Polifonia Athenaeum and The Cultural Organization of the Rhodes Municipality are inviting you to take part in the 5th Rhodes INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL in the frame of which will take place the 5th International Choir Competition and the 5th International Lyric Soloist Competition from 30 April to 3 May 2003 in the beautiful Island of the Sun and the Light on the Mediterranean Sea, the Exotic R h o d e s 5th Rhodes INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL 5th INTERNATIONAL CHOIR COMPETITION 5th INTERNATIONAL LYRIC SOLOIST COMPETITION UNDER THE AEGIS OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF RHODES Organized by: ¯ Polifonia Athenaeum ¯ Cultural Organization of the Rhodes Municipality Artistic Director Dr. Thrassos Cavouras Organizing Committee: Manolis Antonoglou, President of the Cultural Org. Philip Papanikolaou, Director of the Cultural Org. Katholiki Kastrouni, Manifestations' Manager Ada Karagianni, Public Relations of the Cultural Org. Helen Gianna, Publicity of the Cultural Org. Assimeni Agha-Papaemmanouel Michel Valerios John Papavlassopoulos. Secretary General Alexander Bassis, Program Co-ordinator Dimitris Choupas, treasurer George Zaharopoulos, Local Executive Tony Tsafos, Athenian Correspondent 5th Rhodes INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL 5th INTERNATIONAL CHOIR COMPETITION 5th INTERNATIONAL LYRIC SOLOIST COMPETITION 30 April - 3 May 2003 Polifonia Athenaeum and the Cultural Organization of the Rhodes Municipality are announcing that from 30 of April to 3 of May 2003 will take place the 5th Rhodes International Music Festival in which are included the 5th International Choir Competition and the 5th International Lyric Soloist Competition. The Organizers are opening the Gates of Rhodes, the Island of the Sun and the Light, to every Choir or Lyric Soloist, all over the World, which desires to perform its cultural work and the folk music of its country in Hellas (Greece) of Unified Europe.
I. 5th INTERNATIONAL CHOIR COMPETITION CHOIR COMPETITION CATEGORIES AND COMPULSORY WORKS The competition is to be held in 6 (six) Categories: A Category: Mixed Choirs, with a minimum of 18 (eighteen) singers. The maximum of singers is not limited. Choirs are to perform 1 (one) compulsory work (chosen among the three suggested below) and 2 (two) freely selected works a cappella or one a cappella and one accompanied by piano, if this is the original version by the composer. The performance of the two freely selected works should not exceed 8 (eight) minutes totally. Compulsory works (out of these four works, one has to be chosen) 1. CLAUDIO MONTEVERDI (1567-1643). Sovra Tenere herbette. Madrigal. For five voices a cappella, in Italian. 2. TOMÁS LUIS DE VICTORIA (1548-1611). Vere Languores Nostros. Motet. For four voices a cappella, in Latin. 3. FRANCIS POULENC (1899-1963). Exultate Deo. Motet. For four voices a cappella, in Latin. B Category: Equal Voices, (Men's or Women's Choirs) with a minimum of 18 (eighteen) singers. The maximum of singers is not limited. Choirs are to perform 1 (one) compulsory work (chosen among the two suggested below) and 2 (two) freely selected works a cappella or one a cappella and one accompanied by piano, if this is the original version by the composer. The performance of the two freely selected works should not exceed 8 (eight) minutes totally. Compulsory works (out of these two works, one has to be chosen) For Male Choirs (B1) 1. FELIX MENDELSSOHN - BARTHOLDY (1809-1847). Periti autem / Es strahlen hell die Gerechten. For four voices a cappella, in Latin or German. 2. FRANZ SCHUBERT (1797-1828). Grab und Mond. For four voices a cappella, in German. For Female Choirs (B2) 1. GIOVANI PIERLUIGI DA PALESTRINA (1525-1594). Pleni Sunt Coeli. Motet. For three voices a cappella, in Latin. 2. ROBERT SCHUMANN (1810-1856). Jäger Wohlgemuth. For four voices with piano accompaniment, in German. C Category: Chamber Vocal Ensembles, (Mixed, Men's or Women's Ensembles) with a minimum of 3 (three) singers. The maximum is 16 (sixteen) singers. Choirs are to perform 1 (one) compulsory work (chosen among the two suggested below) and 2 (two) freely selected works a cappella or one a cappella and one accompanied by piano, if this is the original version by the composer. The performance of the two freely selected works should not exceed 8 (eight) minutes totally. Compulsory works (out of these two works, one has to be chosen) For Mixed Ensembles (C1) 1. JOSEPH HAYDN (1732-1809). Coeli enarrant. For four voices a cappella, in Latin. 2. HUGO WOLF (1860-1903). Resignation. For four voices a cappella, in German or English. For Male Ensembles (C2) 1. FRANZ SCHUBERT (1797-1828). Lied im Freien. For four voices a cappella, in German. 2. ANTON BRÜCKNER (1824-1896). Inveni David. For four voices a cappella, in Latin. For Female Ensembles (C3) 1. ROBERT SCHUMANN (1810-1856). Nänie. For three voices with piano accompaniment, in German. 2. KOCSÁR MIKLÓS (XX c.). Salve Regina. For three voices a cappella, in Latin. D Category: Youth Choirs. Choirs with mixed voices with a maximum age of 24 (twenty four) years, can take part. The minimum of singers is 16 (sixteen). The maximum of singers is not limited. Choirs are to perform 1 (one) compulsory work (chosen among the two suggested below) and 2 (two) freely selected works a cappella or with the accompaniment of piano, if this is the original version of the composer. The performance of the two freely selected works should not exceed 8 (eight) minutes totally. Compulsory works (out of these two works, one has to be chosen) 1. LUDOVICO GROSSI DA VIADANA (1564-1645). Exul-tate Justi. For four voices a cappella, in Latin. 2. EDVARD GRIEG (1843-1907). Ave Maris Stella. For four voices a cappella, in Latin. E Category: Children's Choirs. Choirs with boys or girls or mixed voices with a maximum age of 18 (eighteen) years, can take part. The minimum of singers is 16 (sixteen). The maximum of singers is not limited. Choirs are to perform 1 (one) compulsory work (chosen among the two suggested below) and 2 (two) freely selected works a cappella or with the accompaniment of piano or with the accompaniment of three maximum musical instruments. The performance of the two freely selected works should not exceed 8 (eight) minutes totally. Compulsory works (out of these two works, one has to be chosen) 1. EDMUND WALTERS (XX c.). The Bells. For three voices with piano accompaniment, in English. 2. BENJAMIN BRITTEN (1913-1976). Wolcum Yole. For three voices with piano accompaniment, in English or German. F Category: Folklore Choirs. In this Category Choirs with a minimum of 8 singers can participate. The maximum of singers is not limited. Choirs are to perform 2 (two) freely selected folk songs, original or arranged, a cappella or with the accompaniment of piano or musical instruments, brought by the members of the choirs. At least one of the two works should be a folk song of the Choir's own country. The performance of the two freely selected works should not exceed 8 (eight) minutes total. Judging the Choirs All Choirs, in all Categories, will be judged by an International Judging Committee (I.J.C.), which will be composed from internationally well known experts. The members of the I.J.C. will be appointed by the Artistic Management of the Festival. Especially in F Category (Folklore Choirs) the I.J.C. will reward the 6 (six) best Choirs (if the participant Choirs in this Category are at least 10, otherwise the I.J.C. will decide how many Choirs will be awarded in this Category), without giving points or other notes as in other Categories. II. RULES OF CHOIR COMPETITION 1. The competition is open to Mixed, Men's, Women's, Youth, Children's Choirs, Chamber Vocal Ensembles and Folklore Choirs too. 2. Choirs competing in Categories A, B, C, D or E have the possibility to participate in Category E (folklore) too, but only with one of their sections. 3. Sections of Mixed Choirs may participate in the competition in B Category (Equal Voices) as well as to the competition in C Category (Chamber Vocal Ensembles). Sections of the Choirs participating in B Category (Equal Voices) may participate in C Category (Chamber Vocal Ensembles) too. A Choir participating in more than one Categories should perform different freely selected works with each section. A Choir cannot participate with more than five (5) different sections in the Festival. 4. Is not necessary for the compulsory work to be declared in before to the Organizing Committee or the I.J.C. During the competition, the compulsory work should be performed FIRST. 5. Freely selected works which will be declared by the Choirs, once they have been accepted by the Artistic Management of the Festival, can not be replaced after the registration deadline. Compulsory works of the Competition cannot be chosen us free selected in another Category. 6. Members of a Choir participating in the competition are not allowed to sing with another Choir, also participating in the competition and in the same Category. This limitation is not valid for Choir Conductors. 7. Children's Choirs have to register as autonomous ensembles, even if they come under a music association participating with an adult section. Exception on this is, if, and only if, a Children's Choir is a section of a Youth Choir. 8. There are no limitations on the professionally of the singers in a Choir participating in the Festival. 9. Time for applause between the two freely selected works does not count as part of the 8 minutes limit for these two works. 10. The competitive performances will take place in well known concert halls in Rhodes at the presence of audience. III. JURY AND JUDGING 1. The I.J.C. will be formed by 3 (three) at least members in each Category. 2. The announcement of the results (mark evaluation) will take place in the presence of audience and after the end of all the competitive. These results, after the announcement, are definite and final. Objections from the side of the Choirs, about rules breaking, must be submitted to the Artistic Management of the Festival before the announcement of the results. The Choirs will have the facility - after a written request - to get the notes and suggestions of the I.J.C., after the end of the Festival. 3. Each performance will be judged by the following criteria: a) Technique. b) Intonation. c) Interpretation. d) Quality level of the freely selected works. 4. Each member of the I.J.C. will award the performance of each work with a maximum of 100 points. The final total score for each Choir in a specific Category will be made up by the average of the scores that each Choir has been awarded and can go up to 100 points maximum. 5. In case that a choir is exceeding the limited programme time, given for the freely selected works, the I.J.C. will decrease 5 (five) points per 30 (thirty) seconds the final score of the Choir. IV. AWARDS According to the final classification, the I.J.C. will award the following prizes. 1. Diplomas and Medals In A, B, C, D and E Categories medals and diplomas will be awarded in case of a Choir which will collect at least 65 points final mark as it follows: a) from 85 up to 100 points Gold Medal and Diploma b) from 75 to 85 points Silver Medal and Diploma c) from 65 to 75 points Bronze medal and Diploma All Choirs will get a Certificate of Participation. 2. Prizes a) The first classified Choir in each one of the Categories A, B, C, D and E, with a final mark of 85 points at least, will be awarded First Prize with a symbolic artistic composition with the Emblem of the City of Rhodes, plus the amount of Euro 500 (five hundred). This prize is unique in each one of the A, B, C, D and E Categories and leads the Choir, which will get it, to the final competitive procedure for the "GRAND PRIX". b) The National Award, that concerns only to Hellenic Choirs and will be given to the Best Hellenic Choir. c) The choir which will be judged by the I.J.C. as the best Choir of the Festival, after a competitive procedure among the Choirs with First Price, will be awarded the "GRAND PRIX" of the City of Rhodes, which is the Top Prize of Honour. This procedure will take place on stage after the end of all the competitive performances. Each one of the candidate Choirs for the Grand Prix will perform a freely selected program with a maximum duration of 8 (eight) minutes. To the Choir, which will achieve the GRAND PRIX of the City of Rhodes, will be given:
d) In F Category (folklore), according to the judgement of the I.J.C., each one of the 6 (six) best Choirs will be awarded a special prize. These prizes are equivalent. e) The I.J.C. may award further special prizes too, plus a special prize for the Choir which comes from the farthest away country. 3. Souvenirs All Choirs participating in the 5th International Choir Competition of Rhodes, will get a Greek artistic composition with the Emblem of the City of Rhodes. In addition each of their Conductors separately will receive such a composition. 4. Awarding of Prizes All prizes will be given during the Closing Ceremony in the presence of audience and officials. All the Directors of the Choirs must be present in this Ceremony. V. 5th INTERNATIONAL LYRIC SOLOIST COMPETITION Category G - Lyric Soloists G1 - Soprano solo. G2 - Mezzo Soprano or Contralto solo. G3 - Tenor solo. G4 - Baritone or Bass solo. Men or women not older than 40 years can participate. Each Soloist has to perform two freely selected works from the categories mentioned bellow: ¯ an "aria antica" or a lied and ¯ an operatic aria by any composer. These works should not exceed the limit of twelve (12) minutes totally. Qualifications are not asked for from the participants.
The date of the post office seal will count as the submission date for the application. Till the end of January 2003 the Organizing Committee will announce the final list of participants in G Category. Application forms should be followed by: a) a "curriculum vitae", b) four (4) copies of each work, c) a recent recording with a sample of the voice (with piano accompaniment) of the candidate of at least one work of his (her) choice, d) a clear photo, e) participation fee EURO 200 by crediting the account No 364 - 002101 - 018653 of the ALPHA BANK, branch 364 Panormou, Athens – Hellas, under the name JOHN PAPAVLASSOPOULOS or by cheque ordered to JOHN PAPAVLASOPOULOS (our Secretary General). If a Soloist withdraws for any reason, the participation fee will not be refunded. On the contrary, the participation fee will be refunded in case that the Organizing Committee will not accept the participation of a Soloist because of participation overflow. The Festival provides pianists, in case a Soloist can΄t have his own pianist in Rhodes. The Soloists should fill the application form accordingly. If the number of the participants is sufficient, there will be a preliminary competition, from which six (6) participants will be proclaimed as finalists. These finalists will compete (on the same or two new works of their choice and according to the above mentioned rules) for the three prizes in this Category. No marks will be given in this Category. The I.J.C. will award a First, a Second and a Third Prize, followed by diplomas and the amounts of Euro 400, 250 and 150 respectively. The First Prize will be also followed by a valuable art composition plus written congratulations signed by the I.J.C., which will be an additional aid towards the ascending career of the Soloist. All the participants in this Category will be guests of the Organizing Committee for three days in a good hotel of Rhodes on half board basis and in double rooms (Thursday 01/05, Friday 02/05 and Saturday 03/05/2003). The Soloists will pay all travel expenses to and from Rhodes. If his own pianist will accompany a Soloist, the Soloist will pay all travel and accommodation expenses concerning the pianist (or any other escort). VI. THE LAST DAY OF THE FESTIVAL CLOSING CEREMONY AND CONCERT The last day of the Festival, Saturday 3 May 2003, is dedicated to the procedure for the proclamation of the Best Hellenic Choir and the Best Choir of the Festival, The GRAND PRIX of the City of Rhodes. This top prize will set up and awarded by the Mayor of Rhodes. In that day will take place all awards, folklore dancing performances and a short concert given by Soloists with a discretion in the Competition. At the end, Singers of the Festival will perform the "Va pensiero" choral from Nabuco by G. Verdi and «Alleluia» from the Messiah of G. F. Händel. With this performance will end the Closing Ceremony and the 5th RHODES INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL. VII. CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION 1. All the Choirs are to be charged with travelling and accommodation fees. Transportation of the Choirs from their Countries to Rhodes and vice-versa is of their own responsibility.
Choirs that are not following this basic term of the Regulation, is impossible to participate in the Festival. Choirs will have the advantage of extremely low prices for their stay in Rhodes, through the Organizing Committee, which provides also: a) Free escorts to attend the Choir during its stay. b) Free transportation from the Rhodes airport to the hotel and vice-versa. c) Free transportation from the hotel to the theatre and vice-versa for the performances of the Choir. d) Free entrance to all performances during the Festival for Singers, Conductors and Choir Representatives.
2. The Organizing Committee will cut down the number of the participant Choirs, to be able to offer the best services for all the needs of the Festival.
The date of the post office seal will count as the submission date for the application. Till the end of January 2003 the Organizing Committee will announce the final list of participants in all Categories. Applications must be accompanied by: a) Scores of the freely selected works, five (5) copies each. b) A recent recording of a performance of the Choir. c) A recent photograph of the Choir. d) A brief summary of the activity of the Choir up to date. e) participation fee EURO 500 by crediting the account No 364 - 002101 - 018653 of the ALPHA BANK, branch 364 Panormou, Athens – Hellas, under the name JOHN PAPAVLASSOPOULOS or by cheque ordered to JOHN PAPAVLASOPOULOS (our Secretary General). If a Choir withdraws for any reason, the participation fee will not be refunded. On the contrary, the participation fee will be refunded in case that the Organizing Committee will not accept the participation of a Choir because of participation overflow. If one of the above is missing, the application will not be taken to account. The Organizing Committee had to take measures about that, in order to avoid malfunctions in the efforts for a perfectly organized Festival. 4. All the Choirs have to know that, for safety and organi-zing reasons, the Organizing Committee is choosing safety and close to each other high level hotels of three (***), four (****) and five (*****) stars, situated in the best and most beautiful places in Rhodes. Five stars hotels are providing swimming pool, big exotic gardens and in general V.I.P. level facilities. The conditions in all the hotels provided by the Organizing Committee are distinguished by comfort and safety. These hotels are offered to the members of the Choirs and their escorts at very low prices comparatively to the normal ones. These low prices are guaranteed by the Organizing Committee.
5. The Organizing Committee do not undertake to organize concerts before or after the Festival for the participant Choirs (with free or not entrance), in Rhodes or elsewhere. 6. Additional information about the stay, the program and the opening and closing ceremonies will be sent to the participants the latest 30 days before the opening of the Festival. 7. Scores of the compulsory works will be sent immediately by the Organizing Committee after receiving the Application, followed by all the other requested documents. This fact does not constitute confirmation for the final acceptance of the participation of a Choir. 8. Priority on sending the application will measure out for the final acceptance of a Choir. VII. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. During their stay in Rhodes, Choirs, taking part in the Festival, are not allowed to give concerts elsewhere without the permission of the Artistic Management of the Festival. 2. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to invite famous Choirs or Dancing Ensembles for non competitive performances, or a Symphony Orchestra. 3. Broadcasting and Radio companies from Hellas (Greece) and other countries authorised by the organizers, may record the performances, without any claim from the part of the participants. 4. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to make minor changes in the Rules of Competition, should unexpected technical, organizational or artistic problems emerge. All Choirs concerned will be informed in time about any change. 5. It is suggested to the Choirs, to submit the applications as soon as possible. This will help the organizers for the exemplary preparation of the Festival. 6. All participating Choirs are to accept the rules and conditions described above. 7. During the Festival some excursions and tours will be carried out in some parts of the Country, with special tourist and archaeological interest. The programs for these excursions can be found in the last two pages. Luxurious coaches or planes will be used for these excursions and they will be accompanied by professional guides speaking the language the excursionists wish. If the members of a Choir are interested in such excursions, they have to declare accordingly in the Application. 8. Choirs that wish to extend their stay in Hellas (Greece), giving eventually at the same time private concerts in other cities or islands of Hellas (according to the two or more days excursions), should inform the Organizing Committee, at least three months before the opening of the Festival. Declaring early such a wish, will help the Organizing Committee. 9. Participation of a Choir in the 5th R.I.M.F. presupposes the full acceptance of all the terms of this Regulation from the side of the Choir. 10. All correspondence (application, question forms, further questions etc.) must be sent to the address bellow:
Tel. : (+3010) 6080119 - 6014741 - 7668970 Fax : (+3010) 6018841 - 6009204 - 7668743 e-mail : choir_competition@hotmail.com (or rama@compulink.gr) Sincerely yours THE ORGANIZERS OF THE FESTIVAL Excursions and Tours during the Festival Half or full day tours/excursions 1st Program: City tour of Rhodes and visit of the most interesting sights around the town (half day). 2nd Program: Excursion and visit to the famous ancient City of Lindos and it's bright coast (full day). 3rd Program: Excursion and visit of the traditional and beautiful island of Simi (full day). 4th Program: Visit to the archaeological sight Camiros (ancient city). Possibility for swimming (half day). 5th Program: Visit of the sacred sight of Filerimos (ancient Monasteries, Churches etc. - half day). 6th Program: Visit to the unique Butterflies' Park (half day). 7th Program: Excursion and visit to the famous island of Kos (the island of Hippokrates - full day). Note: At the period in which the Festival is taking place, the weather conditions in Rhodes are perfect. Sunshine, tempe-rature about 20 degrees Celsius and perfect conditions for swimming at the beach. Two or more days excursions (at the beginning or at the end of your travel in Hellas) 8th Program: Stop-over in Athens. City tour in Athens (Acropolis, Archaeological Museum etc.) and sights of Piraeus. Excursions and visit of Cape Sounion, Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus (chance for a vocal test) and Ancient Mycenae. Cruise in Saronikos bay (four days program). 9th Program: Stop-over in Athens. City tour (Athens and Piraeus). Excursion and visit to the Ancient Olympia, where the Olympic Games started 2,500 years ago. Possibility for a run of a concert in the city of Tripolis (three days). 10th Program: Stop-over in Athens. City tour (Athens and Piraeus). Excursion and visit to Kalambaka and the famous mountain-rocks of Meteora, where many Monasteries are located (North Hellas - three days program). 11th Program: Stop-over in Athens. City tour (Athens Piraeus). Excursion and visit to Delphi and St. Lucas Monastery (two days program). 12th Program: Stop over in Athens. City tour (Athens and Piraeus). Excursion and visit to Thessaloniki, the City of Alexander the Great and capital of Macedonia, by air (three days program). 13th Program: Stop-over in Athens. City tour (Athens and Piraeus). Excursion and visit to the beautiful island of Santorini with it's famous wines and volcano (unique view and sunset), by air (three days program). 14th Program: Stop-over in Athens. City tour (Athens and Piraeus). Excursion and visit to the famous island of Corfu, by air (three days program). 15th Program: Stop-over in Athens. City tour (Athens and Piraeus). Excursion and visit to Cape-Sounion with it's famous ancient temple of Poseidon, the God of the Sea (two days program). 16th Program: Evening entertainment in the old part of the City of Rhodes (the Old Castle) or Athens (Plaka - the Old City) respectively, with Hellenic traditional food, music and dances. The price for all these programs will be announced with a circular, later on, and will be much lower than the market ones.