECORDS AV2125 [57:50] [JWi]

A fine advertisement for the quality of playing - and indeed the acoustic - to be heard at The Sage ... see Full Review

Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Double Concerto in A minor Op.102 (1887) [31:57] Violin Concerto in D Op.77 (1878) [40.31] Julia Fischer (violin) Daniel Müller-Schott (cello) Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra Amsterdam/Yakov Kreizberg rec. Yakult Hall, Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, December 2005 (Double Concerto) and December 2006 (Violin Concerto) PENTATONE PTC 5186 066 [72:59] [JW]

Far greater concentration on the rhythmic nature of the concerto fabric is needed for truly effective performances. ... see Full Review

Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Sonata in F minor Op.34b (1863-64) [41:39] Five Waltzes Op.39 (1866) [6:53] Variations on a theme by Joseph Haydn (St Anthony Chorale) Op.56b (1873-4) [18:28] David Nettle and  Richard Markham (pianos) rec. January 1998, Endler Hall, University of Stellenbosch, RSA NETMARK NEMACD500 [67:24] [DC]

Nettle and Markham at the top of their game. If the idea of neatly obtaining Brahms’s entire two-piano output appeals, then this fits the bill in just about every regard. ... see Full Review

Johannes BRAHMS (1833–1897) Die schöne Magelone, Op. 33 (1861–1869) [55:26] Paul Mow (tenor); Eric Malson (piano) rec. Town Hall, New York City, 7, 10, 11, 17 May 2006 LYRICHORD LYRCD-6007 [55:26][GF]

Satisfying if heard in recital but this is for repeat listening. When scrutinizing the singing through a reviewer’s magnifying glass expectations are only partly fulfilled. ... see Full Review

Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Ein Deutsches Requiem Op. 45 (1857-68) Richard WAGNER (1813-1883) Götterdämmerung (1876) – Siegfried's Rhine Journey Tristan und Isolde (1865) – Prelude; Liebestod Evelyn Lear (soprano); Thomas Stewart (baritone) (Brahms) Orchestre Philharmonique et Choeurs de l'ORTF/Karl Richter (Brahms), Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt (Wagner) rec. Salle Playel, Paris, 4 April 1964 (Brahms); Paris, 20 June 1965 (Wagner). NTSC 4:3: Colour Code BW: Disc Format DVD-9: Sound Format LPCM Mono 2.0 (PCM dual mono): Menu Languages: English, French, German, Spanish EMI CLASSIC ARCHIVE DVB 38846093 [102:48][JW]

Technical frailties lessen the impact of the Brahms, but it does preserve Richter’s steady-as-she-goes approach. Schmidt-Isserstedt footage is rare and always to be savoured. ... see Full Review

A "Hatto Original" Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Scherzo in E flat minor, op. 4 [09:20] Intermezzo in A minor op. 118/1 [01:54] Intermezzo in A major op. 118/2 [05:09] Capriccio in G minor op. 116/3 [03:03] Intermezzo in E major op. 116/6 [03:26] Intermezzo in C major op. 119/3 [01:40] Ballade in G minor op. 118/3 [03:20] Intermezzo in E flat minor op. 118/6 [05:18] Rhapsodie in E flat major op. 119/4 [04:36] 4 Ballades op. 10 [19:57] Deszö Ránki (piano) no recording information HARMONIA MUNDI QUI90382 [59:48] [CH]

Superb performances of the early pieces ... see Full Review

Havergal BRIAN (1876-1972) Symphony No. 4, 'Das Siegeslied' (1932-33) [49:49] Symphony No. 12 (1957) [11:08] Jana Valásová (soprano); Slovak Philharmonic Choir; Slovak National Opera Chorus; Echo Youth Choir; Cantus Mixed Choir; Czech Philharmonic Choir (4), Brno Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra/Adrian Leaper. rec. Slovak Radio, Bratislava, 3-8 February 1992 (4); 10 February 1992 (12). DDD NAXOS 8.570308 [60:57] [CC]

An intensely valuable disc ... see Full Review

RECORDING OF THE MONTH Frank BRIDGE (1879-1941) Dance Rhapsody (1908) [18:22] Dance Poem (1913) [15:38] Two Jefferies Poems: (1) The Open Air; (2) The Story of My Heart (1916) [7:44; 4:25] Overture Rebus (1940) [10:38] Allegro Moderato for string orchestra (1941) [14:47] London Philharmonic Orchestra/Nicholas Braithwaite rec. 1979. ADD LYRITA SRCD.243 [71:38] [RB]

Handsomely presenting the early Tchaikovskian-sumptuous Bridge, the transitional Bridge and the subtle and finely dissonant post-Great War Bridge (Rebus). … see Full Review

Benjamin BRITTEN (1913-1976) Piano Concerto Op 13 (1938 rev. 1945) [34:17] John IRELAND (1879-1962) Concerto in E flat for Piano and Orchestra (1930) [24:28]. David Strong (piano) Aalborg Symphony Orchestra/Douglas Bostock rec. 7-10 June 2006, Symfonien, Aalborg, Denmark. DDD CLASSICO CLASSCD 704 [58:37] [JWi]

Well produced and attractively presented this pairing of the works by Britten and his teacher is interesting and informative. ... see Full Review

Anton BRUCKNER (1824-1896) Symphony no. 4 in E flat (1878/1880 version, rev. 1886, Nowak edition) [55:58] Richard STRAUSS (1864-1949) Don Juan op. 20 (1888) [16:09] Kölner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester/Otto Klemperer rec. live, 5 April 1954 (Bruckner), 27 February 1956 (Strauss), Funkhaus, Saal 1, WDR Cologne MEDICI  ARTS MM001-2 [72:11][CH]

Altogether, I think this is a disc for confirmed admirers of the conductor. ... see Full Review

Anton BRUCKNER (1824-1896) Symphony No 8 in C Minor (1890 version, ed. Nowak) [87:20] Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra/Carlo Maria Giulini rec. 1984. DDD DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON 415 124-2 [33:25 +53:55] Anton BRUCKNER (1824-1896) Symphony No 8 in C Minor (1887 version, ed. Haas) [82:06] Richard WAGNER (1813-1883) Siegfried-Idyll (1870) [19:28]* Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra/Herbert von Karajan rec. 1976, 1977*. ADD DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON 419 196-2 [58:15 + 43:47][TP]

Giulini's conception of Bruckner's 8th is immense, while Karajan conjures beautiful sounds from his orchestra that are impossible to resist. ... see Full Review

Anton BRUCKNER (1824-1896) Symphony no. 9 in D minor Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino della RAI/Sergiu Celibidache rec. 1969, Turin OPUS ARTE OA 0976 D [62:00][CH]

This performance impresses by its inexorable growth  ... see Full Review

Anton BRUCKNER (1824-1896) Symphony No.3 in D minor (1877) [51:10] Symphony No.4 in E flat Romantic (1878-80) [60:33] Symphony No.5 in B flat major (1876) [60:51] Symphony No.7 in E major (1881-84) [62:50]Symphony No.8 in C minor (1884-87, rev. 1889-90) [78:30] Symphony No.9 in D minor, (1891-1896) [55:10] Richard WAGNER (1813-1883) Götterdämmerung; Siegfried’s Rhine Journey (1876) [10:03] Parsifal; Prelude Act I (1882)[13:59] Franz LISZT (1811-1886) Les Preludes [16:40] Bavarian State Opera, recorded Munich, October 1954 [No.3] Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, recorded Baden-Baden, September 1944 [No.4] Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, recorded June 1956 [No.5] Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, recorded Salzburg, August 1949 [No.7] Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, recorded Berlin, January 1951 [No.8] Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, recorded Berlin, January 1950 [No.9] Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, recorded Vienna, May 1940 (Siegfried’s Rhine Journey) Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, recorded Berlin, January 1941 (Liszt) Orchestra of the German Opera, Berlin, recorded, March 1942 (Parsifal) Hans Knappertsbusch ANDROMEDA ANDRCD 9010 [6 CDs: 77:46 + 60:33 + 74:42 + 62:50 +78:30 + 55:10] [JW]

The performances are in the main of outstanding power and eloquence. ... see Full Review

Albertus BRYNE (c.1621-1668) Keyboard Music Toletole [00:59] Suite in a minor [05:08] Suite in F [02:53] Suite in d minor [05:55] Suite in D [06:54] Suite in a minor [11:05] Suite in D [06:30] Suite in d minor [05:45] Saraband [01:06] Voluntary in a minor [02:47] Suite in D [05:23] Anon. Towle Towle [01:08] John BULL (c.1562-1628) Preludium [00:33] Anon. An Alman [01:32] The Earle of Oxfordes Gallene [01:09] Albertus BRYNE Totetole [00:58] A ground to ye organ or harpsichord [01:55] Christopher GIBBONS (1615-1676) 3 Voluntaries for the single organ: Voluntary in A [01:20] Verse for ye single organ in D [02:47] Verse in F [02:30] Terence Charlston (harpsichord, organ, spinet) rec. July 2006, Holy Trinity Church, Weston, Hitchin; November 2006, St Botolph's, Aldgate UK. DDD DEUX-ELLES DXL1124 [68:26] [JV]

An important link between the English virginalists and the harpsichord composers of the late 17th century. This excellent recording proves he was a fine composer in his own right ... see Full Review

Ferruccio BUSONI (1866-1924) Zwei Lieder (1879-90) [6:43] Album Vocale (1880-4) [14:42] Zwei altdeutsche Lieder (1884) [3:45] Hebräische Lieder (1884) [7:47] Zwei Lieder (1885) [6:34] Der Sängers Fluch (1878) [17:34] Goethe-Lieder (1918-1924) [10:19] Reminiscenza Rossiniana (1924) [1:39] Martin Bruns (baritone); Ulrich Eisenlohr (piano) rec. Munich, September 2004. DDD NAXOS 8.557245 [69:03] [ED]

With passable but hardly world-beating performances this release is only for those fully intent on exploring a by-way of lieder repertoire ... see Full Review

George BUTTERWORTH (1885-1916) Two English Idylls [4:58 + 4:32] The Banks of Green Willow [5:33] A ‘Shropshire Lad’ Rhapsody [8:35] Peter WARLOCK (1894-1930) An Old Song for small orchestra [5:56] Patrick HADLEY (1899-1973) One Morning in Spring - Rhapsody for small orchestra [3:54] Herbert HOWELLS (1892-1983) Procession [4:51] Merry-eye * [8:50] Elegy for viola, string quartet and string orchestra * [9:05] Music for a Prince * [7:11 + 5:17]: Corydon’s Dance; Scherzo in Arden London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Adrian Boult * Herbert Downes (viola); Desmond Bradley, Gillian Eastwood (violins); Albert Cayzer (viola); Norman Jones (cello) New Philharmonia Orchestra/Sir Adrian Boult rec. 1970, 1979, 1977. ADD LYRITA SRCD.245 [68.46] [RB]

There is nothing found wanting about the present release. … see Full Review

Dieterich BUXTEHUDE (1637–1707) Wacht! Euch zum Streit gefasset macht [136.55] Caroline Stam (soprano) Orlanda Velez Isidro (soprano) Johannette Zomer (soprano) Robin Blaze (alto) Andreas Karasiak (tenor) Klaus Mertens (bass) Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra and Choir/Ton Koopman rec. September 2005, Wallse Kerk, Amsterdam. DDD CHALLENGE RECORDS CC72241 [74.28 + 62.27] [RH]

Can be highly recommended for anyone with an interest in the music of this period. ... see Full Review

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